Scandalous Women...You Would Do

setman's Avatar
Throughout history, scandalous women have caused wars, defied the rules, and brought men to their knees.

The famous and the infamous: queens, divorcees, actresses, and outlaws have created a ruckus during their lifetimes-turning heads while making waves.

History is full of such scandalous women who have flouted convention, beaten all the odds, and determined the course of men and world events.

Cleopatra, Helen of Troy, Lady Godiva, Joan of Arc, Marie Antoninette, Mata Hari, Ma Barker, Bonnie Parker, Calamity Jane, Heidi Fleiss, Monica Lewinski, Rachel Uchitel???..Who’d be first on your list?

Setty (SouthSide)

Cpalmson's Avatar
Casey Anthony
Rachel Uchitel, Jennifer Flowers, Donna Rice and of course London Rayne (again)!!
Well behaved women.....rarely make history!
DallasRain's Avatar
cool post!!!

Fun Facts Friday: Scandalous Women

1) To cel*e*brate her 50 years in show biz, 68 year old Josephine Baker did a ret*ro*spec*tive revue at the Bobino in Paris (page 230). 2) Amelia Earhart is con*sid*ered to be the first mod*ern Amer*i*can hero*ine (page 285).
3) Lady Car*o*line Lamb wrote an anony*mous fan let*ter to Lord Byron after read*ing an 1812 ARC of Childe Harold’s Pil*grim*age. And you thought ARCs were a new thing (page 47).
4) If Joan of Arc lived today she’d prob*a*bly be diag*nosed as a schiz*o*phrenic (page 21).
5) Mata Hari means “the eye of the day” in Malay (page 112).
6) Boudica, a queen of the Iceni tribe (today con*sid*ered part of Eng*land), seized Lon*don from the con*quer*ing Roman Empire and burned it the town the ground (page 11).
7) Mary Woll*stonecraft who caused many scan*dals argu*ing for the rev*o*lu*tion*ary notion that women should have rights, was the mother of "Franken*stein" author Mary Shelly (page 129).
8) Carry Nation forced the US Sen*ate to stop its ses*sion while being removed from the pub*lic gal*leries after shout*ing her opin*ions (page 159).
9) Gertrude Stein was named a Com*man*der of the British Empire in 1917. Ms. Stein said “It’s rather absurd” (page 276).
10) Lady Hes*ter Stan*hope was born in Eng*land, but ended her life in Djoun, Lebanon (page 261).
Zohar — Man of la Book
London Rayne's Avatar
Rachel Uchitel, Jennifer Flowers, Donna Rice and of course London Rayne (again)!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight

You sh*t! I am going to go with Amy Fisher ha ha.
Does Lindsay Lohan count?
London Rayne's Avatar
Does Lindsay Lohan count? Originally Posted by Shayla

LOL add Paris to the list as well, but I would not touch her kitty! It looks like it got hit by a truck lol!
Easy, the Virgin Mary. She's a virgin!

Ouch, so sorry!
Naomi4u's Avatar
You sh*t! I am going to go with Amy Fisher ha ha. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Lmfao. She's now a webcam girl on LOL
Does Lindsay Lohan count? Originally Posted by Shayla
Double!! That is, if there is a difference between trainwreck and scandal.....
burkalini's Avatar
I think I agree with Cpalmson. I think Casey Anthony is hot. Please don't hold the fact that she killed her child against her in anyway. How about that Prostitute that killed six guys. The one portrayed in Monster. I forget her name? Was it Irene? Talk about a final cum shot. Palmson she does have big tits. Now how about Britney Spears. Doesn't looking at her small attractive pussy make you hot. Did I say small? That things been hit more than one more time.
London Rayne's Avatar
I think I agree with Cpalmson. I think Casey Anthony is hot. Please don't hold the fact that she killed her child against her in anyway. How about that Prostitute that killed six guys. The one portrayed in Monster. I forget her name? Was it Irene? Talk about a final cum shot. Palmson she does have big tits. Now how about Britney Spears. Doesn't looking at her small attractive pussy make you hot. Did I say small? That things been hit more than one more time. Originally Posted by burkalini
I love that movie Monster, and Charlize did a stellar job. I did not even recognize her! Casey Anthony is too wacko for my tastes though. I can't feel warm and fuzzy thoughts about a woman like that, but Amy Fisher only shot the wife lol.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Debra LaFave from Florida.

London Rayne's Avatar
Ohh I forgot about that indeed!