Predictions: Georgia Senate:: Warnock versus Walker

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Who will win the Georgia senate race and by how much?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
This is a tough one and I do not understand why. I don't know much about Warnock but Walker simply is not fit to be a Senator, and I am dismissing his problems in the past with women. He just is not very bright, and while that could be said about several people in Congress, Walker is almost in a category by himself. I would vote for Kemp for Governor in Georgia if I lived there. I have voted for Abbott and Cornyn in Texas. I could never vote for Walker.

I think Warnock wins by 4-5%.

Interested in hearing the opinions of others.
HedonistForever's Avatar
This is a tough one and I do not understand why. I don't know much about Warnock but Walker simply is not fit to be a Senator, and I am dismissing his problems in the past with women. He just is not very bright, and while that could be said about several people in Congress, Walker is almost in a category by himself. I would vote for Kemp for Governor in Georgia if I lived there. I have voted for Abbott and Cornyn in Texas. I could never vote for Walker.

I think Warnock wins by 4-5%.

Interested in hearing the opinions of others. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

I wish I could post Bill Mahr's analysis of this race and why some very smart, very savy Republicans could possibly support a guy like Walker.

Walker wins because I think it just going to be one of those "explainable elections".

I can only paraphrase but it was "something to the effect" ( thank you Cassidy Hutchinson ) that the more extreme the Democratic party gets and Mahr explains all the ways the Democrats are extreme with their cancel culture and "trans-gender nonsense", the dumber the Republican can be and still win.

I understand exactly what Mahr is saying.

No matter how dumb Walker might be, he is there to stop the Democrats from keeping the Senate, nothing more, nothing less. Walker will be exactly what the Republican party wants in Georgia and the country. So if the policies of the Republican candidate are the policies you want for Georgia and the country, doesn't matter one wit whether Walker can add anything to the party.

What has Warnock done other than vote exactly as the Democrat party tells him to.

I could be wrong but it sure seems like Democrats more than Republicans are moving away from stands they took just 2 years ago. Mark Kelley calling Biden's immigration policy dumb but voted with Biden on every issue Democrats voted on and will continue, I suspect, to vote the Democrat party line.

But it is the "defund the police" that is really causing Democrats to back track on things they said just a few short years ago, clearly making them hypocrites on the matter.

The more extreme one party gets, the easier it could be to beat them even with a Herchel Walker who is dumb as a rock.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-15-2022, 02:15 PM
If gasoline goes up another 50 cents , Walker just may win.

That is who the Saudi's want to win!
Hedonist is both right and wrong. Says Democrats are getting more extreme when the same can be said of Republicans, ex-president Trump's own son recently said there is no more Republican party; it's the Trump party.

Warnock my vote the Democrat line, but does anyone expect Walker to vote any other than his Republican handlers tell him to?

The thing about Walker is it appears that he doesn't Walk the Talk and doesn't seem to understand that if he drinks the tea, he'll have to fly his next Baby Mama out of state to get an abortion. He can probably afford it but if it walks like a this case it isn't Donald.

There's woke, and then there's people that need to wake up, smell the roses and do what's right...and I don't necessarily mean politically.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hedonist is both right and wrong. Says Democrats are getting more extreme when the same can be said of Republicans, ex-president Trump's own son recently said there is no more Republican party; it's the Trump party.

what is extreme about putting America's interests first and foremost? that is Trump's platform. as it should be.

Warnock my vote the Democrat line, but does anyone expect Walker to vote any other than his Republican handlers tell him to?

The thing about Walker is it appears that he doesn't Walk the Talk and doesn't seem to understand that if he drinks the tea, he'll have to fly his next Baby Mama out of state to get an abortion. He can probably afford it but if it walks like a this case it isn't Donald.

i'll give you that. Walker should have disclosed those out of marriage children upfront to diffuse the issue, knowing it would eventually come out. but Warnock has his own marriage issues and he's a preacher. so neither are "walking the walk" in terms of self-proclaimed faith, are they?

There's woke, and then there's people that need to wake up, smell the roses and do what's right...and I don't necessarily mean politically. Originally Posted by reddog1951

what do you consider right? inquiring posters want to know.
Not sure I always know what is "right". I do thing it wrong for someone who pretty obviously paid for the abortion of an "inconvenient" child (nevermind less than stellar fatherly relations or contact with live born offspring) to originally profess being against abortion in all cases, backpeddling only when his parental history came to light. Even he admits that he's not very smart. He's another Quack. His supporters are really supporting his uncle Thomas.

As far as America First...that is a slogan, not a platform and in itself is too ambiguous to have any meaning. I would suspect that imcumbants and candidates from both parties would agree with those two words. Of course, the devil is in the details unstated.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Hedonist is both right and wrong.

I know what I'm right abou but what am I wrong about? I never said or suggested that Republicans don't have extremist but no Republicans are in power are they? So, it can't be that because one can not be wrong about something they didn't say. The reason ( at least one of them ) that the party of the President, loses seats in the first term, historically. is because people are judging the party in power and the circumstances they see around them. Who is a reasonably un-biased voter going to want to punish for say this massive crime wave and immigration? Democrats can be smeared with campaigning with anti-police rhetoric, rhetoric that many of them are now changing because an election is coming and they can "read the room" as they say.

Says Democrats are getting more extreme when the same can be said of Republicans, ex-president Trump's own son recently said there is no more Republican party; it's the Trump party.

OK, you got me there! Jared Kushner is an extremist! Now tell me other elected Republicans who have said the same thing? Believe me, words/ labels, in this case, isn't going to help the Democrat party who are making changes the majority of the country do not agree with. With perhaps the except of abortion and maybe Covid handling ( which I find brainless ) Joe Biden's policies taken individually, is under water on every topic there is from the economy, to crime, to immigration, to education and now to foreign policy. See if any polling expert would agree that pointing out what Kushner said moves the needle at all. Don'texpect to see it come up in a Democrat million dollar ad campaign. That would be a waste of money

Warnock my vote the Democrat line, but does anyone expect Walker to vote any other than his Republican handlers tell him to?

Here again you are merely repeating what I said, what I acknowledged and you make it sound like I didn't do that! I did. I explained that dumb as he is, he will vote the party line just like the vast majority of elected official in both parties do. There are only a handful in both Houses that actually do anything like Pelosi and Schmer do. You're a Democrat and you go to her with your "ideas on how to make a bill she wrote better"? Yeah, good luck with that. You will shortly be informed that you are "expected" to vote the way the Speaker wants you to vote. And YES, that's the way it works in both parties with an occasional lone wolf like Manchin, well, what Manchin use to be before he was neutered.

The thing about Walker is it appears that he doesn't Walk the Talk and doesn't seem to understand that if he drinks the tea, he'll have to fly his next Baby Mama out of state to get an abortion. He can probably afford it but if it walks like a this case it isn't Donald.

There's woke, and then there's people that need to wake up, smell the roses and do what's right...and I don't necessarily mean politically. Originally Posted by reddog1951

Then what do you mean? And Yeah, please tell us what is "right".
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Not sure I always know what is "right". I do thing it wrong for someone who pretty obviously paid for the abortion of an "inconvenient" child (nevermind less than stellar fatherly relations or contact with live born offspring) to originally profess being against abortion in all cases, backpeddling only when his parental history came to light. Even he admits that he's not very smart. He's another Quack. His supporters are really supporting his uncle Thomas.

As far as America First...that is a slogan, not a platform and in itself is too ambiguous to have any meaning. I would suspect that imcumbants and candidates from both parties would agree with those two words. Of course, the devil is in the details unstated. Originally Posted by reddog1951

Walker said he doesn't know everything. different from saying he's not smart. and Warnock doesn't know everything either. so is he "not smart" also?

there is no conclusive proof Walker did pay for an abortion.

Uncle Tom? is that your best argument for any black candidate for office for professing conservative views? well it is what the far left always claim so maybe you are just repeating what Joe Scarborough told you to think.
Regarding Walker paying for abortion, I've seen enough to believe the woman, similarly to my belief that Clinton got one or more BJs from Monica.

In response to Walker's smarts, here is Walker's quote, which I think is an honest appraisal:

“I’m this country boy, you know. I’m not that smart. And he’s a preacher. He’s a smart man, wears these nice suits. So he is going to show up and embarrass me at the debate Oct. 14, and I’m just waiting to show up and I’m going to do my best.”

If I owned a sports related company, I might hire Walker for his name recognition to glad hand clients, but would never consider him for a position that developed policy or was responsible for finance. So why support his as a candidate with those same responsibilities?

I was not referring to Jared regarding the Trump Party, I was referring to Eric Trump and his Newsmax interview, but if Jared declared as well, so be it:

As I've stated many times, I am not a Democrat nor a Republican, I AM an Independent, but also admittedly anti-Trump. He and his buffoon advisors are destroying the Republican party by splintering, I'm afraid ultimately to the development of a majority Democratic party and two smaller also rans that were once the GOP.

I agree that both sides are pressured to vote the party line and don't think that is good for either side, or for the country as a whole. Another reason I'm Independent.
  • Tiny
  • 10-15-2022, 07:48 PM
Warnock wins by 1.5%. Warnock is charismatic and a gifted speaker. Still, Republicans could have have nominated someone who would win. Geoff Duncan, the well known lieutenant governor, for example. He's formidable. Unfortunately, our omniscient former president gave his "complete and total endorsement" to Walker, a weak, flawed candidate, early on in September, 2021. And the rest will be history.
Precious_b's Avatar
Loved how Walker flashed the badge.
Too bad he was rebuked noting that it carried as much authority as Quick Dram McGraw.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Not sure I always know what is "right". I do thing it wrong for someone who pretty obviously paid for the abortion of an "inconvenient" child (nevermind less than stellar fatherly relations or contact with live born offspring) to originally profess being against abortion in all cases, backpeddling only when his parental history came to light. Even he admits that he's not very smart. He's another Quack. His supporters are really supporting his uncle Thomas.

As far as America First...that is a slogan, not a platform and in itself is too ambiguous to have any meaning. I would suspect that imcumbants and candidates from both parties would agree with those two words. Of course, the devil is in the details unstated. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Since abortion is a sacrament for the left, the idea that Walker may be under the radar should be an endorsement.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Regarding Walker paying for abortion, I've seen enough to believe the woman, similarly to my belief that Clinton got one or more BJs from Monica.

In response to Walker's smarts, here is Walker's quote, which I think is an honest appraisal:

“I’m this country boy, you know. I’m not that smart. And he’s a preacher. He’s a smart man, wears these nice suits. So he is going to show up and embarrass me at the debate Oct. 14, and I’m just waiting to show up and I’m going to do my best.”

If I owned a sports related company, I might hire Walker for his name recognition to glad hand clients, but would never consider him for a position that developed policy or was responsible for finance. So why support his as a candidate with those same responsibilities?

I was not referring to Jared regarding the Trump Party, I was referring to Eric Trump and his Newsmax interview, but if Jared declared as well, so be it:

As I've stated many times, I am not a Democrat nor a Republican, I AM an Independent, but also admittedly anti-Trump. He and his buffoon advisors are destroying the Republican party by splintering, I'm afraid ultimately to the development of a majority Democratic party and two smaller also rans that were once the GOP.

I agree that both sides are pressured to vote the party line and don't think that is good for either side, or for the country as a whole. Another reason I'm Independent. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Since the woman has not been publicly identified, how do you know her name and her character?
eyecu2's Avatar
I suspect this race will be very close. Both candidates have their pluses and minuses, but after watching Warnock on stage, well Walker seemed to struggle, I'm going to predict Warnock by the slimmest of margins. I suspect this will be a state that will have a recount due how close it will turn out. That said, people that can incite voters to get out and vote could make a difference either way.