Another bummed Dallas trip

Dallas used to be fun and easy to set up meetings with providers.My last 2 trips have been total fails.. last trip it was Syeira pink that ghosted and left me hanging after a prebooking. This time it was Queen Sophie. SP was a prebooking and i can partially blame myself for not settimg up a plan b after not recieving a reply to my morning confirmation txt . QS is a different matter... we were txting back and forth during my drive to Dallas yesterday and she agreed to an out call later that evening(3 hr later). After the time was approved by her as good i sent her my hotel name. After that nothing. Sent a txt about 15 min after time to see whats up and anothe assuming shed flaked about 45 min after time. Not a reply, excuse appology or anything. Sent out a few txt to others tryimg to set somethimg up for today, but nobody replied. Sent out some more this morning and again.... crickets. I've never had this issue before while visiting. Hopefully ill have better luck next trip

Sorry for ranting, but its frustrating with money in my pocket and cant fimd anyone to take it.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
It sucks when you feel you have to beg to spend your money, then to top it off, to be blown off by providers who, if you did the same, would tear you a new one.
Dallas has become a joke
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 05-31-2024, 11:15 PM
They're too busy making money to bother with making money.
I have recently learned that in order to have a scheduled "fun night", i have to have AT LEAST 4 back ups. multiple times i have been flaked on by 3 providers.
I'm starting to value reliability over looks nowadays. Terrible.
secondHandNews's Avatar
Dallas used to be fun and easy to set up meetings with providers. My last 2 trips have been total fails.. last trip it was Syeira pink that ghosted and left me hanging after a prebooking. This time it was Queen Sophie.... Not a reply, excuse apology or anything. Sent out a few txt to others trying to set something up for today, but nobody replied. Sent out some more this morning and again.... crickets. I've never had this issue before while visiting. Hopefully ill have better luck next trip

Sorry for ranting, but its frustrating with money in my pocket and cant find anyone to take it. Originally Posted by mudrunner
Welcome to the club. This is happening even to those of us who live here. It's perplexing and frustrating because it's not just the new providers; it's also the veterans, such as Syeira. I had my own issues with her back in March, when she kept cutting our agreed-upon appt shorter and shorter until finally cancelling it while I was waiting in the parking lot. I sat in my car wondering what the heck I did or said wrong. As in your case, she sent me no apology nor offered a reschedule. Just.. crickets.

I've sent PMs, only to have them go unread or read but not responded to. I've sent P4 appointment requests and had them ignored and expired. I've had appts set and then they'll back out at the last minute due to family emergencies, their periods starting, bad traffic, and a host of other excuses. All of this within the past 6 months. I can count on one finger the number of providers whom I trust to have any integrity, and I'm not even her favorite.

Despite this negativity, I still enjoy meeting the ladies when I can. It is, after all, a "hobby" for us AND for them. As someone posted a few ago, we guys make the mistake of viewing the hobby as a business and therefore we have expectations based on our business experiences in the real world. We need to lower our expectations. Like, a lot.. lol.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I just can't understand why this goes on so much, it's not only in Dallas it happens in every city.

Yes things happen and it goes both way's.

I'm just a touring provider in Dallas and I have never ghosted anyone in the 12 yrs. I have been touring in Dallas.
I keep my appts and show up for my tour.

Just makes me think where are you guys shopping?
Eros ..

I have cancled before IF IF I feel we are not going to click just by how he Communicate's with me / if rude or just a asshat. But this hasn't happened in long long time .If I have to cancle on someone dure to this ,I do it day's before if perbooked appt.
secondHandNews's Avatar
Just makes me think where are you guys shopping?
Eros .. Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
All of my interactions have been through P4, from providers who have been members there for a long time, such as Syeira, to members with less than a year on the site. And you're right, Gina, it's happened to me in Houston and San Antonio as well. You and I have never met, but perhaps you'd be my second finger.. lol.
Sorry you last visit was a bust.
I don't think the whole scene is a joke. What I've seen is the market has become saturated with providers who don't give a shit. There are still quality providers, they just don't flood the sites with ads.
The downside for me is the price is up for the women I like, but that's the way a free market works.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Sorry you last visit was a bust.
I don't think the whole scene is a joke. What I've seen is the market has become saturated with providers who don't give a shit. There are still quality providers, they just don't flood the sites with ads.
The downside for me is the price is up for the women I like, but that's the way a free market works. Originally Posted by slowmover

The reason they do not give a shit is because they have been calloused to think that doing a half ass or worse session is totally ok by not only other providers, but even by hobbyists who have it engrained in their head that defending a provider who gives poor service somehow is going to possibly net them a discounted session later. The question is, if she gives shitty sessions, why would you want to see her even for a discounted rate?

Anyway, the best way to avoid blue balls is to establish yourself with dependable (for you) ladies who are very good with their TCB skills. Thank goodness I do not have that problem as I can call one or two of the ladies in my circle and I am BCD with them within the hour.
ahab11's Avatar
I've been trying several times to see a P411 Provider in FW and it always starts out in the Morning with text back and forth setting the time, changing the time, a problem here or there, and by 7pm i'm over it and tell her let's try another day.

I remember the Golden Years of ECCIE 2014-2018 when so many hotties and new girls every month had me driving an hour out of my way to see a Provider and never worrying about being ghosted.

Sasha Green and Teagen Luv types created an addiction that will never be matched again. Now I have heavy money to hobby with versus then so it's disappointing.
You saved money and you wasted time. Welcome to Dallas. Pray I get hired so I can get out of this city.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I've honestly gotten to the point where I don't even give out recommendations anymore. The people in my tiny little circle that I know to be super reliable-- are either gone completely or so part time that I don't even know if they are still even active.
I just can't understand why this goes on so much, it's not only in Dallas it happens in every city.

Yes things happen and it goes both way's.

I'm just a touring provider in Dallas and I have never ghosted anyone in the 12 yrs. I have been touring in Dallas.
I keep my appts and show up for my tour.

Just makes me think where are you guys shopping?
Eros ..

I have cancled before IF IF I feel we are not going to click just by how he Communicate's with me / if rude or just a asshat. But this hasn't happened in long long time .If I have to cancle on someone dure to this ,I do it day's before if perbooked appt. Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF

Im sure all of them Theres some real hunters on this site
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Im sure all of them Theres some real hunters on this site Originally Posted by cage196
Well they have to be, with out ad's on ECCIE and OH2 not working half the time.
And I forgot OH2.