Relax everyone ...

Sweet N Little's Avatar
I'm just making a really scary point !!

Nothing scary; the gun isn't loaded !

What is scary is that so many Americans are willing to cede their rights to a tyrannical government.
joe bloe's Avatar
Nothing scary; the gun isn't loaded !

What is scary is that so many Americans are willing to cede their rights to a tyrannical government. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I have to admit, I would be alarmed if I saw someone walking around a shopping mall carrying an assault rifle.
Poet Laureate's Avatar
Nothing scary; the gun isn't loaded !

What is scary is that so many Americans are willing to cede their rights to a tyrannical government. Originally Posted by Whirlaway TYRANNY: arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
DESPOT: a king or other ruler with absolute, unlimited power;

Last time I checked, the President didn't have the authority to do whatever he wants.
Last time I checked, I can still drive from my home in Austin to my daughter's home outside Portland, Maine, without having to go through any checkpoint, show any ID, display any travel permit, or justify the reason for my trip to any representative of any level of government in any city, parish, county, or state that I drive through or to.
Last time I checked, I can go to the polls to vote on election day without fear of being beaten up, losing my job, or having my wife or daughter raped.
Last time I checked, if the government that rules this country charges me with a crime, and I have no funds with which to defend myself, that same government will foot the bill for an attorney to defend me. And they sometimes assign private counsel rather than public defenders.
Last time I checked, I can be a ditch digger or a doctor, a teacher or a theologian, a jockey or a journalist, and there is no government agency from which I need to get permission.
So do us all a favor. Don't use big words when you have not the foggiest notion of what they really mean. We live in the greatest country in the world, with the longest lasting form of government in the worldl. It is perfect? Hell no. But show me a place that's better, or STFU.
joe bloe's Avatar TYRANNY: arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
DESPOT: a king or other ruler with absolute, unlimited power;

Last time I checked, the President didn't have the authority to do whatever he wants.
Last time I checked, I can still drive from my home in Austin to my daughter's home outside Portland, Maine, without having to go through any checkpoint, show any ID, display any travel permit, or justify the reason for my trip to any representative of any level of government in any city, parish, county, or state that I drive through or to.
Last time I checked, I can go to the polls to vote on election day without fear of being beaten up, losing my job, or having my wife or daughter raped.
Last time I checked, if the government that rules this country charges me with a crime, and I have no funds with which to defend myself, that same government will foot the bill for an attorney to defend me. And they sometimes assign private counsel rather than public defenders.
Last time I checked, I can be a ditch digger or a doctor, a teacher or a theologian, a jockey or a journalist, and there is no government agency from which I need to get permission.
So do us all a favor. Don't use big words when you have not the foggiest notion of what they really mean. We live in the greatest country in the world, with the longest lasting form of government in the worldl. It is perfect? Hell no. But show me a place that's better, or STFU. Originally Posted by Poet Laureate
Obama does all sorts of things he doesn't have the authority to do.

It is an overstatement to say that we're living under tyranny. Losing freedom doesn't happen over night. You don't go to bed perfectly free and wake up in dictatorship. We have to gaurd our freedom jealously. Governments have a natural tendancy to want additional power which requires compromises in personal freedom.

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." Thomas Jefferson
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have been to Isreal a few times and someone carrying an assault weapon is not alarming at all. Someone blowing up the bus or kiosk where you are eating is very alarming.
LexusLover's Avatar
Last time I checked, ....

But show me a place that's better, or STFU. Originally Posted by Poet Laureate
Last time I checked I don't have to STFU

... regardless of who the fuck you think you are.
LexusLover's Avatar
Nothing scary; the gun isn't loaded ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I didn't notice it was unloaded, but it says he was in JC Penny's.

Was there a sale going on?
LexusLover's Avatar
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Last time I checked, I can still drive from my home in Austin to my daughter's home outside Portland, Maine, without having to go through any checkpoint, show any ID, display any travel permit, or justify the reason for my trip to any representative of any level of government in any city, parish, county, or state that I drive through or to. Originally Posted by Poet Laureate
Yeah, as long as you are going north from Austin. Try going south and you will soon discover many checkpoints.

I cannot drive from Phoenix AZ east or west without passing through a Border Patrol checkpoint. And I do it weekly.

bojulay's Avatar
Hey, I forgot I was carrying the damn thing, I had just been
to the range. Didn't even notice until this little old lady
who was admiring it started asking me about bullet range
and ballistics and stuff.

We're going to meet at the range this Saturday.
joe bloe's Avatar
[QUOTE=LexusLover;1052234839]I didn't notice it was unloaded, but it says he was in JC Penny's.

Was there a sale going on?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, everything was one hundred percent off for people carrying assault rifles.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar TYRANNY: arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
DESPOT: a king or other ruler with absolute, unlimited power;

Last time I checked, the President didn't have the authority to do whatever he wants. Tell Obama that.
Last time I checked, I can still drive from my home in Austin to my daughter's home outside Portland, Maine, without having to go through any checkpoint, show any ID, display any travel permit, or justify the reason for my trip to any representative of any level of government in any city, parish, county, or state that I drive through or to. See Chica's post. And the last time I crossed the border from California to Arizona, my car was searched - to make sure I wasn't carrying any fruits or vegetables.
Last time I checked, I can go to the polls to vote on election day without fear of being beaten up, losing my job, or having my wife or daughter raped. Yeah, but you don't live in Chicago or Philadelphia.
Last time I checked, if the government that rules this country charges me with a crime, and I have no funds with which to defend myself, that same government will foot the bill for an attorney to defend me. And they sometimes assign private counsel rather than public defenders. Actually, under the NDAA, you don't get a lawyer. Ask Senator Lindsey Graham.
Last time I checked, I can be a ditch digger or a doctor, a teacher or a theologian, a jockey or a journalist, and there is no government agency from which I need to get permission. Really? become a doctor or a teacher without government permission? Where is that? And most jobs require you to have a government issued SS Card.
So do us all a favor. Don't use big words when you have not the foggiest notion of what they really mean. We live in the greatest country in the world, with the longest lasting form of government in the worldl. It is perfect? Hell no. But show me a place that's better, or STFU. Tell you what, let's try to keep the greatest country in the world. We are letting our freedom slip away, and unless we stop it, we will be like every other country that failed at freedom. You're attitude of "Everything is fine" is what is allowing the tyrants to take over. Originally Posted by Poet Laureate
Now, about that STFU thing. Yeah, you'd like us to shut up. That's what you call "freedom". Shutting people up. You are what is wrong with America.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Now, about that STFU thing. Yeah, you'd like us to shut up. That's what you call "freedom". Shutting people up. You are what is wrong with America. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Actually, Your Royal Grits-ness, what has been wrong with America for quite a while is the neo-con, conservative, hard, right - from Dick Cheney on down - chirping at ANYONE who does not toe their line as being "un-"American" thusly seeking to negate or marginalize all forms of disagreement with their orthodoxy. So, before you mount another of your ill-reasoned, ill-conceived and flabby pontifications about "what's wrong with .....(whatever)," you just might want to approach them in a more robust and global manner.

"STFU" in and of itself is not a complete retort to anyone whom we might disagree with. STFU can be completed, however, if it is preceeded or followed with something like "unless you can _______________," which the post by Poet Laureate was.

I realize it is very easy for emotion-driven people to have rational thought blocked by the reactionary temper-fit of "how dare you tell/ask ME to THINK and actually back up my spewage." Teachers from Kindergarten through High School have to put up with this whiny, immature and self-centered nonsense. Of course, all of you Teawipe rat-wangers "know in your heart" that they are worthless, tax-dollar sucking hangers-on but there's not one of you who could make it two weeks putting up with that sort of horse pucky.

Before cursing our country and disparaging it at every turn became de rigeur among Teawipes and other far, far righty-tighties, THEIR mantra was "it may not be perfect, but America is the greatest country in the world - so love it or leave it!" It's curious how that has changed to "American can only be great if everyone thinks like me."

Before you geniuses think that to retort, "but America has slipped towards Un-Americanism (whatever that meand) in the past few years" carries any water, you might want to consider the effects of Fox, Beck, Rush, Billy and the others' continual fault-finding and negativity about any infintesmal deviance to their ideas signals complete ruin ahead. Idiots and, as Trendy likes to say, liars!

As far as our hero in Sweet'N'Little's OP goes, since you purport to having once been a lawyer, that boy gets a little close to "motive, means and opportunity" for me, especially if someone who "doesn't look right" does something he may not agree with.
joe bloe's Avatar
Last time I checked I don't have to STFU

... regardless of who the fuck you think you are. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not very poetic is he. Would Robert Frost have told someone to shut the fuck up?