Why a Duck ?

One day a guy goes to a whore house and says to the pimp that runs the place, "I'm really, really horny and I only have a buck fifty"

The pimp replies follow me my man ill hook you up he leads him to a room and unlocks it he walks into the room to find a duck he hesitates "a duck he thinks?" but since he's really horny and he can't get anything better, he unzips himself and start humping away in the duck

The guy finishes zips up and leaves the next day he comes in with five bucks and asks for a live sex show. The pimp leads him to a room with a large audience and on stage there is a guy fucking a goat. He laughs his head off and says to a guy sitting next to him "This is the funniest thing I've ever seen!"

The other guy quickly replies, "You should've been here yesterday -- there was a guy fucking a duck!!!"