Business Advertising

brutusbluto's Avatar
Being in the lawn care business, I am exploring different ways to advertise the business. My thought has brought me to the idea of advertising on the back of grocery store receipts. I want to know from everyone here, if you have ever looked at the back of the grocery store receipt to see what coupons etc may be on there or if you just toss the receipt without looking at the back. Thanks for your input!
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 02-11-2010, 06:34 PM
Toss it, never look at the back of the receipt. Over the years we got used to the idea that it is JUNK !!! Try the Pennysaver, I have used a lot of Services from there, be it snow plowing, Fire wood ... etc.
I'm afraid I don't usually pay attention to what's at the back of my grocery receipt. If there is a message or an offer of some special deal printed at the end of the receipt, I might look at it.
Boogyman's Avatar
I never look at those either. I've looked on craigslist for things like snow plow service, etc. Maybe try there.

Try flyers in upper scale neighborhoods, perhaps not too upscale-hoity toity areas.

Try a cross promotion with a real estate agent or someone in a similar industry. A real estate agent could give clients who just bought a house a gift certificate for a free mow and trim. If it's labeled as a gift from the agent, they may go for it - it makes them look good. When they call you, show up, cut the grass and give them your info.

You could also get a list of new home sales addresses and send some mailers out.

Try a referral program. If your current customers refer someone, they get a free cut or some fertilizing or something.

Your area may have a local community website or discussion forum you could either buy ad space or spam the forums. There's a Topix for almost every city.
My thought has brought me to the idea of advertising on the back of grocery store receipts. I want to know from everyone here, if you have ever looked at the back of the grocery store receipt to see what coupons etc may be on there or if you just toss the receipt without looking at the back. Originally Posted by jymie
I don't look at the back of those receipts personally. Someone must or they wouldn't advertise there.

My assumption is the best advertising for a lawn care business is a sign in a neighbor's yard saying they use your service.

With gas the way it is, that would give you the secondary effect of clustering your customers so you need to drive less to get between them.

That would also be a source of productivity.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-11-2010, 10:01 PM
I would go with an ad in the penny saver or classifieds.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-12-2010, 02:38 PM
They have coupons on the back of the receipts?

I don't even look at the receipt, let alone check the ads. The clerk gives it to me, i crumple it up, throw it in the bag (or shove it in my pocket) and in the trash it goes when i get home.

But then again, i don't read the pennysaver either.
wnykittenkisser's Avatar
Around here a successful way is on diner placematts or the penny saver they booth work well. As for the register reciepts I also don't bother to look at them. Word of mouth has worked for Me for almost forty years.
brutusbluto's Avatar
Well. I talked with the guy about advertising on the receipts and his deal is this...$250 a month on a year long contract...So I said well, I am just looking for pricing. Are you kidding me? $250 a month? Give me a break, he must think people are stupid. lol So I doubt I'll ever go that route.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 02-13-2010, 08:10 AM
Even posting signs on telephone poles works. That is how I found my snow plowing guy.