The Greeks Are Rioting

I'm watching it in my office right now, Molotov Cocktails, bricks, all being hurled at Police.

The Greeks voted just last week to, more or less, say that they wanted to continue with business as usual, it wasn't their problem if other Countries were so stupid as to keep loaning them money with no hope of paying it back.

The people voted, then their Prime Minister reneged, and took the deal that the rest of the European Countries offered.

If the Greek People voted to reach up, pull the handle, and flush their turd of an economy down the toilet, let them.

It's Democracy at work.
I'm watching it in my office right now, Molotov Cocktails, bricks, all being hurled at Police.

The Greeks voted just last week to, more or less, say that they wanted to continue with business as usual, it wasn't their problem if other Countries were so stupid as to keep loaning them money with no hope of paying it back.

The people voted, then their Prime Minister reneged, and took the deal that the rest of the European Countries offered.

If the Greek People voted to reach up, pull the handle, and flush their turd of an economy down the toilet, let them.

It's Democracy at work. Originally Posted by Jackie S
They are getting exactly what they deserve.
They are getting exactly what they deserve. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I know very little about how Greece is set up. But why do they have 60% unemployment for people under 25 years old, and close to 20% for all other groups.

They have a ridiculously young retirement age, and it seems 60% of the people work for the Government.

And on top of that, they have no active enforcement agency to collect taxes, such as our IRS.

It has been said that a Democracy can survive until the people realize they can vote for people that will promise them something for nothing. Has Greece reached that point?
I know very little about how Greece is set up. But why do they have 60% unemployment for people under 25 years old, and close to 20% for all other groups.

They have a ridiculously young retirement age, and it seems 60% of the people work for the Government.

And on top of that, they have no active enforcement agency to collect taxes, such as our IRS.

It has been said that a Democracy can survive until the people realize they can vote for people that will promise them something for nothing. Has Greece reached that point? Originally Posted by Jackie S
One of the problems it poses is for foreign investment, especially when it comes to taxes. No company is going to sign a 50-year oil or natural gas deal if they cannot be sure of the economic environment as it pertains to taxes, especially.

Apparently there political system is absolutely overrun with corruption. They also rely heavily on welfare benefits. These are paid by payroll taxes, which are down because you have less people working, because they're relying on welfare benefits. Nasty circle. You mentioned the retirement age. Something like 75 percent are retired by 61. The reforms that are implemented are not carried out efficiently because of the rampant corruption and nothing gets down while everyone is scratching each other's back.
One of the problems it poses is for foreign investment, especially when it comes to taxes. No company is going to sign a 50-year oil or natural gas deal if they cannot be sure of the economic environment as it pertains to taxes, especially.

Apparently there political system is absolutely overrun with corruption. They also rely heavily on welfare benefits. These are paid by payroll taxes, which are down because you have less people working, because they're relying on welfare benefits. Nasty circle. You mentioned the retirement age. Something like 75 percent are retired by 61. The reforms that are implemented are not carried out efficiently because of the rampant corruption and nothing gets down while everyone is scratching each other's back. Originally Posted by WombRaider
And if any of your "kin folks" are over there, there doing more than "scratching each other's backs" ! Your kin folks will be puffing peters at the glory holes and going " Greek" for THEIR daily pita bread !!!