Doctors walk out of national Obamacare implementation meeting

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ever wonder what doctors think of Obamacare? I mean, real rank-and-file doctors? Well, take a look at this:

According to live tweets and images sent from ophthalmologist Dr. Kris Held, nearly all doctors had walked out in protest and disgust of Obamacare implementation talks at a prominent national health care meeting. Typically, The American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Government Relations session is a well attended, formal business conference where brilliant minds in medicine convene. This year was a different story. With talks of Obamacare implementation and compliance underway, doctors left and right had left the auditorium.

Dr. Kris Held tweeted during the meeting, "Doctors are literally walking out of this talk on implementing, complying with Obamacare. We are men and women of the mind not mindless drones."

"In the past our government relations session was well attended. Government minion is droning on, as virtually all doctors have walked out."

"I'm staying to the bitter end to make comment and ask how government plans to do all this with no doctors?"

The Obamacare penalty

Starting in 2014, consumers will be forced to purchase health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Naysayer's noncompliance will be punished with an IRS tax penalty. The tax penalty in 2014 begins at the rate of $95 per individual or one percent of household income, whichever is greater.

When 2016 rolls around, the penalty grows to $695 per person or 2.5 percent of annual household income, whichever is greater.

Even worse, a new HealthPocket consumer survey is showing that most uninsured people will remain uninsured. Nearly two-thirds of consumers said that the $95 penalty wouldn't motivate them to obtain health insurance. The reality is that the penalty isn't going to motivate very many people to buy insurance in October of 2013. That being said, the Obamacare mandate is going to serve as just another tax increase, a large one at that, which will squeeze more life from the economy, driving away innovation.

Some people are completely uninformed or apathetic toward the new penalty. In the HealthPocket survey, nearly 30 percent said they were "not certain" whether the penalty will motivate them to buy health insurance. According to Kev Coleman, head of Research & Data at HealthPocket, "That uncertainty may stem from a lack of awareness that a tax penalty under Obamacare exists, or a lack of understanding of how that penalty amount will compare to the cost of a new Obamacare health plan."

What doctors are saying about Obamacare

After practicing medicine for twenty-five years Dr. Tamzin Rosenwasser left her dermatology practice in 2011. "I have interrupted practicing medicine because of Obamacare," said Dr. Rosenwasser. "I've read the bill. I was conversant with what had already happened with Medicaid, and I didn't want to go down that road with Obamacare."

Dr. Richard Armstrong, a Michigan-based surgeon and chief operating officer of Docs 4 Patient Care says, "Every single day, people are talking about retiring early, getting out of clinical medicine, or going into hospital administration, where you don't have to think about patient care anymore."

Still yet, some believe government managed health care will work, even though Medicaid is a good example of how government managed care bloats cost, herds ideas, stifles innovation, and is unsustainable for future generations.

"Some physicians are all for Obamacare," said Dr. Rosenwasser, who had practices in Florida and Indiana. "They've been brought up in the government system. This is what they know."

Most doctors are just waiting to see what happens. "About 90 percent of doctors are completely uninformed about what the government's doing," Dr. Armstrong said. "A lot of them are in this free-floating anxiety mode."

The anxiety mounts

• Will doctors comply or will they walk out on this monstrous government managed system?

• Will consumers comply or will they find alternative answers?

• Will states comply or will they develop a new competitive model?

• Will naturopathic doctors be shut out of the new government controlled market place or will they rise to the occasion?

• What might the medical system look like in the United States in five years?

Hmmm . . . Speaker Pelosi, it appears we are STILL not sure what is in it, even though you passed it.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Sounds like the "government minion's" presentation was almost as boring as some of the worthless "information" gritsboy drones on about in most of his 18K threads.....
Sounds like the "government minion's" presentation was almost as boring as some of the worthless "information" gritsboy drones on about in most of his 18K threads..... Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Yep, he's BORING!
LexusLover's Avatar
Ever wonder what doctors think of Obamacare? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Must really be cutting into the huge profits the docs were making.
LexusLover's Avatar
After they supported a consitutional amendment in Texas to limit malpractice liability on the bogus promise of lower medical costs ... I believe little they say or do ... why would they even attend?

Just another junket and excuse to be "out of the office" and unavailable to treat sick people. If they opposed Obamacare, they should have BEFORE it was passed .... or were they afraid they would get auditted?????
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-28-2013, 12:30 PM
no worries, theyre just pissed because they cant gouge the shit out of medicare any more

$10K to a donut they don't leave the profession

any takers?
no worries, theyre just pissed because they cant gouge the shit out of medicare any more

$10K to a donut they don't leave the profession

any takers? Originally Posted by CJ7
Some have already left, I only know of two personally though so I think you are generally correct that "they" will stay. Generally what most don't realize is that there is nothing in Medicare/Medicaid that forces a doctor to see or treat a patient with these types of coverages and which will remain true under the yet to be proposed "free insurance Obama policy, or Bronze Plan". So you can expect to keep hearing "I'm sorry, Dr. X is not seeing new Medicare/Medicaid/Bronze Plan patients. And the same goes with hospitals, chances are they will treat you in an emergency situation, but if you have any of the above types of programs, the goal is to remove you as soon as the Risk Management team clears them of liability.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-28-2013, 01:37 PM
a Dr in the middle of his career is going to quit the profession that took years to achieve, and that has afforded him/her the luxury of owning homes, cars, trophy wives, and the lifestyle Dr's enjoy because of Obama care ???, and do what to maintain that lifestyle until he can retire?

well is that's the case, he/she must be a republican

don't tell the new Drs they will be replaced so fast their Mercedes will still be in warranty ..
a Dr in the middle of his career is going to quit the profession that took years to achieve, and that has afforded him/her the luxury of owning homes, cars, trophy wives, and the lifestyle Dr's enjoy because of Obama care ???, and do what to maintain that lifestyle until he can retire?

well is that's the case, he/she must be a republican

don't tell the new Drs they will be replaced so fast their Mercedes will still be in warranty .. Originally Posted by CJ7
The two I know went in to C-level healthcare management and now make considerably more income, work less, and have 0% of the liability and risk of losing everything they own when they were practicing . I can't speak for any other doctor.

The only thing I would tell all those new doctors is switch your degree to healthcare management, that is truly where the money is thanks to Obamacare
LexusLover's Avatar
Medical providers are coming to this country from other countries to fill the gaps. The foreign doctors are willing to work for less, and their "maintenance" is probably lower so they can accept a reduced income. Those who have made a killing already in medicare/Medicaid have their "parachute" in place and they can effectively retire early.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-28-2013, 02:21 PM
Medical providers are coming to this country from other countries to fill the gaps. The foreign doctors are willing to work for less, and their "maintenance" is probably lower so they can accept a reduced income. Those who have made a killing already in medicare/Medicaid have their "parachute" in place and they can effectively retire early. Originally Posted by LexusLover

the land of opportunity ... one steps down, another steps in

unless the rightwingers have their way and close the borders and isolate this county with immigration laws
The two I know went in to C-level healthcare management and now make considerably more income, work less, and have 0% of the liability and risk of losing everything they own when they were practicing . I can't speak for any other doctor. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Did they also refund all the money that the US taxpayers gave them to fund their graduate medical education?
Did they also refund all the money that the US taxpayers gave them to fund their graduate medical education? Originally Posted by Submodo
I have no idea, nor do I have any knowledge of a federal program that funds doctors graduate medical education? I do however hear from them constantly complaining about their 2 and 3 houndred thousand dollar student loans they have to repay.