I got duped!

I been resisting above writing bad reviews for quite some time now and before I do I like to hear the opinion of well established providers/hobbies. Should I dismissed? write it as a loss and move forward and denied my fellow hobbies valuable info that could prevent then from falling in the same cunning deceitful game without warnings? or should I pull the trigger?
I'll appreciate all response, thx.
This board is about communication!

Just state the facts, do not make it personal
lily blake's Avatar
What happened?
If the provider allows reviews, then I would say write one for sure!

Be as accurate as you can in describing your experience, be specific in your comments as to what occurred, be honest and state facts. Doing this will help others and enable them to make a better decision and judgment call on whether or not they want to see said provider. I wouldn't include anything in there that tells them not to see her, sharing what happened to you is really the most important part of a review.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Let it hang out in the wind yet be honest.....
Chung Tran's Avatar
If the provider allows reviews, then I would say write one for sure!
Originally Posted by PleasantSurprise
if the provider allows reviews? what kind of pussy-whipped response is this? I realize you are a provider, but y'all don't get a say whether you are reviewed or not.

OP, write the review...I don't want to turn my pussy-whipped comment towards you

See my comment in the Lounge, Forniman. It's right after your last post in the lounge.
if the provider allows reviews? what kind of pussy-whipped response is this? I realize you are a provider, but y'all don't get a say whether you are reviewed or not. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Your post comes across as snarky. There's no need to be rude when in disagreement with someone. This is an info sharing community, we should grasp onto differences and learn as much as we can from one another.

In my opinion, providers can ask you directly to not write a review.

As a client, you can respect these wishes and refrain from writing, or you can proceed as you normally would and write one.

As for Eccie, you may want to steer your questions and concerns to a moderator. According to this one....

Its very easy to have a no review policy here , all you have to do is formally request it and its done , but in having a no review policy the showcase and ad posting are taken away as well . You are only allowed to post in regular forums , just let us know what you decide . Originally Posted by LaStang
More here...

Implementing a No Review "Policy"
Oh fucking puleeeeeze. Snarky? What is this, the polictically correct don't write reviews board? Pleasant Surprise, your info sharing community becomes a non-sharing community when some pussy whipped or just plain pussy mofo won't write a review. A lady here was recently "victimized" and shorted and it ruined her whole day because, oh dear, maybe her no review policy reared up on it's hind legs and bit her on the ass.

My feeling is either write the fucking review or not, don't waste bandwidth waffling about it in public. Man up or go home. Even better, WWPFMTD. Send a PM to PrettyFuckingMarvelousTony and see how he'd avoid it.

What Chung Tran said. Bajeebus, it's not rocket science and no one here can kill you and eat you.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Here we go again.
OldGrump's Avatar
I understand some ladies not wanting reviews but those I know of deliver stellar service and have enough reviews to accurately describe their sessions.

Now if a lady gives a bad session, her "no review" policy should not be used to hide the fact that her existing reviews may not be representative of her sessions. In that case, a review would be in order.
Oh fucking puleeeeeze. Snarky? What is this, the polictically correct don't write reviews board? Pleasant Surprise, your info sharing community becomes a non-sharing community when some pussy whipped or just plain pussy mofo won't write a review. A lady here was recently "victimized" and shorted and it ruined her whole day because, oh dear, maybe her no review policy reared up on it's hind legs and bit her on the ass. Originally Posted by phildo
1... Which part of my previous posts you are in disagreement with?
Maybe if you were to quote something I said and state where you disagree, that might help me to better understand your position.

2... I'm the wrong person to get angry with, because even if you do convince me that a no review policy is bullshit, it'll be a complete waste of time because Eccie will still offer a no review policy. I am nothing more than a registered user. I'm not a board owner or moderator, I'm not even a verified provider.

I understand some ladies not wanting reviews but those I know of deliver stellar service and have enough reviews to accurately describe their sessions.

Now if a lady gives a bad session, her "no review" policy should not be used to hide the fact that her existing reviews may not be representative of her sessions. In that case, a review would be in order. Originally Posted by OldGrump
I agree with you on both of your points.

My feeling is either write the fucking review or not, don't waste bandwidth waffling about it in public. Originally Posted by phildo
I like consuming bandwidth.
ManSlut's Avatar
The 'No' review is the most important review to write...

I will make an assumption based on the limited information you have provided - You didn't get a session close to what you thought you were going to get and you absolutely would not see this provider again. Now, if you had come across a review by someone else describing the exact scenario you just had with this provider before you pulled the trigger to see her and it caused you to change your mind and protect your money, which is what this all about, wouldn't you be grateful that dude before you wrote an honest, factual review?

By not writing it and starting this thread, I will always look at you in a different light, like maybe your reviews are for your ego and not for information sharing. My criteria is if you would not pay to see this provider again for whatever reasons it should be a 'No'. Most of the dudes are smart enough to decide whether it is a hard 'No' or maybe just a YMMV situation. The ladies shouldn't influence your review especially if they weren't there.

Now if you have a malicious intent to hurt her business then that is wrong, but if it is honest and factual and she is mature about handling her business she will fix her problem. If not, fuck her, and let the chips fall where they fall.

You won't look good in my eyes if don't write it now though. If you were wavering you should have kept it to yourself...IJS
Mojojo's Avatar
OP your choice, remember she earns what you give her. A no review doesn't necessarily destroy a providers rep. There are numerous reviews across the board where the the no recommendation was simply suggested because the hobbyist and provider just lacked the chemistry or service was great just not what the OP expected. The details make up the review.