Regular Movie Theater?

Doglegg's Avatar
Has anyone played around in a regular movie theater, you know, first daily showing, the two of you in the back and the old couple further up front?

Did it back in the day and due to today's slow schedule it came to mind again.

PaganGuy's Avatar
Never during a daytime showing.. but went to alot of midnight Rocky Horror Picture Show back in the day. Fun times
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Oh yeah I done it back when I was married we had went in the daytime to go watch a movie. Got the back seat put a jacket over my legs. While watching the movie he was *fingering* half way in my kitty god I cam so hard. My kitty was really wet..The experience was so hot and I would do it again. "Must jump in the shower"
sushiguy's Avatar
Oh yeah I done it back when I was married we had went in the daytime to go watch a movie. Got the back seat put a jacket over my legs. While watching the movie he was *fingering* half way in my kitty god I cam so hard. My kitty was really wet..The experience was so hot and I would do it again. "Must jump in the shower" Originally Posted by Sonya

Mature Companion's Avatar

Nothing like being fucking uninhibited and spontaneous with some serious PDSA!!

Has anyone played around in a regular movie theater, you know, first daily showing, the two of you in the back and the old couple further up front?

Did it back in the day and due to today's slow schedule it came to mind again.

Dogg Originally Posted by Doglegg
Any movies coming up you would like to see Sonya??? lol
Oh yeah....and in the men's room at the Bijou!! What's more insane is who I did it with! (The secrets we!!)
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Oh yeah....and in the men's room at the Bijou!! What's more insane is who I did it with! (The secrets we!!) Originally Posted by Likinikki
Hey nikki wanna go to the movies with me? ..Maybe ammo can join us lol
Oh that is such a hot experience....haven't done that in such a long time...
Pick a terrible movie so no one else is there. Not like you would be watching it anyway...