My Gift Of Appreciation

Attachment 91329

"Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow." ~ Edward Sandford Martin

"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others." ~ Cicero

Thanksgiving Day is one of my favorite holidays. I love to see my whole family united, which by the way, includes four generations of well experienced life and priceless wisdom. What with work, school, children, grandchildren, pets, homes and an extended list of extra-curricular activities, getting together has almost become an unfortunate and impossible goal. However, on this day, no matter how much our lives are entangled or how far we have to travel, we make it a point to all gather and share in the festivities. As the hour gets near, family members are arriving with pots and casserole dishes filled with “the good stuff that was made with love”.

For me, its a day to express, share, and receive the Gifts of Gratitude and Appreciation. Even though it is a personal daily practice, on this day it is our tradition to join together and have a shared moment in which we each take the time to look back on that year. Remembering the good times and the not so good times and emphasizing on our achievements, as well as the stumbles along the way. Most importantly we express Gratitude and Appreciation to one another for being the helping hand, the listening ear, the shoulder to cry on and the inspiration that kept us going.

This Thanksgiving Day, let's remember what we truly have to be thankful for. Let's take a good, hard look around us and realize that while we may not have everything we want, what we want is not always what we need.

Now, I would like to take a moment to express my Gratitude and Appreciation to You All.

Most of you recall that this year was a very difficult year for my family. We experienced a roller coaster of events that felt like would have no end. As a family, we learned to stay strong, stay focused and embrace each other, as well as our FAITH & HOPE.

Thank You all for caring enough to reach out to us when we most needed to understand that we were not alone during these difficult times.

I will forever Appreciate your motivating words and acts of kindness and I am Grateful for your friendship and support.

Have A Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving

Hugs & Kisses

Alex X xia
Coolpops's Avatar
What a wonderful Thanksgiving dedication Alexxia.
Hope everyone had a blessed season.

Thank you young lady and it was wonderful meeting you at a recent GLMI. You are indeed a person with unique skills that I'm sure many others would truly enjoy.....
And that hair....................Oh My!!!!!