Section to contest rumors/false no's

jwin's Avatar
  • jwin
  • 11-22-2013, 12:13 PM
Everyone has met someone they just didn't click with and sometimes reviews reflect this. While the provider typically sees who gave them a no, hobbyist generally have no clue which provider is secretly trying to ruin their reputation. I purpose we add a dedicated section/forum that allows the provider to refute any no she feels unjust as well as allows the client to defend his position. This section would also allow providers who feel they have been wronged by a hobbyist to publicly give an open opinion instead of hiding behind the scenes essentially starting rumors that the hobbyist cannot respond too. I am aware the shady people will always lurk in the shadows as normal however with this new section people with legitimate issues have some way to tactfully attempt to resolve the issue without each person attempting the get the other banned.

While hypothetical and probably a long shot I think it will help both spectrums and reduce drama caused by petty simpletons with hidden agendas.
We's called the Coed section.

Review rebuttals, NC/NS, etc go there. It may not be "just" for that but that is where threads of that nature go.
We's called the Coed section.

Review rebuttals, NC/NS, etc go there. It may not be "just" for that but that is where threads of that nature go. Originally Posted by DickEmDown
Exactly...the forum for that is already there, jwin. Plus the ladies can speak their minds in their forums as well. As far as reducing drama, it sells lots of popcorn so why spoil a good thing, lol.
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  • jwin
  • 11-23-2013, 10:19 AM
The purpose of the section would be to streamline the process. Co-ed section discussions are typically all over the place and even smaller states have several pages of "stuff" you have to go through to find what you are looking for. When I see a no on a review I like to look at both the reviewer and the provider to see if something person is going on that lead to the no. If you make a separate section for rebuttals it allows us to spend less time searching and have readily available info and a place where hobbyist and providers can look at the person's attitude in their response without going to the provider/hobbyist to get a response. Its just a thought, and trying condense search time hasn't hurt anyone I would assume.
I see your point about making it less cluttered, jwin but if this section was added would you not still have to search for what you want? The first 3-4 months info would be more readily available but say, a couple years down the road, you would still have to use "search" to find what you're looking for...which is what we do now.
I guess that's why having a few reviews helps. if 4 out of 5 are good....we can assume someone wasn't a good match. i think it works well the way it is. but thanks for the idea.