Doing Some Calcs

Brass Balls's Avatar
So I took a sample group of instances where there have been issues reported with ladies including but not limited to NCNS, poor service, dashing with the money, pimps, false advertising, dated photos, bait & switch, tardiness, and even falling asleep during the session. It could be just coincidence of the group I selected or perhaps the group wasn't large enough. Possibly just connected to that time of the month, I don't know. But I found:

91.8% are 18-25 years old
7.5% are 26-34 years old
0.9% are 35 years old and up
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
i think you should spend the day doing more calculations.

while you're working on that...i am going to enjoy this weather with a mountain bike ride in a short while.
I believe this is directly related with the amount of time spent in the work force. Except for the pimp thing i guess.

But all the other issues are issues of professionalism so that's the only explanation I see.
I assume what you are reporting is the age range of incidents reported. The flaw is you have no date of how big a pool each age range is. Without knowing the % of each age range that has issues, the numbers are of very little value.

Even if 90% of incidents reported are 18-25, it could be the smallest % v number of providers in that age range.

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." Mark Twain
Without knowing the % of each age range that has issues, the numbers are of very little value. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
That's a great point!

Math is so sexy
Coming from a 35 year olds thoughts, this statistic is really silly.
I would think this one is much better.
Men who don't think alerts of ncns will apply to them or are willing to take the chance anyway just because a photo shows puffy nipples get burned : 98% messed up date
Men who read reviews and stick with ladies who are usually on their best behavior : 2% messed up date
Though I will say, on a purely antidotal level, I suspect problems of any kind go down as provider age goes up. Experience with TCB would be a major factor in reducing problems with clients. But just my observations.

Honey, what is sexy are your boobs!!. Now those are some sexy numbers!!!
timothe's Avatar
Brass...that was good research, but I think you may be attempting to draw conclusions without fully parsing the data points. For example, what are the characteristics of the men who report bad service, NC/NS, etc? Perhaps the men who report these things have different motives...maybe they are the first ones trolling the WW or they like to do BP reconnaissance.

Speaking purely anecdotally, I've have three truly bade experiences. The most recent one was with a 35 yr old. Then I had a supremely bad experience with a well known semi retired provider in her early 30s and one bad Eccie chat experience with a young girl.
Brass Balls's Avatar
OK, time to fess up. The numbers are fictional. However, just look through Alerts, COED Discussions, and Reviews for problems & issues with providers and the numbers I made up are pretty close. I often wish I was 20 years old again so I knew everything Personally I've had good and bad experiences with all age groups, just read my reviews of Holly and Bat-Shit crazy Morgan for examples of older ladies that were less than stellar. So it's not a hard and fast rule but a generalization. I think this trend is for a variety of reasons:

Number of providers goes down as the age group goes up so the younger age group has more opportunities to look bad.

Younger providers come and go more than older ones do. They're still trying to find their way and get rich quick. They also may not realize what they're truly getting into.

Early 20s girls naturally have tight and rocking bodies for the most part so they know every man that passes the breathing test wants them and they have what the media overloads us with as sexy and desirable. Because of this they sometimes feel getting naked completes the job.

Just plain maturity.

In some ways it reminds me of my journey through life with the opposite sex. It goes something like this.

When I was in junior high, all I wanted was a girl with big breasts.
In high school, I dated a girl with big breasts, but there was no passion. So I decided I needed a passionate girl.
In college, I dated a passionate girl, but she was too emotional. Everything was an emergency, she cried all the time. So I decided I needed a girl with some stability. I found a very stable girl, but she was boring. She never got excited about anything. So I decided I needed a girl with some excitement.
I found an exciting girl, but I couldn't keep up with her. She rushed from one thing to another, never settling on anything. She was directionless. So I decided to find a girl with some ambition.
After college, I found an ambitious girl and married her. She was so ambitious, she divorced me and took everything I owned.
Now all I want is a girl with big breasts.
doug_dfw's Avatar
BrassBalls. My mantra precisely. Only difference now all I want is a girl with little breast. Try that and see what happens. LOL!
BB - nice last paragraph.. How long did it take you to write that and how long were you sitting on it just waiting for the right moment?
I used to fuck for love. Then i fucked for status. Status was marrying a man with a good career and lifestyle. I fucked for stability. Stability was what i lived for. Living has periods of instability that fuck you. Instability makes you not wanna give a fuck. So then I fucked for fun. Fun is unstable but makes life worth living.

Now I just love to fuck.

(Edit: pool side poetry)
Such a pointless thread. Assumptions in the statistics were flawed (not just the number of girls in the ranges need to be considered, but also the number of appointments each of those girls have, which I could only assume would generally be more for the average younger provider).

But then the OP admitted he lied, and then hijacks his own thread and goes off on a tangent. WTF?

I like to hear myself talk too, but it's not usually about crap (which happens to be plagiarized and unoriginal).
When math goes makes me sad.