Hannity: Biden just signed death certificate of 'every Afghan' who helped US over last 20 years

  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2021, 10:28 AM

Hannity said Biden's limited effort to evacuate Americans abroad pales in comparison to those of leaders in other countries

By Yael Halon | Fox News


Hannity: Biden 'humiliated' America with botched Afghanistan withdrawal

'Hannity' host blasts the Biden administration for labeling Afghanistan evacuation a success

President Biden "humiliated" America with his botched Afghanistan withdrawal that left U.S. citizens abandoned and stranded allies behind Taliban lines. Fox News host Sean Hannity told viewers Tuesday.
"We are now day ten of Americans held hostage, trapped behind enemy lines -- and clearly President Biden is letting the Taliban call all the shots," Hannity said at the top of the latest edition of "Hannity."
"Your commander-in-chief has now humiliated this entire country and is being bullied into submission by the terrorists, the Taliban," the host continued. "He will not commit to keeping U.S. forces past the Taliban's Aug. 31 deadline. He will not commit to ensuring the rescue of all of our citizens and our Afghan partners that we promised we would get out if this day ever came."
"Your commander-in-chief has now humiliated this entire country and is being bullied into submission by the terrorists, the Taliban."
— Sean Hannity
By agreeing to the Aug. 31 evacuation date demanded by the Taliban, Biden has essentially "signed the death certificate of every Afghan that has helped the U.S. in the last 20 years," Hannity said.
"Apparently, they [Taliban] even have access to computer data so that these people will be hunted down, they will be murdered, their families will be murdered. Joe seemed to care less," Hannity asserted.
He continued, "Women and children have been gassed, they've been whipped and stabbed. Many evacuees have been forced to pay tens of thousands of dollars to hire private military contractors to escort them to the airport."
"Women and children have been gassed, they've been whipped and stabbed. Many evacuees have been forced to pay tens of thousands of dollars to hire private military contractors to escort them to the airport."
— Sean Hannity
Hannity said Biden's limited effort to evacuate Americans abroad pales in comparison to other countries who have taken a far more aggressive approach to return their citizens to safety.
"The Dutch, the French, the British, they have sent troops behind enemy lines into Kabul to extract their citizens with their Special Forces and their paratroopers and our military is under strict orders not to leave the airport," the host said.

President Biden's limited effort to evacuate Americans abroad pales in comparison to other countries who have taken a far more aggressive approach to return their citizens to safety, Sean Hannity says. (Associated Press)

"Americans were left to fend for themselves but the Dutch protected their citizens, their troops went behind enemy lines, the French, the British but not American troops? This is utter humiliation on the world stage and worse, thousands of Americans and thousands of our friends and allies are likely to be murdered soon by the Taliban that is now in full control," he went on.
"Some are already being tortured, some are already being murdered."
Hannity urged the president to "grow a spine, answer some basic, pivotal, important questions" and "be honest for a change" with Americans who are pleading for answers.
"Cut the crap with the spin with Jen Psaki," Hannity said.
"Commit that every American is out before you leave Afghanistan. Why would you leave one American behind, Joe? Will you pledge not to leave a single American behind? Do we have Special Forces on the ground? Are you willing to send them to rescue American citizens who are telling the news media they can't get to the airport?" he asked. "Will you commit to extracting our Afghan partners, who we promised to get out if this day ever came?"

Pragmatic, common sense, truth, and Facts.

all concepts marxist DPSTs find anathema.
Fake news.
Fake news. Originally Posted by royamcr

I have to disagree, Fox has successfully defended a lawsuit by saying it's entertainment, not news. So if it's not even news it can't be fake news!
  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2021, 12:05 PM
'r' is teh fake news - so deluded as to be beyond any sense of Reality.

so SAD!!!
VitaMan's Avatar
Hannity is Trumps main man.......
  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2021, 12:16 PM
Typical communist DPST apologist for the fiden Screw-ups
Nothing cogent or constructive to add other than name-calling.

Trump hate, TDS,and Comrade Xi worship - characterizes and summarizes the posts.

Just desperate for a government handout and to be taken care of by comrade Xi!
VitaMan's Avatar
And who else is a newscaster for Fox ?

Well, none other than Trumps delightful former press secretary Kayleigh McEnany
I assure you I don't need a handout and if you read you'll see I voted Republican party until an idiot sucked all the intelligence out of the party.

On Wednesday, an attorney for the network asserted that no reasonable viewer would believe that what followed this preamble was factual reporting.

"It's a commentary show,” Fox’s lawyer Erin Murphy, of the firm Kirkland

Trump got boo'd when he suggested the crowd in Alabama should get the vaccine. Why would he suggest it after all this time? He realizes it's his uneducated followers that are getting and dying of the virus. And they are the ones funding his most successful "business" ever...his PAC.
bambino's Avatar
And who else is a newscaster for Fox ?

Well, none other than Trumps delightful former press secretary Kayleigh McEnany Originally Posted by VitaMan
Hannity and McEnany aren’t newscasters. They run opinion shows.
VitaMan's Avatar
Fox used to have a show called "Hannity & Colmes." It presented conservative and liberal viewpoints. This was a long time ago. Fox is just a shadow of what it once was. It now has a show called "Hannity."

Other things Hannity has promoted besides the one mentioned in the title of this thread:

false health reports of Hillary Clinton
claims Barack Obama is not an American citizen
attacks on Robert Mueller inquiry
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
all mainstream is fake news
adav8s28's Avatar
Fox used to have a show called "Hannity & Colmes." It presented conservative and liberal viewpoints. This was a long time ago. Fox is just a shadow of what it once was. It now has a show called "Hannity."

Other things Hannity has promoted besides the one mentioned in the title of this thread:

false health reports of Hillary Clinton
claims Barack Obama is not an American citizen
attacks on Robert Mueller inquiry Originally Posted by VitaMan

rexdutchman's Avatar
Same old same old ,, if its against this admin fake, T fault, denial the conditioning is complete in some peeps
  • oeb11
  • 08-26-2021, 08:13 AM
'a' is divorced from Reality
Bows to Xinn
Why were they still there in the first place. Trump coulda brought them all to the US last year. Oh that’s right. He wasn’t interested in their safety while he was president.