Who are the "Tightest" Providers in DFW?

Trill Jackson's Avatar
Who are the "Tightest" well known Providers on here? And by tightest I mean the tightest Vaj.

They don't have to be spinners but slim or tone girls only, absolutely no women +35 or BBWs need to be mentioned.

So Who are you favorites with the tightest snatches?
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 06-09-2014, 08:11 PM
Do people answer this sort of objectionable post.
lily blake's Avatar
Lol wow some of you men know how to dry a pussy real fast lol
FunInDFW's Avatar
Get a bigger dick.


Your mom.

Take your pick on either outlandishly stupid answer for an outlandishly stupid question.
Bobster36's Avatar
Maybe posting anything other than a review should be limited to members with more than 1 month seniority?
Lol, I got nothing.....
Trill Jackson's Avatar
What's wrong with this question exactly?

Some guys like big or small breasts, some guys like big or small asses, the list goes on.

Girls like big dicks, and naturally most straight men like small tight pussies...

If you think this is obscene or something look at the website we are all on, we can talk about TUMA or DATO but not good pussy?
It isn't always what you say, it's how you say it.
Maybe post an ISO with your requirements.
Good luck.
AbbyNicole's Avatar
I have yet to see a provider post on her showcase... " big dicks only". Ladies.... Define "big". I see "gentlemen" regardless of the size of..... "Tight" to you is likely waaaay different than the next gent. I wish you luck in finding "tight". Hobby on!!! Xoxo
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 06-09-2014, 09:05 PM
I wonder if his asshole was tight before he lodged his head in it?
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Silvia and stormystaxxx on my experience.
suiram77's Avatar
What's wrong with this question exactly?

Some guys like big or small breasts, some guys like big or small asses, the list goes on.

Girls like big dicks, and naturally most straight men like small tight pussies...

If you think this is obscene or something look at the website we are all on, we can talk about TUMA or DATO but not good pussy? Originally Posted by Trill Jackson
Brother I feel you on this man I have receive the same shit as you just did.
If you look up any of my 2 threads you will see and understand why I say this.
But I agree with you what is wrong with the question NOTHING AT ALL!!!!!!!
It is just that you are going to learn that it is obvious a circle/click on here

And unless you been a member for 5 years or forever they don't give a dam about your question and they will call you dumb, stupid, angry, have a attitude anything
to spin it back around their way. but stand your ground man and brace your self
for the abuse. Be careful my man because if you return any of that abuse some one
on the Mod team will pm you and say hey sir that is a no no we do not speak to others
on here that way, but rest and assure that they can do it but you can't so hang in their.

Now as far as your question PM me and I will tell you a few I have seen
but most of the ladies that is on here daily I have not seen they are to
beautiful, intelligent, wise, sharp, expensive dimes for me and they are
out of Mr Suiram77 price range LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

take care my man
Adonis's Avatar
Maybe a better question for you would have been something like which ladies actively practice kegel exercises... similar yet different.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Hey, I heard if you let a poisonous snake bite your dick juuust right, it'll get big.

This is one of those times in life when you just shouldn't worry about other peoples opinions. We all say and ask things all of the time that people look at us like, "wtf?!" Who cares. We also all reply to others when we read things that make us think, "wtf?!" So if you have ever replied that way once in your life, well... Do you not expect to ever be replied to it that way?
Who cares what other people think.
People tell me I shouldn't have tattoos all of the time.
People tell me I shoudn't be outspoken all of the time.
I usually just turn my head like, "dad?!" Laugh and move on. Who cares.