I want to get your opinion on these type of parties I used to hold them and they were awesome and very sucessful but times have changed and I am interested in getting your opinion to see if they are going to thrive or fail?? So be honest and thoughtful and tell me wat you think I am all ears...
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-16-2012, 11:10 AM
Fail. And fail miserably sorry to say. Most folks say they will come but they never show.
I have to say i disagree I have hosted quit a few and every one that rsvp showed up and and had a blast I am very punctual and safe I do all the checking and verifing most no that about me so they feel safe. Its not just a show up and get down and see ya thing its a meet n greet with food and drinks music pool ect. then get at it party. u might like it if you tried lol.
I wasnt asking if you thought it would fail or thrive i guess ill make my asumption by the community responses. I wanted your opinion what it would be like now days and if people are still interested in them. and wat are some suggestions to be sucessful in doing it. (not money wise) party favors, drinks, clothes, food ect..... thanks
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-16-2012, 11:28 AM
Good luck
I'd be interested as long as it doesn't turn out to be a sausage fest!
lol I dont think I would enjoy that either ... Never it would always be even 2 guys to 1 girl ratio. I like to be with girls as much as guys so I need the fair share lol lots of titis running around love that idea... lol
Eccie Addict's Avatar
i would rather 2 girls to 1 guy
If enough providers showed up, and everyone was an eccie regular or otherwise "checked out" it might be wicked.
I am in...when gonna have one again?
No crossing swords! LMAO
txswing99's Avatar
I used to host an occasional orgy party and a couple friend of ours decided to make it a more regular thing...once or twice a month...more frequently during summer months and holidays. We talked about how to make sure it did not get stale and came up with several good ideas that I recall:
-- Use a party theme, but keep with adult themes; the more silly party ideas tended to be less popular.
-- Beware of requiring costumes; people want to dress up, but not necessarily noticed. Our halloween party was not popular, so turned it into a sexy pajama party (easy to hide under a coat).
-- Invite (or hire) a special guest; Occasionally, we invited a pornstar or popular swinger couple with a website as guests of honor.
-- Use party badges; its like collecting beads during Mardi Gras or mini-scavenger hunt. It's a momento you collect if your complete a set of designated tasks. The idea is to give people an excuse to be more social; so, don't focus on performance of sex acts, rather focus on real social activity. I still keep mine in a glass jar...great memories!

As with any group, you will have a core of regulars and others that come and go. I would make sure that new blood enters the parties regularly, but also make sure to thank the regulars. My friends would host a before-thanksgiving party for the regulars only as a thank you.

My sense is that you'll find plenty of interest...the catch is finding the right mix of people.

Hope it helps

If done right it could be a great thing. I say go for it. What do the ladies think?
SexyCassandra's Avatar
Id be in.... Thats one thing I always wanted to do but never had the chance.
Sounds fuuuun!
ummm I'm in , sounds hot . I used to frequent club cave and I loved the big orgy room they had, lots of hot body intertwined and sweaty ..so hot ...