Site change? Reviews/vouche for the him's

I have had a few gentlemen ask if i could leave a public vouche for them on this site..Kind of like an ok on p411.
Somewhere where not just other providers can see but kind of like an open forum.. I can not seem to find it anywhere.

It seems that if a gentlrman leaves a review anymore thats not good enough for some providers they still need more info.

So if someone can guide me to help these fellows out it would be much appreciated.
Its the least I can do.
Hey can you vouch for me please? I had a good time with you
You are officially vouched for doll.
Thank you for being the first one to make me feel very welcomed here in Baton Rouge.
Ladies do not complain about business being slow and be extra tough on screening. I have actually had a provider ask me about birth marks on a client. REALLY?!
For me...That is over the top.
  • A1.
  • 09-23-2018, 04:40 PM
Excellent idea... safety first and it's easier for everyone.
not an excellent idea.

Ladies if you want to vouch for it in the ladies private areas. This is not P411.

This is COED.................
  • A1.
  • 09-27-2018, 10:07 AM
Majichands & Sameer, Sorry your suggestion was catapult from the hierarchy and I can understand both sides of the situation at this time. Best regards ...
annie@christophers's Avatar
I can't get in there..
J.s. Ann