Hey everyone! First, this is NOT a drama thread! Haha
No, seriously (LOL) this thread was inspired by a story I JUST saw on the news (Dr Drew on HLN) about a 27 year old medical student who goes by "Elizabeth Raine". What awed me was this chick MADE a website in order to AUCTION her virginity!
In this day and age (and in our perverted little corner of the world ) this kind of thing probably isn't going to be labeled as super crazy or weird BUT to the outside world this chick seems pretty batty and full of shit... And to some extent I do believe this chick is a scam... She's a "27 year old virgin"... "med student".. hides her face... Is willing to give up her virginity to the "highest bidder" and is offering "12 hours" with her.. Just google her name or look up her website! (I also linked it above) I think everything about her site is laid out just like any other professional working girl & is SCREAMING "escort" who thinks she has finally found her million-dollar way out.
Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions on this one ladies & gents.. I think this ought to provoke a good ol' co-ed discussion.. Something we need around here lately!!
XOXO Savannah