Some Perspective From A Retired Pro -

I've been around a few years now, made a few friends, but most of all I've never let myself get out of touch with how things are for my compatriots.

How things are is this... The women who have worked so hard to get verified, maintain reputations, maintain fantastic bodies and levels of service for YOU, are STARVING!! Most are entirely too prideful to ever let anyone know this, but being retired allows me much time to read the Powderroom and other backchannels. And fellas, it aint good.

Every day they have to put on that brave face and hope their phones ring. Every day they have to get on here and post ads, and threADs... every day they are bombarded with a huge amount of men spending their money on women that rob them, bait and switch em, lie about levels of service/upsell, have pimps/managers who beat your asses, get the point. Every day, they comfort you when these things happen to you and hope you'll come back to what you know is a good thing. But you don't. EVERY day.. they watch it all go by and wonder why did I work so hard to establish myself only to starve and watch unverified assholes collect money for nothing. Merely because they are "fresh meat".

In the end, what's the point of having this review board and making the women jump through so many hoops only to have a nice smack in the face every day when their phones aren't ringing?!?

The point of my rant/ramble/PSA is that you guys have got to realize that the providers you claim to love so much are not making ends meet. WHY????? Why are you shitting on them by constantly wasting your money elsewhere then coming back here to whine about how horrible it was? What makes you stop caring about the women who have worked so hard to earn their stripes? What makes you stop supporting them?

What do they have to do to get your CONSISTENT business back??? Please, let that be the topic of this discussion. Because really guys, it's so bad that I spend most of my time (as a retired social worker as well) giving referrals to food banks, churches that will help with rent/utilities, and other resources that sustain daily life. So please, answer that very important question. WHAT CAN THE ESTABLISHED VERIFIED PROVIDERS DO TO EARN YOUR CONSISTENT BUSINESS?????


If you were a dude, I would give you a free session with lots of kisses.

Thank you for writing that.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar

If you were a dude, I would give you a free session with lots of kisses.

Thank you for writing that. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
i second that motion!!! lol
Wow, where to even start?
I think I will only address your last question because reguarless of all the rest, all the reasons that men choose different women at different times, this question is the one your most likely realliy interested in.


First, let me say I am not that expereinced in the hobby to know all the dynamics long term. I can only tell you what would increase the likelyhood of me wanting to return to a specific provider. And these are genetic. I could talk in great detail about all of them.

In no specific order:

Consintant behavior- Do you provide the same level of service each time or am I going to get YMMV each time?

Reliable- Do you keep your appointments? Do you communicate when you cannot do so? Even if its after missing due to an emeregency, its better than never letting me know why. Are reschedules by you a rare thing?

Connection with me- Do you reconize that I may not like everything the same way others do? Are you willing to be flexable? EX: Meeting for a short visit to get aquainted before scheduling BCD? Do you know if I want you to jump me when I walk in the door or talk first?

Scheduling- Is it easy to schedule? Yes, I know you get lots of worthless contacts but you know what? Thats your problem to deal with not mine. If I contact you by your prefered method, I want to hear back from you, soon. Do you post a prefered contact method and how long I might expect to wait till I hear back from you?

Menu- How can I know what services I can expect before I see you? And saying GFE/PSE is not enough.

Price- Are you inline with others offering the same services and appeal? (and that does not mean just cheeper). Have you made me truly feel your worth what you ask? Do you offer a FFD (Frequent Fucker Discount) for your steady customers? I am willing to pay more but not just because your good looking.

Enviroment- Is your incall some place that makes me feel like your inviting me into your life? Is it comfortable? Does it reflect you as a person? Your style and interests? Safe? Or am I going to be looking over my shoulder all the time?

Managed or not- If you are managed in some way, I dont EVER want to know it, Dont want to see some guy hanging around, no noises from the other bedroom, etc. If you have a roommate, share an incall, thats OK but unless they are joining us, I dont want to see them.

I am sure others will think of more items. Bottom line for me, what are you doing to set yourself apart from the rest? If you want my money more than once, you had better take the time and effort to get to know me, and know me well. I need to feel like I am giving you money because I want to, like I would for a girlfriend not because its a transaction.

If you can figure out why a guy is in the hobby and adjust to fulfill that need, you will have all the repeat customers you can handle. Guys my age are most likely looking for more than just a hole to put it in.

PS: Thanks for posting the question. Its a great topic to talk about and can help both sides, I think.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
lol @ffd i offer it but never heard it put like that before *cute*
Lana Warren's Avatar
Guys my age are most likely looking for more than just a hole to put it in. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Yeah, the younger ones are looking for that warm apple pie! LOL! I know, I know....shut up Lana!
LazurusLong's Avatar
1. It isn't hard to get verified. Sorry. It is not. You create a web site, post a Welcome Wagon thread, CHOOSE a guy that contacts you after you have done some research on by checking if he actually does reviews and read a handful of his posts and you'll get a review and if the guy is actually decent, he'll email the staff the moment he gets home. There can also just be a meeting with a staff member without a session if they have time. PPE just posted about meeting a new redhead who posted in the Welcome Wagon.

2. The economy sucks. There are more escorts out there than ever before. Like any other market, when a product selection gets flooded, you have to really make yourself stand out. Many ways to do that.

I shouldn't have to try and guess your rate or location. If I click your ad or welcome wagon thread and can't see what part of town you work, I move on. If I can't see a rate, I move on. IF you claim GFE and I hear 1 guy say that you don't kiss, don't allow DATY and need a cover for a blowjob, I move on. If you aren't comfortable with those services, don't use that term.

There are too many choices.

Half this business is showing up. You better be able to suck the chrome off a trailer hitch if you are flaky and not able to meet a time commitment. Although I am self employed, most guys are not and they hobby in narrow windows of time. that window is not 5-6 hours wide. Set a time and KEEP it.

Believe me, guys talk and not just on this board.

3. I know I'll get shit for this but get real on your price point. You're not selling a rare one of a kind vintage auto like a 1967 Shelby Cobra that is concourse correct. I see the flood of new talent thinking they are unique looking to get 300/hr. Brand new with limited skills. Hell, even back on ASPD the 300/hr girls were rare and now it seems the new girls feel that even though they don't have a clue on how to please a guy who is 50 (their target audience) they can ask for the moon.

In any sales market, set a price that brings clients. If your ad at 300 doesn't get the phone ringing, try 250 the next week OR before posting that new ad, try emailing back the guys who inquired and offer them the 250.

If the 250 didn't work, try 200 the same way. Hell, I've had a lot of fun with some sweet ECCIE women lately who would rather take a discount that THEY offer rather than sit and not earn at all.

More later but I need to go get laid.
TheAngryHobbyist's Avatar
1) Don't lie on your P411 profile: Don't say you are a non-smoker when you are. Don't say you are 5' 3" when you are 4' 11". Don't say you weigh 135 lbs when you weigh 155 lbs.

2) Return emails: Even if you did not get to it until after the requested appt, just simply respond saying you are sorry and you just opened the email. Then you can ask if the client has any other available times that maybe you could get together.

3) Please have legs and "promised land" freshly groomed. Stubble screams "I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU". At least it does to me.

4) Keep your scheduled appts.

5) Remember this is all about customer service. A good rule to follow would be to, "Under Promise, and Over Deliver".

6) Look your man in the eyes: This is a requirement if you want to create the illusion of passion.

7) Try and remember something special about the client: I do triathlons and if you ask me about my races, that will make me feel special.
Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't have asked for a better batch of responses! Thank you so much! Ladies.. take note! They're telling you exactly what their price point is, what they want for their buck, how to impress the hell out of them at first meeting, and most importantly, how to keep them coming back.

Take care of each other! ~K
Lana Warren's Avatar
I posted this awhile back! As good of time as any to repost!

How To Act Like a Lady!
Well, all this bickering back and forth has given me no choice but to bring out the "Momma Bird" mode in me!

First of all, this thread is directed towards all the "Girls"! I say girls because most of you don't have enough common sense to come in out of the rain! You haven't lived long enough to learn the true meaning of life! With that being said, I want to change your life! I want to turn you into a LADY!

Now before any of you get your feathers ruffled, you need to shut up, sit down, and listen! Who might learn something!

How To Act Like a Lady:
1) Always dress like a lady until your client asks you otherwise! Nothing like strolling into some nice hotel looking like a 2 bit whore! They want the illusion of a lady, so look like one!
2) Always talk like a lady! No man wants a lady to cuss like a sailor!
3) Always return phone calls and emails in a timely manner! The gentlemen took the time to contact you, so be courteous and reply EVEN if you decline to see them!
4) When another lady contacts you for client verification, be professional and give them the information they ask for! Don't get pissy because you think that they are trying to steal your client!
5) When posting on this board or any other board, think before you type! If you come across as a bitch, most likely, everybody else thinks that you are!
6) When posting, PLEASE use spellcheck and use proper grammar! Believe it or not, most clients want to see someone who is intelligent!
7) If you choose to post an alert, for goodness sakes, post it in the correct forum and have all your facts before alerting the other girls! I've seen it happen several times that a new lady post an alert on some poor guy because of a misunderstanding that could have been corrected with a simple phone call!
8) When posting a rebuttal to a bad review, please take the time to tell your story instead of bashing the client! It will make you look like a stand-up lady instead of some psycho bimbo! Try not to take it so can't please everyone!
9) When posting a reply to someone's thread, PLEASE do not fly off the handle just because you don't agree with the original poster! They have a legitimate question and it is our job to give our opinion in a civil manner!
10) DO NOT attack anyone publicly on this board! If you have a problem with someone, then you contact them through the back channels! If it cannot be solved, I'm sure the mods will help you!
11) Keep your sessions with a client a very positive one! They come to see you because they want to forget their reason to burden them with yours!
12) Do not spend every dime you make! SAVE, SAVE, SAVE! Nothing more less attractive than a lady who is begging for money!

I'm sure I have left out some other crap and if anyone can think of anything else, please speak up! I've always posted with humor and I will continue to do so! I'm just fed up with all the bickering from the young whipper snappers!
NIce to see this discussion going well.

Its beautiful ladies here, who offer great services and awesome to their clients.

Lana you gave good advice, I remember that thread. Not many have listened though.

It bothers me sometimes, I think the most drama-filled ladies are the most busiest ladies, and the ones who stay low key and quiet get looked over.I could be wrong though.

I think one gent said it best, if you charge a good rate, work for it, be clean, and respectful.

Okay pardon my question, but who are these ladies who charging 250 and up, and not acting according. Obviously they are still in business.

And please pardon me for this honest statement, ladies please have condoms, let me break it down for you.

Count out 3 dollars, or 12 quarters and get a box of condoms, I do not understand how ladies ask for 200 an hour and up and do not have supplies needed. Treat your clients like human beings, why, well because they are. Listen to them when they talk, you will be surprised at how clients love that. Doesn't it make you feel good when a client ask "So how was school", "How are you doing". Talk to them, a little conversation goes so far, its called being friendly.

Wash your booty, invite them in the shower with you, you will be amazed how that is un-winding and cool it is. It is some wonderful gents here, hopefully not all of them are scared away by the mess. Treat them as such.........Just try it.

Sorry I got off track.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
This is one of the very best threads I have read on ECCIE in quite a long time. I have found nothing so far to disagree with. This info is not just a Dallas thing, it goes for everywhere. I sincerely hope that that all ladies with take this info in the spirit it was obviously intended.

If you are not making the type of money or getting the type of clients you are looking for, your answers are in the simple 11 posts directly above this one. Make the necessary adjustments to your business model; OR you can fight it all the way, bitching, pissing and moaning....your business, your body, your choice, your decision. At least now you know where your client is coming from.

Karmanmia, thank you for starting this discussion! Lets see who is the first to steer it into a trainwreck!
I try to only see women from this board. and since landing here I have. i also believe I see the ones I see post here they usually give a little insight of what they are like BCD and I like being loyal to them. Sooner or later I hope word gets around through them that.

1) I will not tolerate bait and switch (update your pics)

2) I will not see pimped women. I'm not scared just seems the pimp gets all the money

3) I like to know what I'm getting in advance.

4) Do something for me just because I contacted you through here and tell me so.

5) Quit referring me to p411 or some other site I realize you ladies verify through there but geeesh I like it here.

6) Be loyal back so far the only lady here or anywhere else thats done this for me is Lisa Love (I know others do this is a personal experience). She always geets me and remembers something from the last date. She always answers my calls or calls back. She ALWAYS says it's nice to see you again and thanks me for being safe and fun. She always gives me a little "extra" just because she knows I will be back and tip for it.

Thanks for starting this thread I learned everything I need know right here!!!
Buzzsaw's Avatar
Bubba hit the nail on the head as far as I am concerned. I have recently decided to rejoin the hobby arena. My ATF of several years retired and she truly understood what I wanted and needed. Ladies, this is not an easy thing to try and get inside a man's head in a matter of a few minutes. I assure you ladies that when I find that new ATF, I will be a loyal client and not be chasing the new flavor of the week and also give good references for any of my friends that might be in search of the same.
Great discussion and insightful opinions!
CenterLock's Avatar
I've seen time and again the two camps on this.

The "all new use and leave" group - not thinking you can get a majority of these off the newbie train. Despite warnings, alerts, and red flags they continue to seek out the "new". Let's not pretend you're talking to this group.

Then there's the "I want a connection" group. These are the guys that don't bash a girl for talking (unless that is the dominant characteristic of the encounter). These are more likely to not just tell you what will bring them back but will also really come back if you fit his criteria. Through all answers here the common thread - be professional, respectful, and take pride in the product / offering. This goes both ways. Respect that guys chose you - be the best you can be. Guys should respect providers - they are people not just notches on a belt or toys to play with then bash when back with the boys.

The list of providers I've been with can't compete with some guys' weekly visits - and mine is _total_. Are there just not many I'd like to see? Actually more than I can count. I just contact the one I enjoy more than any other first. If she's not available I may move on knowing she'll be my first call the next time. Or I may adjust my schedule to meet hers (did this just recently with a provider here and was very glad I did). That has resulted in a total of two different providers that post on this board. (Really racking up those numbers I know)

Why do I now admit to having found an ATF after so long an attitude of "favorite - yes, but all-time favorite?" All the reasons given above PLUS she seems real - not just a result of clever marketing. It may just be her job, but she doesn't make me feel that way.

That said - I spent months avoiding her after my last "favorite" retired. I had watched her posts, seen her profile (here and elsewhere) - basically did my homework - and felt I wanted to see her "too much". I opted for another provider who violated some of the professionalism rules resulting in an "okay" visit vs a good one. It was her job and she let me know it. Before finally giving in to my own temptation I decided to reverse expectations and take what I knew to create an experience that this provider couldn't possibly live up to. Was that fair? No. But she must have read threads like this before because she lived up to the ultimate experience for me. For that reason I have her #1on my list at all times. Whether she remembers me or not between sessions only she could tell you. But when I see her she makes me believe she remembers.

Sorry this is so long. Just kinda like this thread.