Out of town hobbyists

Ollie Pop's Avatar
I often find myself in a different state or city from time to time and will try to have a nice time with some of the lovely ladies. I have long admired the gorgeous women and great variety that Dallas has to offer. Sent a few PMs trying to set something up, pre-screen, etc, but not having much success. My PMs are respectful, and I have plenty of reviews (some even in Dallas). Can anyone comment on what is a more successful approach?
Mojojo's Avatar
P411 is another option you might want to explore. I'm always in Dallas and it works quite well for me.
P411 is another option you might want to explore. I'm always in Dallas and it works quite well for me. Originally Posted by Mojojo
P411 is wonderful. Appointment requests that can be sent via p411 are golden and much easier than reading through a bunch of messages sometimes. There are a lot of ladies here in Dallas that thrive on p411.

Ollie Pop, if you don't have p411, perhaps you could ask a provider that you have seen before to give you a referral to p411. I believe that you get a trial membership before paying any big money to keep it going.
bigclitluvr's Avatar
I also travel a lot. You did not say what the problem was (are they turning you down, are they just not responding, etc...). As far as contacting them, are you sending reference information with first PM, or just "hey I am interested" type of PM? Are you contacting one provider, or multiple?

I like to do research (search through showcases, read reviews, read through local Coed section, etc...), and usually come up with several I am interested. I usually will send PM with reference information, and ask to be screened. I travel to the same cities over and over; so I will send same PM to all I am interested in seeing. If a provider takes the time to screen me, and I don't see her, I make it a point to send them a PM thanking them, and then try to see them on my next trip!

Here are some of the problems I have either experienced or have hear about:
1) Some providers don't respond quickly. I have had some respond a month later! I don't hold it against them, and will still keep them on my radar. Not all providers are checking ECCIE PMs that often (could be busy, on vacation, etc...), and even though I hope my references respond back timely, the real world is they might not (could be busy, on vacation, etc...). So I move on to the ones who do respond!
2) Some providers don't want to screen you. Even though they say screening is required, and you give them screening information, they don't really want to bother with the hassle of how involved screening can be. They are busy and just want to schedule appointments. In my case, sometimes I am sending information too far out for them, lets say 3 weeks out. If this is the case, they might not respond, or if they do its to say contact them when my trip gets closer. Depending on how interested I am in seeing her, I will contact again.
3) If you show a reference who they do not like, they will not respond to you. I know this sounds crazy, but a lot of providers have strong feeling about other providers. Either they had a bad personal experience with them, or they really don't like the provider and won't see anyone who has seen them (examples: if they feel they are a crack head, if they are a shemale, etc...) Usually they don't want the drama of explaining, and feel by not responding, they are avoiding it. In this case they really should respond back and say they are not interested in seeing you, so you don't keep sending PMs. Again I don't hold it against them, I move on to who did respond!
4) They might not like that you have written a NO recommendation in a review of another provider. I know, I know, this is crazy also, but I have hear about this. Some providers are so interested in racking up YES reviews that they will not see a guy who wrote a No review. Again, they should respond back that they are not interested, so you don't send another PM. I would just move on to who has responded!
5) You might have posted in a thread something which turned them off to you. Maybe talked bad about another provider which they are friends with, or maybe about a topic they feel strong about, like providers who overcharge, etc... Again, they should respond back that they are not interested, so you don't send another PM. I would just move on to who has responded!

I could go on and on, but do you see the re-occurring theme here? Just move on to who has responded!
Ollie Pop's Avatar
Thanks guys. Looks like P411 is the ticket.. BCL, great summary. I am looking forward to getting to Dallas and will try to partake.. Again, I appreciate the comments.. Any other comments? Ladies?
pmdelites's Avatar
first of all, communicate w/ her via her desired media [pvt msg, email, p411, text]. if she doesnt state that, send via pvt msg and copy via email [indicating such in the text of your msg].

in my initial communication, after sucking up to her, errr, praising her and saying i'm intrigued by her, i state the general time frame that i'd like to meet with her, let her know how long i've been on eccie, let her know how long i've been on p411 and can send a request from there [either pre-screen or appt]. i give my email addr, but that's it. no p411 user name, no ph#, no real name, etc. i used to do that, but no more.

i usually end with something along the lines of "if you'd like to meet, let me know what else you need for screening and i'll do what i can to provide it."

if the woman doesnt reply [it happens!], i might send a note a few days later if i really want to visit her. but if she doenst reply again, i move her way down my gcho list and move on.

if she replies and asks for info that i'm not comfortable sharing w/ her, then i thank her for her time and move on. fortunately, that doesnt happen very much; maybe cos i've been in the hobby for many many many moons.

i hope you get to meet one of the dallas area women and have a deliteful time!