Pelosi stalls on impeachment vote

bambino's Avatar

Maybe indictments coming down the pike by the IG and Durhams investigations perhaps?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Squawk, squawk, squawk.
Oh nevermind, we haven't found an actual impeachment item yet. (Again)

Amusing that the "we'll go down for same stuff" keeps shutting them up. (Again).

Also amusing is that Pelosi is clearly tired of restraining the squawking dims and is letting them embarass themselves individually, but then steps in to save the day, again.
matchingmole's Avatar
Squawk, squawk, squawk.
Oh nevermind, we haven't found an actual impeachment item yet. (Again)

Amusing that the "we'll go down for same stuff" keeps shutting them up. (Again).

Also amusing is that Pelosi is clearly tired of restraining the squawking dims and is letting them embarass themselves individually, but then steps in to save the day, again. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

The phone transcripts are plenty
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The phone transcripts are plenty Originally Posted by matchingmole
. . . and the evidence is still snowballing down their own mountain.

MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports on how damning evidence against Trump in the Ukraine plot, keeps coming from his own employees, who have turned witnesses, and how that impacts House Dems potential impeachment vote.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The phone transcripts are plenty Originally Posted by matchingmole

show us the bribe? show us the quid pro quo. we'll wait.

it's online. a "man" for your vast intellect (sic) and resources can certainly find it yeah?
matchingmole's Avatar
show us the bribe? show us the quid pro quo. we'll wait.

it's online. a "man" for your vast intellect (sic) and resources can certainly find it yeah? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
no need
Quid pro quo not required
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
no need
Quid pro quo not required Originally Posted by matchingmole

if you say so.
matchingmole's Avatar
if you say so. Originally Posted by The_Waco_SKidMarks
I did
eccieuser9500's Avatar
'nuf said
matchingmole's Avatar
'nuf said Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The Dim's have lost perspective.
International politics is all about beating on another country, and kissing up to a third.
All's fair in love and war.
So Pelosi is bringing "witnesses" to the "impeachment inquiry." President Trump is unable to stop them.

Which means: They are basically Democrats. They've been "pre-interviewed."

These "witnesses" are interviewed behind closed doors. They are being deposed. The Republicans are either not allowed to ask questions or questions are very limited. The "whistleblower" isn't even going to testify.

Which means: President rights are being denied. No due process.
No ability to face their accuser. Executive Privilege not respected.

I've seen the end game the Dims are playing. Throw enough shit on the wall to see what sticks and hope the impeachment probe pays off. At some point, if the polling gets bad enough the Republicans will abandon him, especially the Senators.

Could it work? Yes. If it doesn't, what keeping the Dims from impeaching him again before the 2020 election? "We found new evidence!"

I wonder if it reaches the Senate if Trumps lawyers could call Schiff to the stand to ask where he got that phone call he lied about on the House floor, how he got that whistleblower he lied about never meeting and how that whistleblower form was changed that enabled the "impeachment query". I don't think Shifty Shitt would look good.
The Dim's have lost perspective.
International politics is all about beating on another country, and kissing up to a third.
All's fair in love and war. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
If Biden falls more in the polls then will it matter? The media trying to float the innocence of Hunter isn't working.
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump has lost it...he may have never had it
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar