Maya and Marco??? Almost alert worthy?

txAustin202's Avatar
So I thought I'd share an interesting text conversation that I had with Maya today. I sent her a text this morning asking if she offered 30 minute sessions. Her response was "only as a perk to clients that she has seen before" and signed her name at the end. Who signs their name after a text message? This PERK statement was also what was sent to me when I asked Bailey the same question. Bailey told me in person that wasn't her. So I texted back "This isn't Maya". About 15 minutes later I receive a voice mail from a girl. She only said "Maya".

Okay so I decide to play along. I ask her what her hr rate is. She asks for my non-Google number so she could call me. She must have known that it's a Google number when she got my voicemail. I told her I'd rather not give out my real number and if I could call her instead. She said sure but it has to be from my real number. She doesn't pick up Google voice calls. I told her sorry I'm not comfortable with that and asked if she could call my Google number and I'd pick up this time. She then said I'm weirding her out. Huh? It's more like she's weirding me out.

So someone who uses Google voice won't pick up calls from another Google voice number? Is Marco trying to get our real numbers for some reason? Marco going as far as getting another girl to impersonate Maya?
Whispers's Avatar
That is pretty much where that issue has been for a while now.

Thanks for letting people know that not much has changed.
He has clearly gone over to the dark side since the days of Lex back in ASPD.
He was kind of a decent guy back then although there were a few board complaints about him but I always gave him the benefit of the doubt anyway.

Now he seems to have just lost whatever good there was. The times they have a changed.
Too bad that Maya has to be tied to this guy.
Marco is a smart guy. He knows the game and how to play it.
This guy is not going anywhere. Pearis still has the risquebb link
on her 'Pearis' profile link. Not saying she's still involve with him, but she hasn't remove it even after I recommended she should remove it.
I'm sure Maya is not the only. This guy knows how to control or play this chicks.
This can be a dirty business.
sixxbach's Avatar
Just because they have a bad rep on ECCIE doesn't mean they won't make money. This is a small piece of the pie. As long as Marco keeps good looking women to work for him, they will continue to make money.

One can only speculate why women would continue to work with the guy. I have a pretty good idea from my street days as to why but hey, I don't like to break forum rules....

"Who signs their name after a text message?"

I do. I also try to spell correctly. I also am chafed that my hobby phone doesn't have open and end quotations marks.

Never had a bad experience with Marco in 8 years.

If your best cloak is a Google voice number, you don't belong in this racket anyway.

The problem with this thread is the REAL pimps not out in front, but deep deep deep in the fleshy underbelly of the "hobby" go untouched, unnoticed and unknown.

Bring up those cases. The ones behind the behind the behind the behind and on these websites. The ones you don't even know exist....but keep them alive and plying---everyday. Find one of them and then do the "outing."

Marco is too easy. He's been outed a thousand times already lol. He keeps on tickin though.

This thread and some responses are obviously about something other than Marco possibly collecting phone numbers.

This thread and some responses are obviously about something other than Marco possibly collecting phone numbers.

-Boog Originally Posted by LBoog
That would be correct. There is the issue of collecting phone numbers for questionable purposes but also the fact that there was a thread a short while back about him publicly posting the description and info of numerous clients online who his agency had an issue with. He did this under the guise that it was for the protection of his girls. As long as he has been in this business to actually out clients on the web? That is about as low and dangerous as one can get.
Whispers's Avatar
I believe there was a situation back on ASPD where he outed or used some of the information he gathers... pictures maybe if I recall correctly?... to harrass/intimidate a member.....

There are certainly plenty of others that need to be mentioned and it may seem old that he gets brought up over and over but new people come by every day and if the info doesn't come out then they don't see enough to make them want to research further.... It's the same as why we talk about subjects like screening, gifts, dating providers etc.... over and over and over....
Like I said before Marco is egotistical and he likes the attention. I'm sure they are worse guys than him, but they keep themselves in the background and Marco wants to be the star of the show and if you give him a platform he's going to take advantage of it.
Oh who cares, as long as the girl in the picture shows up and gives you a good time!! My best friend introduced Maya to the buis, she is a good girl... yes Marco books for her. Everyone knows that 90% of the time you are talking to Marco. Not directing any of this at you txaustin202, u know we are cool. Im just saying enough with the Marco drama... he has some pretty ladies, you wont be talking to them until you see them, same case with my girls... thats how some of us opperate due to the ladies requests. Him pretending to be them, not cool.... but its the same ol' story!! I agree with kingorpawn... all this is doing is keeping his name in peoples mouths and eyes on his website/ girls.
Marco was always up straight up with me and booked with him a number of times through the years.
txAustin202's Avatar
Actually Marley it doesn't bother me that he schedules for the girls even though he should be upfront about it. What bothers me is why is he trying to get my phone number? So is he going to be around the corner writing down my license plate number when I pull up? Or taking a pic of me? There's already been at least one member who has been outed. A very well known provider was also recently outed.
txAustin202's Avatar
I really don't care how good or pretty of a girl Maya or anyone else is. Nobody is worth the risk of being outed.
guest031812's Avatar
Yeah, Bailey contacted me and said she quit the hobby because Marco told her boyfriend what she was doing (via facebook). She was crushed and called me crying... If your smart you will just stay away from that mess.. Either you want to see the girls associated with him and take that risk or you don't! Why do you think he took the site down? SO nobody could see who was really associated with him... Marco is a smart guy and is well known in the Austin community. If I was in his shoes, I would just come clean and stop with all this covering up and lying to clients. Bad buisness