Super Bowl Pics

Boogyman's Avatar
With game time a few hours away, I thought it'd be fun to hear your predictions.

I'd like to see the Saints win but am predicting the Colts will probably win. They're pretty well matched up and it should be a great game. The Colts have been there, done that so the experience gives them the edge, I believe.

I'd still be happy if I was wrong and the Saints could pull through.

Oh, and if a provider makes a prediction and is correct, she wins a free appointment with me, lol. I know, I know...what a prize lol
New Orleans...only because more of my favorite college ex-players are on their roster.

Other than that, I'm not all that concerned with who wins. I just want a great game with some smashmouth running displayed.
brutusbluto's Avatar
I can't wait to see some of the new commercials, they are sometimes pretty good, Also THE WHO at halftime!
I pick the Saints. However, if history is a guide, the Lingerie Bowl might be more entertaining.
Boogyman's Avatar
Jack, I kinda agree with you. I was watching CBS Sunday Morning and they did a piece "covering" that game and the teams. I was so "intrigued" by that story, I almost looked up a provider for a early Super Bowl ball, lol.
Boogyman, you are the only other person I know who watches the CBS Sunday Morning Show! I love it.
Boogyman's Avatar
If I can get up early enough to watch it from the start, it's a nice way to enjoy a Sunday morning coffee. I enjoyed it more when Charles Kuralt hosted it. His voice and mannerism was a nice way of easing into Sunday.
Boogyman, I watch that show religiously. I like Charles Kuralt too, and I sympathized with him when it was revealed after his death that he had a long-term mistress in Montana.
sunfish's Avatar
Enjoy the game !