242 reasons to throw the democrats out office

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Obama has pushed for 242 tax increases since entering the White House....this from the man who said he would not raise your taxes. It is 262 if you count the taxes in Obamacare.

How do you like me now?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-15-2014, 12:19 PM
how in the hell did all those tax increases ever make it through Congress?

where were the Republicans, and what the fuck were they doing in the House ??

oh wait ...
boardman's Avatar
Not sure where the 242 came from

Here's a paragraph from the article.

According to a new report, President Obama has sought 442 tax increases since taking office, though most have died because of congressional opposition.
how in the hell did all those tax increases ever make it through Congress?

where were the Republicans, and what the fuck were they doing in the House ??

oh wait ... Originally Posted by CJ7
Republicans like taxes too.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-15-2014, 03:21 PM
Not sure where the 242 came from

Here's a paragraph from the article.

According to a new report, President Obama has sought 442 tax increases since taking office, though most have died because of congressional opposition. Originally Posted by boardman

it came out of JD's ass, just like everything else he posts
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Both parties want to spend and control. What is their motivation to not raise taxes? They are two sides of the same coin.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-15-2014, 04:06 PM
Republicans like taxes too. Originally Posted by zerodahero

can you name a better way for them to help pay for their military lust?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
can you name a better way for them to help pay for their military lust? Originally Posted by CJ7
I sure can. Iraq should pay us for our expenses plus 20% plus one million to each family who lost a service member.
100 grand to Purple Heart recipients.
I sure can. Iraq should pay us for our expenses plus 20% plus one million to each family who lost a service member.
100 grand to Purple Heart recipients. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Hell if that is true then there is a windfall awaiting us if we invade Israel.
can you name a better way for them to help pay for their military lust? Originally Posted by CJ7
All the major banks are in on that as well
Onarcissism & RINOS = tyranny...
we invade Iraq and they should pay us....how does your logic....which is questionable at best....work....that's the same as saying someone invades your house and in the end you pay the guy who invaded to the house for the damages to your house....
I sure can. Iraq should pay us for our expenses plus 20% plus one million to each family who lost a service member.
100 grand to Purple Heart recipients. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
we invade Iraq and they should pay us....how does your logic....which is questionable at best....work....that's the same as saying someone invades your house and in the end you pay the guy who invaded to the house for the damages to your house.... Originally Posted by stevepar
We saved them from Saddam, they pay. Fuck, I don't know why we invaded - but somebody got to pay.
"I don't know why we invaded-but somebody got to pay"....
that's it....somebody got to pay....that's the best you can do...
your answer is less than weak.....
how about we bill bush veep dick and rummy for their lies that led to the Iraq war...
following your logic the jews should be paying reparations to the nazis.....
lustylad's Avatar
we invade Iraq and they should pay us....how does your logic....which is questionable at best....work.... Originally Posted by stevepar
Well, if you recall the first Persian Gulf War, the US Treasury was fully repaid by the Saudis and Kuwaitis for all of our military costs... Twelve years later, we got rid of Saddam and helped the Iraqis hold free elections that put the Shiite majority in power after years of suffering under Saddam's oppression. So yes, by logic the new government should reimburse us for this favor. Unfortunately, they don't do gratitude well in the Middle East and the US is too high-minded to follow the old dictum of Victoribus Spolia...

Today most of Iraq's oil output is sold to China and transported on tankers protected by our 5th Fleet based in Bahrain. The Iraqi Shiites squabble with the Iraqi Kurds over the revenues but most of it disappears down the cesspool of local corruption. Since this is the Middle East, there may yet be a silver lining. Malaki now wants to buy Blackhawks and other US arms to kill the al queda miscreants he stupidly allowed to overrun Fallujah and parts of Ramadi. Could be a good way to recycle Iraqi petrodollars.

Ok, enough about Iraq. Isn't this thread supposed to be about Odumbo's tax increases?
