Is Stealing Wrong? Not on the Left

  • oeb11
  • 11-02-2021, 08:14 AM

Source: AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File


To most readers of this column, the question is absurd. The reason is not because the question is, in fact, absurd; it is because most readers of this column are conservative, and many are religious.
Am I implying that most leftists do not believe stealing is wrong?
Yes, I am.
As incredible as this assertion is to just about all religious people and virtually all conservatives, most leftists do not believe stealing is wrong. Since I always draw a distinction between those on the Left and liberals, let me add that I suspect most liberals think stealing is wrong. But it almost doesn't matter because they vote for people who do not think it is.
One proof is the passage of Proposition 47, a California ballot initiative passed in 2014, under which theft of less than $950 in goods is treated as a nonviolent misdemeanor and rarely prosecuted. As a result, in Democrat-run California cities such as San Francisco and Los Angeles, retail theft has soared.
Walgreens stores in San Francisco are racking up four times the average amount of theft in Walgreens stores across the country; spending on security guards in San Francisco is 35 times more than the chain's average in other cities. Walgreens has been forced to close 22 stores in the city since 2016.
As reported in the San Francisco Chronicle: "The Safeway located in San Francisco's Castro neighborhood ... was a longstanding, 24-hour fixture in San Francisco's Castro neighborhood. But as of last week, the store's hours have been cut back to 6 a.m. to 9 p.m ... A Safeway spokesperson (said) that the cutbacks are 'due to an increasing amount of theft at the store.'"

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Further proof that the Left doesn't consider theft wrong -- at least when committed by a person of color -- was an interview broadcast on NPR last year with the author of a book titled "In Defense of Looting." The NPR interviewer threw only softball questions to the author.
In the last election, Los Angeles voters elected San Francisco's previous district attorney, George Gascon, as Los Angeles's district attorney. It was Los Angeles's way of declaring that stealing is not wrong. And it is worth noting that it is not only racial minorities and the poor who make these elections possible; it is also prosperous whites. The Los Angeles DA is a wealthy white, and he was supported by a white billionaire, George Soros.
It is hard to believe that millions of Americans do not deem stealing from stores morally wrong, so let's try to explain how this has come about.
Reason No. 1 is moral relativism. For as long as there has been a Left, it has rejected moral absolutes. As the great British historian, Paul Johnson, pointed out a half-century ago in his magnum opus, "Modern Times," the secular world applied the relativism of the natural sciences to morality.
Reason No. 2 is the reason for reason number one: the collapse of the Judeo-Christian value system and the accompanying abandonment of, and often disdain for, biblical ethics. Biblical morality posits moral absolutes -- meaning that stealing is wrong for everyone, certainly people of every color. Yes, one can offer a biblical defense of a starving man stealing food for his starving family. But that is hardly what is happening in San Francisco and other American cities.

Reason No. 3 is Marxist morality. From Marx to the present, Marxism has divided the world not between right and wrong, but between economic classes. Therefore, it is morally acceptable for members of the poorer classes to steal from members of the more affluent classes. This notion has made its way into young people's minds for decades. About 30 years ago, I spoke to students from four Cleveland high schools. I asked them to raise their hand if they would steal something they really wanted from a department store if they were certain they would not get caught. Nearly all the students raised their hands. When I asked some of them to justify their reasoning, they all said the same thing: they wouldn't steal from a mom-and-pop store, but they would steal from a department store. It is OK to steal from "the rich."

Liberal Reporter's Thread Hurls a Brick in the Face of CNN and Their Anti-Misinformation Crusade Matt Vespa

Reason No. 4 is leftists' view of nonwhites, especially blacks, a view that conservatives have never shared. Leftists truly believe that blacks are intellectually and morally inferior to whites. The evidence? They do not believe blacks should be held to the same intellectual and moral standards to which leftists hold whites. Leftists do not defend whites who steal, and they hold whites to higher intellectual standards. Leftists do not argue for lowering math standards for whites, only for blacks.

The bottom line is the Left is immoral. That is why it defends stealing.
Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and columnist. His latest book, published by Regnery in May 2019, is "The Rational Bible," a commentary on the book of Genesis. His film, "No Safe Spaces," was released to home entertainment nationwide on September 15, 2020. He is the founder of Prager University and may be contacted at

Comment - a qualification for Mr. Prager's article - which is accurate adn good reading.
the Democraticomunists do believe that stealing from others is just fine - unless One steals from teh nomenklatura - pelosi, schymer, AOC, etc - then count on prosecution.

It is teh usual democraticommunist Hypocrisy.

of course - teh democraticommunist party nomenklatura - are teh greatest Thieves of all time - fiden adn ukraine, China:, Pelosi and her stock market husband,: fauxahonts and harvard, : adn On adn On - they are all prodessional thieves who line their own pockets at others expense and torment.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
The morons who passes this insanity into Law should have asked……”Gee, what could go wrong”?
  • oeb11
  • 11-02-2021, 09:11 AM
the democraticomunists are incapable of recognizing the consequences of their actions
It is indoctrination
Comrade Xi does love them - and they love Comrade Xi!
HedonistForever's Avatar
The morons who passes this insanity into Law should have asked……”Gee, what could go wrong”? Originally Posted by Jackie S

Something ( hopefully ) Terry McCauliff should have asked himself! "What could go wrong with telling parents they have no right to interfere into what Marxist want to teach their children"?

If one couldn't predict the outcome of saying such a thing out loud, they surely don't need to be running a state.

But poor Terry was between a rock and a hard place. Don't say it and the Teacher's Union threatens to pull their support. Say it and you offend most parents.

Terry decided to "go with the money".

why did the Marxists in california and elsewhere do away with gt school classes

The New York Times:
Mayor Bill de Blasio will overhaul New York City’s highly selective, racially segregated gifted and talented education classes, a sea change for the nation’s largest public school system that may amount to the mayor’s most significant act in the waning months of his tenure.
The elementary school gifted and talented program that New York has known for the last several decades will no longer exist for incoming kindergarten students next fall, and within a few years, it will be eliminated completely, city officials told The New York Times.

Virginia is "updating" its advanced classes

its something said in the article

Reason No. 4 is leftists' view of nonwhites, especially blacks, a view that conservatives have never shared. Leftists truly believe that blacks are intellectually and morally inferior to whites.
  • oeb11
  • 11-02-2021, 01:05 PM
NGIT - it exposes teh blatant racism of teh democraticommunist party
Amen - good Sir!
rexdutchman's Avatar
""at any cost" They don't care
VitaMan's Avatar
You ran through the threads and posted 14 replies in less than.....20 minutes ? Could be a record.
  • oeb11
  • 11-03-2021, 12:08 PM
Thank you for confirming how One supports stealing of teh Democraticommunist nomenklatura - and their favored underclass proletariat
Don't complain when your home is rifled, burgled, invaded adn taken,vandalized, burned to teh ground - vm
Don't note the favored terrorists OBLM and anti-Fa of teh democraticommunist nomenklatura who commit such crimes with impunity.

It is your ideology

Live IT!!!

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
  • H&H
  • 11-03-2021, 06:27 PM
Only wrong if found wrong by a court. Unless you don't mind the time.
Stealing votes and money from foreign "investors" will never be wrong for the trump cartel.

You guys are way tooo easy dah
  • oeb11
  • 11-03-2021, 07:39 PM
Ummmm - ts
FYI - you got it wrong - as usual
the fiden crime cartel/cabal is busy thieving American Freedoms., Monies, and imposing racist hate and crt on American Peoples.

As you failed to notice - fiden is POTUS
Trump hate adn TDS is so September October!

You to fun ob1. It will take years to fix the trumpy cartel fuck ups. Remember how Clinton and Obama had to fix the Bush's fuck ups. It wasn't that long ago since Clinton balanced the budget and Obama save America from another bush financial crises. You must be one of the 5% that are buying bigger private jets and yachts and not paying taxes. maybe really really clueless
You to fun ob1. It will take years to fix the trumpy cartel fuck ups. Remember how Clinton and Obama had to fix the Bush's fuck ups. It wasn't that long ago since Clinton balanced the budget and Obama save America from another bush financial crises. You must be one of the 5% that are buying bigger private jets and yachts and not paying taxes. maybe really really clueless Originally Posted by Tsmokies
How did you like the leftwing HYPOCRITES and the summit they had on saving the planet...putting more "greenhouse" causing pollutants into the atmosphere then tens of thousands in people in a year. What do you have to say about that??
  • oeb11
  • 11-04-2021, 08:50 AM
You to fun ob1. It will take years to fix the trumpy cartel fuck ups. Remember how Clinton and Obama had to fix the Bush's fuck ups. It wasn't that long ago since Clinton balanced the budget and Obama save America from another bush financial crises. You must be one of the 5% that are buying bigger private jets and yachts and not paying taxes. maybe really really clueless Originally Posted by Tsmokies

As I addressed in another thread - ts

Glad for You - Please enjoy taking the first step to throwing off teh Delusions of teh propaganda of teh democraticommunist party!