Never Waste A Good Crisis!

elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
I recently saw a traveling provider that insisted she and I both wash our hands before we got to the BCD proceedings. I love my health so I was quick to oblige.

It made me think, what are other providers doing to ensure that they are protecting themselves and their clients from a H1N1 outbreak?

I know few of the lovelies I connect with are fully-certified MILF with school-age children at home. So I thought it was a fair question for the game. Likewise, a lot of these clients have school-age children at home.

On the other hand, I would welcome a full body 2 body shower & wash at the start of each session to make sure we are both sanitized before the BCD begins. Any takers?
Pistol Man's Avatar
I'm with you. I always ask for shower before BCD just to make sure all the parts are kissing sweet. And I carry toothbrush and toothpaste with me at all times; you just never know when someone may want to kiss you. (And the Pistol Man loves to kiss) I appreciate very much my companion doing likewise. If facilities are not available I make sure to wash hands or use sanitizer just before arriving. And if I know facilities are not available I will shower immediately prior to getting in the car and driving to see her.

Fresh and clean only adds to the pleasure enjoyed by both.

Pistol Man
I'm all for it. I like body worship so to be able to kiss a man all over is a great thing!!
  • YSD
  • 09-11-2009, 08:22 PM
I lend my full support as well.
That is a great question! In my office, we can control most of the environment. I use an industrial strength ionizer (Alpine Air) to kill germs and control allergens. Twice a day, I go through the office with a spray bottle of alcohol and hit all common surfaces. Door knobs, remote control, hangers, sink and faucet, door frames, etc. We use mouthwash as much to control germs as breath freshening and ALWAYS sanitize the linens and our tables/face cradles. Sanitized and fresh linens between every client, of course. If we have to sneeze, we step away from the client and use a wash cloth to cover our faces. (it's thicker than tissue and immediately goes into the wash.) Alcohol is sprayed on our hands and we get a new towel. There are alot of things we do to stay healthy. The nice thing about working with someone who has had the same health training is they do it too. There's not need to remind or ask or pester. It gets done and we are happy to protect our clients as well as ourselves. I have never had a client complain because of the alcohol or cleanliness. I have a kitchen in my suite so hand washing is always available. I also have a tooth brush at work and use it. There's more but ... We manage to do all this, usually without the client's knowledge. We don't want to seem "mechanical" or undesirably therapeutic.

Does this answer your question?
Kelly TNT's Avatar
I wash and sanitize consistantly...

And I use 45 wash cloths during one session.


If one touches something, it's dead. Grab the fresh one...

I'm a Laundry Whore too....

There's a little bit of trivia for ya.

Fresh everything before seeing someone...

Myself, The Room, Things I use, How I use them, Items I provide and Force my clients to use.. Ha...

Ooh, Aaaand saran wrap!

Never can be tooo careful.

~Kelly TNT
  • Stag
  • 09-17-2009, 09:57 AM
MMMM -- Kelly -- and saran wrap -- mmmmmmm.

(Kelly, what's going on in my mind right now is probably not what you got the saran wrap for -- but thanks for the image.)