How many people have you had sex with?

I'm mainly curious about hobbyists here but providers feel free to chime in too. Did you orgasm every time? I've got a friend who says he never cums the first time he ever sleeps with a woman but always does on the second time.
But when answering include everyone all time married or not, male or female.
winn dixie's Avatar
Im a virgin
Ripmany's Avatar
Im a virgin Originally Posted by winn dixie
If you female I will help you out.
Ripmany's Avatar
I know hooker that only had 300 guys.
winn dixie's Avatar
If you female I will help you out. Originally Posted by Ripmany
ahh no
ahh no Originally Posted by winn dixie
I have absolutely no doubt you're missing out big time on this one
Oh c'mon Winn, take it seriously. although i suppose I should have used the Utah average of 2.6 partners and under for the first choice.
ICU 812's Avatar
I hobby infrequently; every 6-18 months or so. \Never hobbied before 2006. Lately it has been less and less often.

Have been in one continuous RW relationship since 1974.

How many different women I have had sex with? After counting on my fingers . . .probably 20 or less.

Not really a player I guess.
rexdutchman's Avatar
IN my mind !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ripmany's Avatar
"Perfect 0-1: Priest, Christian, or Perfection or Inability. "
Just because someone priest does bean there don't call people bin back room for a one on one.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
OP: Slept with as in Penetration? Does "Inability" include those with Erectile Dysfunction?
Ripmany's Avatar
OP: Slept with as in Penetration? Does "Inability" include those with Erectile Dysfunction? Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
He changed poll from sex to sleep I don't sleep with women I just fuck them and get out bed. I'm sleep with a someone virgin. I'm Just a fucker
OP: Slept with as in Penetration? Does "Inability" include those with Erectile Dysfunction? Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
I think we all know what it means but perhaps I should have used the term “intercourse” to be more specific.
jajake56's Avatar
I didn't always keep track but when I started I went back and tried to remember all I had seen. Total is around 120 now after 20+ years of mongering. Not all of them were intercourse, some hj and bj. Not a huge number but I have done as much as I could afford with both time and money. Now that the kids are older and leaving the house, I'll have more time and money to hobby.