Unhappy With Changes???

Hello,I have been given a lot of smack from clients saying how unfair it is that Im requiring new clients to book min.2hr appts now unless your grandfathered.Some of you know personally what Ive been dealing with and some of you dont.I have been canceled on appts or had clients give me BS references...and its quite annoying now for the past two-three months.So as a result...yes I made those changes because I feel like if you really book a 2hr appt you would keep it.Anyway...enough of the rant...I would like to know what clients/providers feel I should do about this situation??should I go back to offering 1-1.5hr sessions for new clients and just raise my rate and maybe require them to put down a deposit??Im really not sure,but Im quite sick of clients bashing me for these changes when I feel like Ive been the best I can be when it comes to the hobby.Clients CANNOT expect for a provider to just keep dealing with BS when she had been more than fair to yall.
Sadly it seems to go both ways in terms of being canceled on or NCNS, so I think it just comes down to maturity level of some and understanding when things reslly do just happen.

IMO, and not to tell you how to run your deal, I have always felt that the 2 or more hour requirement was just to guarantee the extra income. In your post you said if you book a 2 hr appt you would keep it, well it makes no difference to some to book one or two hours, if they are just screwing with you then an hour or two hour appt is no different when they NCNS.

I personally love longer sessions just because I feel it gives more time to relax and connect then getting in, off, out to maximize time. Different things work for different folks, so Im not trying to offend those who prefer one hr appts, sorry.

I think in this hobby the pitfalls for both provider and hobbyist is the NCNS, the uninspired session, the cheap skate, or whatever. Not all of us are like that, not all providers are like that, maybe it just comes down to screening.

Sorry for my long winded reply, I have had two bottles of reallllllly good greek wine and I am tipsy and my appt today had to cancel cuz of weather so naturally im a lil....frustrated
awwww im sorry that happened to you htown.thank you for the reply,it does help that someone gives both sides of the discussion.I know that there are some providers that are in the same boat when it comes to clients booking appts.And its not that Im trying to punish everyone...but I just had my taste of it when I went to new orleans.I had sooo many request to see me so I thought the trip would be worth it.it go so bad I left early and went over to houston/austin and had much success as usual.
But I think also why Im in a rant because I was in austin yesterday and a guy had sent me a p411 request to see me in dallas.I emailed him back saying I wouldnt be back in Dallas until Thursday.Of course that was the plan until I heard about how much bad weather dallas was going to get.I have stuff I HAVE to do in dallas this wekend so I didnt want to risk being stuck in austin.So I thought it would be best to go ahead and post in dallas about my changes so when I returned and someone requested me they would be informed.the same guy sent me a message on p411 stating that I didnt have to lie to him about not being in dallas.that he just saw my post in dallas about the changes.Its very rude how he just made a judgement w/o actually knowing whats goign on.So just let him have it....Im soooo feakin sick of peole just thinking they can do/say whatever and thinking I will not stick up for myself.People are about to see a different side to me if things keep going the way they are!!!!!
Dont do that, dont let it make you disgruntled. Im no pro at this but i always tell myself i will quit when the hobby becomes more hassle than a real relationship and although it has gotten close sometimes, i still think that there is fun to be had with the right ladies.

I wont presume to know the answer but maybe it has something to do with screening, maybe some of the other fine ladies who have had good success can share their tips.

For me, i am upfront and i know that my availability to hobby is 99.9% short notice, so it will be like 10 am when i realize i have afew hrs to play around 1 bc of how my calendar looks. I cant blame anyone for that but me, and i have that understanding when nooking bc i know i wont always get my first choice.

All in all, dont become disgruntled, i took the time to check out your showcase and read about you and you do seem like a great visit and nice gal, the business will have its ups and downs, so hopefully you see more ups in the near future than downs

Done with the third bottle of wine, this stuff is like water lol
lol....i do have good parts in the hobby.thats how im able to still be in the business.I will not say it is all client's fault at all,but I do believe also that i try my best to be respectful and professional in the hobby.I know of this because I have had many clients tell me.Im not the type to say something that clients dont believe in as well.But like I said that why I wanted to give people a chance to tell me how to handle the situation.I am not a know it all and how I started in this busiess is very different than the guidelines here.I do enjoy things here but things were less complicated back then.Tomorrow I will have a chance to really sit down and redo the changes.i hate to bash all new clients,if it wasnt for new clients I wouldnt be where I am now.But I will not also tolerate some of the stuff Ive been dealing with lately.Thanx for understanding and the advice!hopefully the drink wont affect your work tomorrow,lol
PoppyToyota's Avatar
My dear I'm sorry you have been having a difficult time. The hobby should be fun for both clients and providers. I am going to give you a little bit of advice. I think you should run your business how you see fit. Be flexible to new ideas but, be firm on your business model. Whether it be the hobby or any other business where there is a business /customer relationship. IF you give someone an inch they will take a mile!

The second part is a little more difficult. You have posted a few rants about various subjects. Ranting and getting things off your chest helps relieve some of the stress. The side effect is it builds a negative perception about you. You know my manager used to always say, "Perception is Reality." What your clients percieve is what they see. So maybe talk with a provider friend about your problems here. Because the negative post on here is not good for your business.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
billw1032's Avatar
What PoppyToyota said. I would think, though, it would depend on whether you really get fewer NCNS on the 2-hour appointments. If the rate turns out to be the same then you lose more time on a 2-hour cancel or NCNS.

One thing I learned from a girl at a local SC. They always have to be "up" and present a good attitude whether they feel like it or not. Otherwise, no one is going to buy what they are selling. Customer perception is really important.
Sorry for all the booking problems Maria. You were excellent in communications and taking care of business when I saw you, so I can understand why you'd be frustrated with lots of cancellations and no shows. My only advice would be to seek the advice of some of the other wise women who may have some experience dealing with this problem. Good luck beautiful!
You need to get to the root of the problem of what's causing the fake references and the cancellations.

If people have legitimate reasons to cancel such as work issues, they're going to occur whether they've booked 1 hour or 2.

The fake reference one has me stymied. Maybe request the hobbyist's phone number before you check references. Guys playing around can create a phony email account more easily than a phony phone number. If they never get back to you with their phone number, then don't even bother wasting time checking references.

I do this for fetish requests and have actually never booked a fetish request They like to just exchange emails about what type of pantyhose I'll wear or my shoe description or whatever. Once I ask for their cell phone number communication stops.

I have been canceled on appts or had clients give me BS references.. Originally Posted by maria goddess
Since you've gone to a 2-hour minimum have the number cancellations and fake references gone down?

should I go back to offering 1-1.5hr sessions for new clients and just raise my rate and maybe require them to put down a deposit??. Originally Posted by maria goddess
I think requiring a deposit is really going to cut down on dates. It's a hassle and an extra step.

My evening minimum is 2 hours and I personally don't see a difference in cancellations during the daytime versus the evening.
Actually, much as hobbyists seem to loathe the idea of deposits, it has worked out well for me. I started seeing newbies, and my requirements for newbies are work verification and a $100 deposit. The ones who aren't serious go away as soon as it is mentioned. The ones who ARE serious, don't even bat an eyelash. "No problem, just walk me through what I need to do" is the typical response. I've never been NCNS'd by a newbie who gave me a deposit.

Would it cut down on the number of dates? Yeah, probably. Would it cut down on NCNS or frivolous cancellations? Absolutely.

Do with that what you will. Hope it helps, love.
Ladies, talk about timely! I just stumbled upon an easy way to take deposits:

Thank you everyone for your advice.I do understand that most people are use to me not ranting on here.Im usually quiet and one the easy providers to deal with,lol.And just this once I became too frustrated and exploaded!I know it doesnt look good for my business,but everyone has these moments.I know I should have handeled it a lot better than what I did,but that is why I wanted to know other people's opinion before correcting the issue.Im just getting back in dallas and now have a moment to really sit down and figure out the solution.Last week was a pretty horrible week and it only got better when I went to Houston/Austin (thanx guys).I did see that yesterday when logging on p411 about clients able to buy us points.Very cleaver whomever thought of the idea.I will redo my p411 ad as well as my showcase today.hopefully people will be happy and be able to adjust.But at the same time Im sure people will be unhappy about the rate change.Though I feel like they should know its going to happen sooner or later.Cant expect for a provider to be well reviewed and keep her rates the same.Its like you said above....you give people an inch and they take a mile....well im taking my mile back!!!

Thanx everyone one for your advice and for not coming down on me for my rant.I do appreicate it!!!
Donnie Brasco's Avatar

The second part is a little more difficult. You have posted a few rants about various subjects. Ranting and getting things off your chest helps relieve some of the stress. The side effect is it builds a negative perception about you. You know my manager used to always say, "Perception is Reality." What your clients percieve is what they see. So maybe talk with a provider friend about your problems here. Because the negative post on here is not good for your business. Originally Posted by PoppyToyota
Darling, what he said.
Here's my take on nc/ns. First of all, I have NEVER nc/ns'd a single lady in the hobby. I'm self-employed so, when a lady does that to me, it COSTS ME MONEY.
I'll run you down three separate scenarios that have hapenned to me since December. Lady #1 has nc/ns'd me three times in a month and she's a highly reviewed lady with a stellar reputation. First time she cancelled twenty minutes before a session. And she gave my spot to someone else, I know because he wrote a review and specifies the time that in his review, it was my scheduled time. Second time around she confirmed in the morning, I headed out in her direction, she never responded until one hour after my scheduled appointment. She text me an apology and swore to make it up in the future. Third time she never even bothered to confirm on said day and then she text the crap out of me with bullshit excuses about not having a way to her incall. B0-hoo, get a frigging taxi, you're about to make $$$$ for your time. Don't think I'll let her waste my time now.
Second lady has been on here on and off for a long time, BTW,extremely well reviewed. I pm'd her and sent her my references, she pm's me from time to time, I try to schedule playtime, she never frigging responds. Then she pm's me all over again. Guess I can't say she's stood me up since she never commits to anytime at all.
Third one is a newbie assisted by a pro. She came on board, sent her my references, she said no way. I thanked her for her rapid reply and that was that. Weeks later she notifies me that I had cleared screening and could see her whenever. I asked about setting something up and so far, no dice.
Now, don't get me wrong, I've seen several other ladies here meanwhile and breastaurant hotties since, I've been hella busy.
Bottom line is, nc/ns is a part of the hobby that sucks butt. I've just learned to accept it as part of the hobby.
Again, being self-employed if I take time off to meet someone and don't see her, it costs me money. I can't just turn around and take the next day off, AGAIN, to waste my time on another possible no show.
I hope you're able to come up with a plan and stick to it where you can maximize your business and minimize your losses.
Guest091314's Avatar
I feel ya Maria....My changes has taken a small toll on me but I am glad I did it! Do what you think is right for you!