Advice on how to deal with a stalker

KaitlynDior's Avatar
Here recently I've had a few issues with an compulsive client from Dallas, I noticed at the beginning he was very obsessive but never had any real problems with him up until now. We recently had an altercation so he started hanging out with my friend Stacy and fell in love with her to the point that he tried to get her out of the hobby and tried to monitor every date she went on and was very controlive. As soon as she noticed that she decided to cut it off with him and let him know straight up that she's not quitting the hobby to be his girlfriend. After he heard that he went crazy to the point where literally me and Stacy and cindy have to watch our back because I feel like he will pull up on us at any second even if we're just going to the store. He's very livid and I don't understand why it's even to the point where if we post on the ISO's he will message the client with a whole lot of lies to slander our name. I don't like drama and usually never really have it in my life so please don't get me wrong this isn't a normal thing for us I'm just asking for advice on how to deal with it, any help is appreciated and thanks for taking the time to read this
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
Whats his handle?
KaitlynDior's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
I thinck punting the stalker's junck will work wonders and will clear his mind.
RyanFromTER's Avatar
There are multiple self defense options that are legally viable in Texas. Up to and including lethal force. Do with that what you may. No one should live in fear.
Sorry to hear this is happening
but you might revisit your 'harassing' thread 8/1/16. It might also be some good advice there too
  • pxmcc
  • 10-06-2017, 04:48 PM
Bear spray is a good non-lethal option for personal protection. It is totally disabling to the recipient.

Would you like me to pm him? That may do the trick. lol.
CuSoon's Avatar
Please keep legal options open since you know his description and phone number....You and Stacy can be the witness...You have the right to protect yourself...measures including force...legally as self have the right if you feel threatened...grand jury will stand by you...document ..document...and document...
KaitlynDior's Avatar
I never thought of taking legal measures I just simply want him to leave me and AlluringStacy alone. I never liked having to do things the legal way but I don't know if he's going to make us have to go down to that level
AlluringStacy's Avatar
I just don't deserve this client doing this to me. He use to be a cool guy until he started demanding that I only see him on the weekend. Then he started deliberately calling me non stop if I didn't answer the phone he would assume I'm in a session then blow my phone up some more he called me a lying bitch because wouldn't admit to having a sessions, knowing dam well what I do for a living. I'm sorry but I believe that's not a clients buisness to know about my next session. Well he couldn't understand... Then he tried to make me feel guilty by getting stupidly drunk nd took a handful of Tylenol he texted me weird help msgs nd why wouldn't I answer the phone just excuses for me to get on the phone with him. I just don't deserve to be harassed like this.

Anyone that has seen me before knows i care about my buisness and would never jeopardize my sanity nor safety.Of mine or anyone's. I told him we should probably stop seeing each other this wasn't healthy anymore but he would always somehow turned it around and try to make me feel like I was in the wrong. . I'm just disgusted disappointed a little fearful.
KaitlynDior's Avatar
Sorry to hear this is happening
but you might revisit your 'harassing' thread 8/1/16. It might also be some good advice there too Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
Yes I have taken that into consideration however this is a completely different type of situation that I'm unfamiliar with so I figured I would ask for help.
blk knight's Avatar
your stalker/lover just emailed me
KaitlynDior's Avatar
your stalker/lover just emailed me Originally Posted by blk knight
I'm sure he did, this is crazy I have never had to deal with this before> Anyone that has met me before can vouch for me and my credibility
swarley69's Avatar
Yeah I got a email also, to be honest I don't know who to believe. I was in talks with alluring Stacy. Sounds like drama that I don't want to participate in . I hope you ladies stay safe.
blk knight's Avatar
I have to agree with Harley on this.
I am here for BJ's not a bunch of drama and he said, she said