What do you guys think about this chick Elizabeth Raine??

Hey everyone! First, this is NOT a drama thread! Haha

No, seriously (LOL) this thread was inspired by a story I JUST saw on the news (Dr Drew on HLN) about a 27 year old medical student who goes by "Elizabeth Raine". What awed me was this chick MADE a website in order to AUCTION her virginity!

In this day and age (and in our perverted little corner of the world ) this kind of thing probably isn't going to be labeled as super crazy or weird BUT to the outside world this chick seems pretty batty and full of shit... And to some extent I do believe this chick is a scam... She's a "27 year old virgin"... "med student".. hides her face... Is willing to give up her virginity to the "highest bidder" and is offering "12 hours" with her.. Just google her name or look up her website! (I also linked it above) I think everything about her site is laid out just like any other professional working girl & is SCREAMING "escort" who thinks she has finally found her million-dollar way out.

Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions on this one ladies & gents.. I think this ought to provoke a good ol' co-ed discussion.. Something we need around here lately!!

XOXO Savannah
bojulay's Avatar
Rent must be due.
Chung Tran's Avatar
proffessional Hooker with a good marketing team..
Talk about IOP.......

So ya wow. Selling ur virginity. I remember when a chick did this on ebay like ten years ago. She made out like a bandit too! If she actually was a virgin then I think its pretty sad. If she wasn't (my best guess) then it was ingenious and I wish I had thought of it first.
aubie79's Avatar
Looks like she's gonna cash in based on the bids. If it goes off as planned she may even get some notoriety and a book deal, etc. Far be it from me to judge or criticize...her body, her decisions but her consequences as well.

sweet.treat69...glad to see you back in DFW...hope your travels were a success
Talk about IOP.......

So ya wow. Selling ur virginity. I remember when a chick did this on ebay like ten years ago. She made out like a bandit too! If she actually was a virgin then I think its pretty sad. If she wasn't (my best guess) then it was ingenious and I wish I had thought of it first. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
While it all seems fun and innocent, think about if she ISNT a virgin-- some guy who ends up paying 150k + for her "virgin pussy" is gonna be PRETTY pissed if she isn't! She says she will be able to provide "medical records and proof" but who's to say they're HER records?

But if I were that "successful bidder" I would make sure she's a virgin before I throw away Italian car money on her ass, IJS. I can't believe any guy would be dumb enough to fall for this crap. But hey I gotta give it to her, it is a one of a kind marketing idea.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I think it is funny!!
She can fake her hymen being intact with surgery but she could have gotten that surgery anywhere in the world, paid cash and wouldn't even have to use her real name. Thailand, anyone?

But ya I feel sorry for the poor sap that believes she is a true virgin if she isn't. He wants to believe it though right? So who are we to judge. His money. He can spend it on what he wants. Great story though.
Drives me crazy that in this day and age people still give things like "virginity" and purity so much importance.

So like nurse said. Wish I would've thought of it first. I'd be laughing at "Yoshi from Japan" all the way to the bank with my 130K.

TinMan's Avatar
I pay for someone who knows what they're doing.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Meh. She isn't even the first to do this.
b2pop's Avatar
  • b2pop
  • 04-18-2014, 06:53 AM
Why pay for inexperience? Anyway if she's a virgin I have a 14 inch cock and look like Brad Pitt Tom Cruise Richard Gere Adam Levine and Hugh Jackman all rolled into one. Seriously this girl is going to make a killing though. I'll stick to my beautiful Dallas ladies.
OldGrump's Avatar
Who cares about her virginity? She does have a hot body but what I find most offensive is that friggin Paypal allows this but won't let you fund anything to do with a firearm or ammo. One is legal, the other is not.

Maybe they are just waiting until her bidder bucket fills up higher before confiscating her money like they did many legitimate businesses.

And as a member of this wonderful site, I'm not preaching morals.

SweetTreat, I'm sorry to jump on my soapbox in the middle of your thread. This will be a very interesting auction to watch. Like Aubie79 said, besides the $100 non-refundable bidder rights she will have one hellluva opportunity for a book deal. If she is as smart as I think she is, I'll bet she has a comprehensive business plan where The Night is only a starting point.

Now let's sit back and see how far Little Heads can drive up the price of a one night stand.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I didn't go to the website but this has been done, and reported about, previously. I think that one person went through the Bunny Ranch and made a huge production out of it like 6 years ago or something like that.

And I've heard of a guy doing it, too.

I've always found that innocence is overrated but ... if it works for them, then go for it.

I've never understood the passion that men have had, throughout time, for virgins. I understand the significance of it. Crap. I've read enough about it and with historical issues of droit du seigneur (sp?) has always sounded just crazy to me.

Anyway ... good topic. Fun. Losing one's virginity is such a big deal for everyone and I was no exception. But bidding for it?

I almost wish that I had thought of it 30 years ago!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I pay for someone who knows what they're doing. Originally Posted by TinMan
From a female standpoint, with few exceptions, dealing with male virginity (in the demimonde) isn't a lot of fun.