I understand how you feel about giving out personal information. That is why you should look for providers who have a little more background than the girl who just started working a month ago. Look at her reviews, private message a couple of her reviewers to get the lowdown as to weather or not she was respectful of their private info, google her name; if you google mine "Amy Tai" escort you will get hundreds of hits going back to 2008, click the image button and a lot of my current and old photos will come up to the top of the search results, google their email and phone number.
I always screen new clients because I do not wish to be entrapped. Those that don't are very likely going to be arrested and their phones and and any computers around will be sleazed. If a provider is dumb enough not to screen I would bet that she carries her work phone with her to dates with your email/s and any other info she did not delete in it.
As others have said prior to my post, once you've seen 3 or more providers who subscribe to p411 or Datecheck you can obtain a Datecheck ID or P411 ID. Then you will save a lot of time and not have to give out your personal info to every girl you take for a twirl.
In the meantime I will continue to screen all new clients, I make more than enough money seeing those who understand that it is us providers who really have our necks out and the LE focus directed to with all of our ads and contact information posted online.
The only providers that I know who do not screen regularly are those working for law enforcement.
Think about that a little while. Originally Posted by amytai