LordFauker Grade A Fucking Asshole

To all this post is directed at LordFauker only. These are my opinions only and do not express opinions of anyone else on this forum in any city, state or country. To the Mods, If I break any of the posting rules for this post I will accept whatever punishment your deem appropriate. A bully should not be allowed to prowl these boards and make the disrespectful comments he makes

What do you think gives you the right to post some of you asshole fucking comments on these forums about these women who you have never seen. Are you such a fucking illiterate Bully, such a low life coward you have to make degrading and humiliating comments to any of the women on this board to make yourself look like the Big Shot. What makes you think you are so supreme over these ladies you can make those types of comments. Do you think anyone appreciates that kind on bullshit from some fucking nobody like you. If you do, then your not only and asshole your stupid too.

You have not been with or reviewed any of the ladies on this board. But you feel you can bring your grade A asshole, illiterate, BackPage bullshit and post here. Fuck you get off the board. If you have something negative to say about one of the ladies put it in a review where it is supposed to be. Oh Yea I forgot, YOU HAVE NOT SEEN ANY LADIES ON THIS BOARD. With that in mind shut the fuck up! None of these ladies want to be degraded and called names by a fucking asshole coward and a bully.

Just so you know this message is presented by bc287887. Bully me you cocksucker, any fucking time you want, Call me names motherfucker any time you want and leave the ladies alone. Or better yet stay in your slum on the southside and just shut the fuck up and get off this forum. I cant speak for anyone but myself but you are not welcome here, you have no place here, you do not contribute to this forum in any way. So just in case I did not make myself clear, Shut the fuck up and get off the board. Or, Bigshot bully me you fucking asshole.
Captain Save a Hoe like a MFer!

Bro... its the internet...
This is going to go great.
Yea, lets see where this goes. I might want to check while I can. I may have banned under my name by the end of the day.
Yup Still-Naughty it is the internet! Take a look at his post. Maybe I am the asshole but I am not cowardly enough to pick on women. So flame me, shame me, praise me, ban me or whatever. Just sayin bro........
Or....No offense to the ladies, Maybe he should start sucking dicks for a living and post his pic on here for us to ridicule him.
You have received an infraction at ECCIE Worldwide.

Reason: Unnecessary Rudeness

OK, OK, I am sorry I was rude. NOT!
Who gave you the infraction notice?
Dorian Gray's Avatar
In the distance. Do you hear that? No? How bout now. Definitely. You have to hear that. It's the unmistakable sound of the Waaaaaaaaaaaa-mbulance

citizen44's Avatar
So LordFauker is Wakeups mandle?
LaudFacker is a BP BBW pimp and will bad mouth any ladies that do not wish to work for him. You can add him to NubianPimp and Island Gent as certified ghetto pimps.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
If my memory serves me correctly he mentioned how "ugly" I was on one of my reviews which struck me as odd because none of his reviews were of beach body, HDH's so I couldn't figure out why I was so appalling to him.
  • pxmcc
  • 09-08-2016, 12:17 PM
I didn't read any of this but LF is a well established multi-handle BP Pimp to a stable of BBWs.

I didn't read any of this but LF is a well established multi-handle BP Pimp to a stable of BBWs. Originally Posted by pxmcc
LaudFacker is a BP BBW pimp and will bad mouth any ladies that do not wish to work for him. You can add him to NubianPimp and Island Gent as certified ghetto pimps. Originally Posted by Back2HoustonHobby
i dunno how true that is

but it's funny as fuck nonetheless