Can you block someone from posting..

Stop someone from posting in a thread you start? Or how do you block them period?

Find his profile...

Click on it, click "View Public Profile", click on "User Lists", click on "Add to Ignore Lists"...

And you can't stop anyone from posting in a thread you start.
And you can't block anyone period. Only "ignore list".
ck1942's Avatar
Unless perhaps there is a reason to report the poster for violating certain guidelines like cyberstalking.

But they can't private message me either I take it
TryWeakly's Avatar
It has been discussed before in Houston... Brooke knows the answer.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-07-2017, 11:22 PM
But they can't private message me either I take it Originally Posted by Haxxors