This painting was displayed in the 1500's and has had my interest since I studied art in highschool.
Below are just three cut-out's of a massive 81/1"X151.9" painting. This painting inspires me to ask: What's your earthly delight?
Google Images, The Garden of Earthly Delights:
Originally Posted by anova444
Two of your cutouts are from the third panel of Bosch's painting depicting his vision of hell. The middle panel - with images of earthly delights - is much more intriguing and appealing.
As for my delights - I believe you know some of them sweet Ana. At the moment, however, my desirous delight is having two beautiful women servicing I know and the other an unknown. Yes, add a little sensory deprivation in with being blindfolded or some light restraint to enhance the sensual experience. But it is the mystery of the unknown lady and her unknown touches and techniques
combined with my known lady friend that has all of my erotic attention right now. Interested?