Uh Oh...Obama Losing Pennsylvannia..

It has 20 electoral votes...generally a reliable Democratic win in Presidential elections...............

tick, tick, tic,...............

Democrat: “Obama would lose Scranton and Pennsylvania today”

Former Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D-PA) says that the only way Obama can will Scranton and Pennsylvania is to have an economic turnaround:

This is exactly what Rush and Levin keeps telling us. Obama is the one who is really in trouble in 2012, not our GOP candidates. That doesn’t mean we should pretend like it’s going to be easy, because it won’t be. They media are going to fight as hard as they can to prop up Obama. But we can’t lose faith and get off message because Obama is very beatable next year and the MSM knows it.
would tend to agree with you if the repubs were running anyone with a grain of sense
wellendowed1911's Avatar
So WW show me a poll where a GOP contender has that state lockdown- whom are you kidding???? Wasn't last month elections in Ohio another swing state a wake uo call for Republicans.

What you need to do first WW is stick to a reliable GOP candidate- nearly every poll I have looked at has Obama significantly beating all the GOP candidates with Romney fairing the best- but guess what Romney has dropped in the polls to Newt!!!

You never answered this question from the another thread: If all polls are showing that Obama is beating all the candidates- with only Romney fairing well against Obama than whose more so in trouble???
You have said a hundred times WW that Americans don't want 4 more years of Obama than why aren't the polls indicating that point- if that were the case than all the candidates should have a substantial lead over Obama.
Iaintliein's Avatar
That only leaves 56 states in play.
It isn't my observation. It is the observation of one of Pennyslvannia's senior Democrats !

I would think he knows his state better than you....but if you have an issue with his observation, write him a letter.

So WW show me a poll where a GOP contender has that state lockdown- whom are you kidding???? Wasn't last month elections in Ohio another swing state a wake uo call for Republicans.

What you need to do first WW is stick to a reliable GOP candidate- nearly every poll I have looked at has Obama significantly beating all the GOP candidates with Romney fairing the best- but guess what Romney has dropped in the polls to Newt!!!

You never answered this question from the another thread: If all polls are showing that Obama is beating all the candidates- with only Romney fairing well against Obama than whose more so in trouble???
You have said a hundred times WW that Americans don't want 4 more years of Obama than why aren't the polls indicating that point- if that were the case than all the candidates should have a substantial lead over Obama. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You mean if Repub can stick with one GOP front runner. But alas, they can't, and that is perfectly okay with me. They're so anti-Romney that they don't realize he's their best bet against Obama.
Iaintliein's Avatar
You mean if Repub can stick with one GOP front runner. But alas, they can't, and that is perfectly okay with me. They're so anti-Romney that they don't realize he's their best bet against Obama. Originally Posted by Liliana
That's because he is Obama, except with better hair. Those of us who don't / won't support Romney are more concerned with substance than with party. It's Obama's policies we don't support, so the same or nearly the same policies by someone else are no more appealing.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You mean if Repub can stick with one GOP front runner. But alas, they can't, and that is perfectly okay with me. They're so anti-Romney that they don't realize he's their best bet against Obama. Originally Posted by Liliana

Liliana you are so right- let's see- at first everyone said Perry was going to beat Obama because his State created "x" amount of Jobs- Perry got deflated so quick that now he's the butt of all the jokes- than people said Romney is the man to beat Cain- Romney is part of the 99% plus is the biggest flip flopper of the group but amazingly he does the best when up 1 on 1 against Obama- but he's not liked by the Tea Party nor is he liked by true conservatives.
Up next was Mr. 9-9-9 Herman Cain who to me is by far the least qualified and has the least knowledge- he all of sudden was the favorite but his harassment allegations- affairs plus his overall lack of knowledge of something as simple as Libya has hurt him dearly. Now it's Newt in which every poll I have seen has Obama nearly destroying hi in every one on one poll I have read, but since Newt likes to use big words" in his debates it impresses simple people like WhirlWay who somehow thinks Newt will eat up Obama in a date(in his wildest dreams) however Newt does not walk the talk and has the most baggage of any candidate I have seen in recent memories- 3 marriages- affairs in 2 of the 3- Newt is one of the biggest hypocrites I have seen in recent memory. Plus he's not going to get off that easy with taking money from Freddie Mac- and his lavish line of credit at Tiffany's- he's a career politician with a huge ego and waaaaayyyyy toooooo much baggage for people to trust. Yesterday Newt was on Fox saying he help end communism in Russia LMFAO. Newt also was on record saying that child labor laws are stupid-WTF????? Add to the fact that Newt wanted a Health Insurance mandate back in 2005 and Newt was for Cap and Trade and made a commercial with Nancy Pelosi of all people about Global Warming- the Dems will have so much ammo to throw at Newt that he will be toast before Nov gets here.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
It has 20 electoral votes...generally a reliable Democratic win in Presidential elections...............

tick, tick, tic,...............

Democrat: “Obama would lose Scranton and Pennsylvania today”

Former Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D-PA) says that the only way Obama can will Scranton and Pennsylvania is to have an economic turnaround:

This is exactly what Rush and Levin keeps telling us. Obama is the one who is really in trouble in 2012, not our GOP candidates. That doesn’t mean we should pretend like it’s going to be easy, because it won’t be. They media are going to fight as hard as they can to prop up Obama. But we can’t lose faith and get off message because Obama is very beatable next year and the MSM knows it. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
First off, Pennsylvania has 21 E.V.s.


Rush....? Rush.......?
Oh yeah, the guy that had his housekeeper get illegal prescription drugs for him.
Did he say something?
every poll I have seen has Obama nearly destroying hi in every one on one poll I have read,

Republican Newt Gingrich tops Mitt Romney, President Obama in new polls

Lead comes as GOP rivals, incluidng Ron Paul, step up attacks

BY Jonathan Lemire
Thursday, December 1 2011, 12:28 PM

Scott Olson/Getty Images
Former House speaker Newt Gingrich gains in new poll.

Newt Gingrich has opened up a massive 21% gap on Mitt Romney in a poll released Thursday - the largest lead any Republican presidential candidate has boasted over fellow GOP hopefuls this year.
Gingrich, whose campaign has risen from the dead to the top of most Republican leaderboards, led Romney 38%-17% in a Rasmussen survey of 1,000 likely voters.
The former House speaker has also opened up a slim lead in a hypothetical matchup with the man whose job he wants. Gingrich leads President Obama 45%-43%, according to another Rasmussen national poll.
That’s within the survey’s three percentage-point margin of error, but it showed a serious surge for Gingrich. A week ago, the former Georgia congressman trailed Obama by six points.
The survey marks the first time Gingrich has overtaken Obama in any national poll. However, Gingrich leads the President only in the Rasmussen tally and still trails Obama by nearly six points in the Real Clear Politics composite of seven major polls.
The Gingrich ascension has pushed him past the fading Herman Cain as the candidate most likely to topple early GOP front-runner Mitt Romney. None of the other Republican candidates escaped the single digits in the new Rasmussen poll.
Gingrich’s rise also caught the attention of rival Ron Paul, who blasted him in a new attack ad.
The two-and-a-half-minute video, released Thursday, is titled “Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy” and accuses the former speaker of not being a faithful conservative.
The ad - billed by Paul’s team as “the video Newt doesn’t want you to see” - rips Gingrich for allegedly collecting more than $1 million in fees from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the controversial quasi-government agencies.
It also splices in footage from an ad Gingrich once did with former House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in which the duo made a bipartisan push for more action on global warming.
Gingrich has since called the video with Pelosi - who is wildly unpopular with Republicans - “probably the single dumbest thing I’ve done in recent years.”
Gingrich has also denied charges that he acted inappropriately after his days in Congress by pushing federal legislators for policy changes that would help his paying clients.
He told Fox News on Wednesday that he was acting as “a citizen” and not as a lobbyist.
Liliana you are so right- let's see- at first everyone said Perry was going to beat Obama because his State created "x" amount of Jobs- Perry got deflated so quick that now he's the butt of all the jokes- than people said Romney is the man to beat Cain- Romney is part of the 99% plus is the biggest flip flopper of the group but amazingly he does the best when up 1 on 1 against Obama- but he's not liked by the Tea Party nor is he liked by true conservatives.
Up next was Mr. 9-9-9 Herman Cain who to me is by far the least qualified and has the least knowledge- he all of sudden was the favorite but his harassment allegations- affairs plus his overall lack of knowledge of something as simple as Libya has hurt him dearly. Now it's Newt in which every poll I have seen has Obama nearly destroying hi in every one on one poll I have read, but since Newt likes to use big words" in his debates it impresses simple people like WhirlWay who somehow thinks Newt will eat up Obama in a date(in his wildest dreams) however Newt does not walk the talk and has the most baggage of any candidate I have seen in recent memories- 3 marriages- affairs in 2 of the 3- Newt is one of the biggest hypocrites I have seen in recent memory. Plus he's not going to get off that easy with taking money from Freddie Mac- and his lavish line of credit at Tiffany's- he's a career politician with a huge ego and waaaaayyyyy toooooo much baggage for people to trust. Yesterday Newt was on Fox saying he help end communism in Russia LMFAO. Newt also was on record saying that child labor laws are stupid-WTF????? Add to the fact that Newt wanted a Health Insurance mandate back in 2005 and Newt was for Cap and Trade and made a commercial with Nancy Pelosi of all people about Global Warming- the Dems will have so much ammo to throw at Newt that he will be toast before Nov gets here.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Your disappointment and your penis envy will be legendary.

Now close your eyes, partially shut your mouth, and kneel before Zod.

None of your bullshit either. Just say AH, AH, AH.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Republican Newt Gingrich tops Mitt Romney, President Obama in new polls

Lead comes as GOP rivals, incluidng Ron Paul, step up attacks

BY Jonathan Lemire
Thursday, December 1 2011, 12:28 PM

Scott Olson/Getty Images
Former House speaker Newt Gingrich gains in new poll.

Newt Gingrich has opened up a massive 21% gap on Mitt Romney in a poll released Thursday - the largest lead any Republican presidential candidate has boasted over fellow GOP hopefuls this year.
Gingrich, whose campaign has risen from the dead to the top of most Republican leaderboards, led Romney 38%-17% in a Rasmussen survey of 1,000 likely voters.
The former House speaker has also opened up a slim lead in a hypothetical matchup with the man whose job he wants. Gingrich leads President Obama 45%-43%, according to another Rasmussen national poll.
That’s within the survey’s three percentage-point margin of error, but it showed a serious surge for Gingrich. A week ago, the former Georgia congressman trailed Obama by six points.
The survey marks the first time Gingrich has overtaken Obama in any national poll. However, Gingrich leads the President only in the Rasmussen tally and still trails Obama by nearly six points in the Real Clear Politics composite of seven major polls.
The Gingrich ascension has pushed him past the fading Herman Cain as the candidate most likely to topple early GOP front-runner Mitt Romney. None of the other Republican candidates escaped the single digits in the new Rasmussen poll.
Gingrich’s rise also caught the attention of rival Ron Paul, who blasted him in a new attack ad.
The two-and-a-half-minute video, released Thursday, is titled “Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy” and accuses the former speaker of not being a faithful conservative.
The ad - billed by Paul’s team as “the video Newt doesn’t want you to see” - rips Gingrich for allegedly collecting more than $1 million in fees from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the controversial quasi-government agencies.
It also splices in footage from an ad Gingrich once did with former House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in which the duo made a bipartisan push for more action on global warming.
Gingrich has since called the video with Pelosi - who is wildly unpopular with Republicans - “probably the single dumbest thing I’ve done in recent years.”
Gingrich has also denied charges that he acted inappropriately after his days in Congress by pushing federal legislators for policy changes that would help his paying clients.
He told Fox News on Wednesday that he was acting as “a citizen” and not as a lobbyist.
jlemire@nydailynews.com Originally Posted by Marshall
looks like you didn't read perhaps the most important part of what you posted: The survey marks the first time Gingrich has overtaken Obama in any national poll. However, Gingrich leads the President only in the Rasmussen tally and still trails Obama by nearly six points in the Real Clear Politics composite of seven major polls.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-01-2011, 08:55 PM
I will take all bets right about noe...Newt will not beat Obama.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I will take all bets right about noe...Newt will not beat Obama. Originally Posted by WTF
I am with you WTF but I will raise the stakes I will triple the bet that he will not beat Obama in fact I will bet my house he will not win!