Ahem.. WHAT are the CHANCES of.....

ANYTHING I CAN THINK OF BEING ORIGINAL OR WORTHY OF appreciating appropriately. . ( should be acknowledged as a whip lash ) ...

This is important to me... because I've noticed a few pertinent things
though out my multiple tenure in transporting my silliness to your seriousness...

(1)... that when I'm getting screwed by keyboard... That which is LIFE OR 'WISH I WAS DEAD ' matters.... ALWAYS receive the " It DOESN'T MAKE SENCE ". and ALWAYS .. ALWAYS ... FROM AN UNSOLICITED ... INACTIVE ( as in finger work ONLY participant in the W O R L D ) ...

but sadly... has the digit power to intimidate actual LIFE PARTICIPANTS from defending whatever they claim to make no sense...
(uh.. may have answered my own confusion... ; maybe not though... so i'll keep going.. )


the other OBVIOUS thing that's repetitiveness may be the cause of CANCER...


(2).. That when I am ON, as in ATTEMPTING to catch the air of a successful angle outside of my self.... MY PHONE GOES ON THE FRITZ... and my FLOOR... (so to speak ) vanishes from my 'FEETS' reach AND THE space cadet floating unfun-fanfair begins to envelop me.

I. Hence... rather than rant and rave and talk to the yellow overflow from everyone's smileys in the atmosphere.... and all the wal mart bag fog which has nothing else to do..... I thought I'd nationally inquire (solicit) the opionion of anyone who isn't so consumed with holding down the tent stakes and keeping the REAL THINKERS AND DESPERATE WHORES at bay... to participate in a conversation wich, albeit it's seriousness.... still has the fantasia hope that maybe things are as they are due to a LANGUAGE BARRIER..... that is SO SUBTLE ... it DEFINATELY seems paranoid in introduction... IF YOU ARE NOT PERSONALLY AFFECTED BY THE BASIC MATTER or FACT real concerns... joys...fears...turn ons....f'offs, and warm conversational topics... ON LINE... HERE... IN PERSON.... OR via sky scream .... attempts to make peace.

Read this three times... if you don't get it the first time. Its one of those timing things.... ; wait for the next song .. re read it... and then CONSIDER THIS COULD EVEN BE A PRIME EXAMPLE OF ...

“ I think I’m going to cook me an egg “ (in baby talk diction, of course)


“ You make no sence at all “ ..Typical response from some integer who just screwed up your space and time with some inappropriate bathing suit cover offer..

Ya know…

When..A L L … ( AND I DO MEAN ALL…) I want to do.. is UNDERSTAnd ( AHEM.. … y o u ..) …. SO that I CAN feel good about and continue to APPRECIATE YOU AND NOT what you APPEAR TO BE ( a sleeper cell.. an idiot.. or a thief of organized proportions., etc. ) EVERYWHERE… ONI this LINE... IN person. (person to person… lol ) and within ear shot... or BROKEN WINDOW…. Which is too simply confirmed in hospitality background research. ( my new hobby ) .

so.. If your attention level is able to stay in the thread deep enough to be inspired or innocent.. or what ever… Then please allow me to thank you for allowing me to dunk my frustrations in your BIG OL CUP OF .... (oh damnit... there's a hole in this damn cup. )
and… if your cup doesn’t have a hole in it… for reading the ENTIRE thing….

Always wondered if a straw in a styrophone cup between you legs in a car traveling north at 55 miles an hour….. gets a “oh FUCK “ HOLE in the bottom of it….

How many other cups get holes in them … and is there a warning system for that day ruiner ?

thank you.

please think about it.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Happy Hour get started early today?
Primus's Avatar
That reminds me of a joke....A hippo and an elephant are in a bathtub. The hippo says "Pass the soap". The elephant says "What do you think I am, a radio?!"

Clear as mud.
That reminds me of a joke....A hippo and an elephant are in a bathtub. The hippo says "Pass the soap". The elephant says "What do you think I am, a radio?!"

Clear as mud. Originally Posted by Primus
In the old days, before TV, soap operas were on the radio . They got the name soap opera from the detergent sponsors and such that had commercials on the show.
Get it ?
The OP has been reading too much Burroughs. She should go back to peddling Burros.
olfart's Avatar
Ground Control to Major Tom