College World Series

Be aware that CWS starts this week and either stick to providers that are known to be reliable or alternatively take an extended break until after a champion is declared near the end of the month as usual.

Also, for those that are inclined towards enjoying strippers, avoid the clubs as they will be full of out-of-towner's with thick wallets to drain. So, in other words your favorite dancer(s) will be far too busy for any of their local regulars during this time.
The higher hotel prices make some of our regular touring ladies to go elsewhere during this time
Has there been any CWS stings since Backpage was seized? Used to be a annual event.
Still is. I would even avoid the amps for a while to be safe
Still is. I would even avoid the amps for a while to be safe Originally Posted by hobbyistinomaha
Really? Even if seeing your regular? What is the risk there?
BlackBeautyLanay's Avatar
i will say the higher hotel rates make your more likely to be seen, a regular because they dont tend to be upset about location. can switch it up
You think the amps are more now? I never even give we it a thought. Makes sense though. Good advice
I was actually about to ask. I know she isn't so much a regular but she is going to be staying like the last day of the CWS and then a few days after. She has reviews on TER and it looks like she has been around for a little while (reviews go back at least a year) so I feel like it might be safe? I have been a bit more anxious overall just because of the CWS but with her being on the very tail end/a couple of days afterwards I feel a bit better about it, but still kind of unsure.
This first weekend of CWS always the worst.
Really? Even if seeing your regular? What is the risk there? Originally Posted by lmuller
The chance of uncle Leo visiting too
Is there still an increased risk for the few days after the CWS is over?