
Bumpy_Deek's Avatar
Donating ..... I hope that not only during this time of the year but other times of the year we take the time to get out do something for others to assist them. I as well as many of you are very blessed and fortunate, therefore we dont have to worry about the basic needs in life. Many people do have to worry about those needs. Many people need a little assistance to get to that point where they are self sufficent. Many people are unable to help themselves. There are numerous charities out there to assist the above mentioned people. I just hope that we all can find the time to give to some of these organizations. You can donate your time, your expertise, you valuables you no longer need, your clothes and/or your money. You will find that it is refreshing and uplifting to help others and see the joy your simple act brings to those in need.

I will say that before you decide on which organization to help, do a little research on them to make sure the amount that goes to the actual purpose of the organization and the way the items are dispersed/used. I personally choose to donate locally to charities I can see in action. This is not an advertisement but the Houston Food Bank is where I usually donate. Also helping kids and veterans.

Things to donate to organizations : Money is by far number one for many organizations -
Your time and expertise, many groups do protects/build stuff assist people and so on. They provide mentors, tutors and such. Clothes, some groups give clothes some groups sell clothes and items.

Things to consider: If you donate clothes, especially kids clothes, keep in mind that they dont want your rags. Many people have this idea of they should take what I give. True in a sense, but think about the kids going to school in that old outdated shit you gave. These kids get harrassed and ridiculed by the other kids. If you wont send your kids to school in it, what makes you think others want to. Now if it is still in good shape, by all means donate it, you know what I am talking about not donating.

If you donate your time at shelters, remember many of the people you come in contact with are dealing with issues that many of us cant imagine. If you are at a homeless shelter dont bitch about the smell/dirtiness of the people, there are fucking homeless and have no way to fucking shower most of the time. Many of the peole have mental conditions so please keep your home psycology at home. This is aint the Dr.Phil show. Also, it is okay to interact with the people but remember some will try to ilicit money from you with heart wrenching stories, some stories are true, some arent, the workers there know so ask them. If you want to give money, I suggest you give it to the place, not the people cause pssst. some of them have substance abuse problems.

Last but not least, please keep your political rhetoric at home when volunteering. Just go and help do not campaign. Some of the way things are done can be frustrating but you can address that with the adminstration during business time.

Have safe Holidays and Remember to get out and help some one.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I'm such a fan of irony.
notanewbie's Avatar
Bumpy...see that is the goofy ass Bumpy I know.

I have to agree with everything you said but I think you left one thing out. While you are helping out at a shelter do not do a Monkey Paw and pull a Crunchy Taco SupremeŽ out of your pocket in hopes of getting a blow job. At least exit the facility first.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Deek, glad to see a sober post. When Deek drink he don't think. I echo your sentiments, it is good to do something for someone and not expect something in return ....... After this, I will say we are even now....
Eccie Addict's Avatar

I'd say BD practices what he preaches
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 10-22-2011, 09:47 PM
is it christmas already?
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Practice what you preach.
"Research" the charities you give to.
NaN, you mean to say I can get a BJ from a homeless person for just the cost of a taco?
Damn! I gotta volunteer more often.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 10-23-2011, 12:24 PM
Well all of us strip clubbers know that he does a GREAT job of donating to his favorite charity....Splendors....:mfr_o mg:

They love him over there. Heard there were plans to put a statue out of front of him...
oh ea give the guy some slack lol!!! hes trying to revive himself come on!!!

I love to give to charities...

every year around this time i take all of our stuff bag it up and take it to salvationa army also love to help the homeless kids with gifts and food !!!!! I am actuallythinking about volenteering at a shelter this year !!!! get my community points in lol