Why Do You Guys Send Us Your Age & Race In Place of Screening Info?

I mean, seriously.

I get so many messages; "Hey Victoria, 45 Hispanic here, can I get a sesh?" (Hypothetical here, of course.)

The last time I checked, I hadn't put out a personals ad.

Honey, I don't care if you're 85 and a purple person; the proper screening info and being a nice person during our sesh, is all that matters to me.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
...they want it to be known upfront they are "not black"...or any shade of it..they're just putting their cards on the table...cuz nothing is getting in the way of them getting some action...and if you were NBA they play that card to curry favor ...like : "Hey I'm cool we see eye to eye on this race thing." LOL
LOL. or a tele-tubby? hehe
Hmmm, I'd never considered that angle before, so maybe so?

It just always feels like by somehow letting me know those two things, they think that I'll just agree to the sesh wout screening or something.

Not gonna happen.

But, maybe you're right!
LOL. or a tele-tubby? hehe Originally Posted by Alyssa71
I was thinking more along the lines of that old song, "One eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater.' Lols.
I mean, seriously.

I get so many messages; "Hey Victoria, 45 Hispanic here, can I get a sesh?" (Hypothetical here, of course.)

The last time I checked, I hadn't put out a personals ad.

Honey, I don't care if you're 85 and a purple person; the proper screening info and being a nice person during our sesh, is all that matters to me. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
This is ingrained in those of us who started their hobby lives with BP. The first text response I would always get when I would send a req was "age and race?" So most of us tend to lead with that to save the trouble. Hope this helps to clarify.
This is ingrained in those of us who started their hobby lives with BP. The first text response I would always get when I would send a req was "age and race?" So most of us tend to lead with that to save the trouble. Hope this helps to clarify. Originally Posted by rustyshackleford112.7

That makes sense. Leading w, I get. But the msgs I get seem to think this is all the info about themselves they ever have to share to secure a sesh. No way, José.
I'm late 30s and white and sexy....do you need more info from me to schedule a session?...haha. My back is actually killing me so I may be in touch later this week.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
That makes sense. Leading w, I get. But the msgs I get seem to think this is all the info about themselves they ever have to share to secure a sesh. No way, José. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
....but what about Lil Shi'Thead?
I'm late 30s and white and sexy....do you need more info from me to schedule a session?...haha. My back is actually killing me so I may be in touch later this week. Originally Posted by rustyshackleford112.7

Sure thing. Lmk if you'd like to come on over and I'll sort you out.
I was thinking more along the lines of that old song, "One eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater.' Lols. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
I know you are not that old...because I am
  • tth
  • 01-08-2018, 11:38 AM
I’ve had several providers ask me to tell them a little bit about myself during the screening process. So that’s when I give my age and race, otherwise I don’t give that info.

I know you are not that old...because I am Originally Posted by tbone2u
I just turned 32. I remember hearing the song as a kid in the late 80s/early 90s. Maybe it had a resurgence? Lols.
I’ve had several providers ask me to tell them a little bit about myself during the screening process. So that’s when I give my age and race, otherwise I don’t give that info. Originally Posted by tth
Yeah, it does seem like other providers are more picky than me in that regard. I never ask for that info. My only requirements for clients are what I said: be nice to me, be safe, don't be a jerk.
I just turned 32. I remember hearing the song as a kid in the late 80s/early 90s. Maybe it had a resurgence? Lols. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
It came out in 1958. I can remember putting a nickel in the jukebox to play it.