why isn't 150 the norm for hhr?

You know, if 300 is the norm for the hour, why isn't 150 the norm for half?

it makes sense, and we are only paying for the time, any extra activities that go on are between two consenting adults.

(this does not include extras such as greek or fetishes)
All I'm saying is it makes perfect sense.

A lot of ladies claim to love their clients, to be honest, clients would love to see more 150 hhr rates, I know because I've been asking, and I'm just trying to help both sides of the hobby game.
A lot of ladies claim to love their clients Originally Posted by D1G1T4L_PHUCK3R
WOW! and you actually believe this? That's as ridiculous as asking a hotel to accept 1/2 the rate of their room because you only used it half the day? Makes perfect sense after all I am sure the Hotel Van Zandt loves their customers too. Or as ridiculous as telling ATT to accept 1/2 because you dont talk that much.. Makes perfect sense Im sure ATT loves their customers too. Not only are you displaying your ignorance but, insulting the intelligence of the other girl members of this board at the same time.
Damn T!GGY, for someone who doesn't hobby... You sure are an ass kisser. Insulting the intelligence of other girls and displaying ignorance? Are you kidding me? Unless you've actually seen a provider, your opinion carries no weight. I feel that you do not know the factors that go into charging certain rates.
seriously? what's ridiculous are your examples, my question is of good reason. Look at the rates of girls who ask for 300hr, when asking to book 2hrs it's 600 (which makes perfect sense, no argument), so when asking to book a half hour, 150 makes sense. I'm not insulting anyone's intelligence, you are the only one going around insulting people. You had to make another handle just so you could do what you're doing, you know if you used your own handle you might lose business.

In all honesty I appreciate the ladies of this community, I have never slandered one even when they have shafted me or played texting games with me on the phone trying to scare me. I'm not at all about drama, just fun with the ladies. However what I'm seeing on the boards right now is a lot of frustration from both hobbyists and providers... there is a way to meet in the middle and why not with a half hour meeting? I hardly ever do half hours if you read my reviews, in fact my favorite is two hours... as I said before, I'm only trying to help. Quit trying to insult me as if I'm some no brained john.
FloridaShark's Avatar
I think the issue is guys don't stay a half hour. It's probably more like 40 minutes to get a dude off and out the door and the 1/2 hr price reflects that. A provider I like does $150 hhr and $300 hr and I don't know why anyone would schedule an hour with a rate structure like that.
Britttany_love's Avatar
All I'm saying is it makes perfect sense.

A lot of ladies claim to love their clients, to be honest, clients would love to see more 150 hhr rates, I know because I've been asking, and I'm just trying to help both sides of the hobby game. Originally Posted by D1G1T4L_PHUCK3R
Im curious why your wanting hhr rates at $150. When looking at your last 10 reviews all your session's have been atleast an Hr a few where 2 hour dates where you paid between $180- $250 for a full hour with some very lovely ladies. Some of these where specials and many where their normal rate, with the exception of one lovely at $300 an hr. If your getting specials and rates under $300 for a full hour why worry about a half hour rate? Just curious
I think the issue is guys don't stay a half hour. It's probably more like 40 minutes to get a dude off and out the door and the 1/2 hr price reflects that. A provider I like does $150 hhr and $300 hr and I don't know why anyone would schedule an hour with a rate structure like that. Originally Posted by FloridaShark
EXACTLY, ladies when you offer 1/2 rates why on earth would anyone book you for longer? You are only cheating yourself in the long run to cater and please Broke lil bitches.

Im curious why your wanting hhr rates at $150. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
short answer, he's Broke.
First off, thank you for being so polite. To be completely honest, it was just an internal question at first and no I didn't care for half hour rates, to be honest I still don't, I'm still hoping I can win the lottery so I can see all the 300 hr ladies that I want and not worry about it.

However lately I've actually been reading threads, I used to just glimpse at them and laugh, but lately I've noticed a lot of dick measuring between select handles. So I thought maybe I'd try to help both sides by coming up with a compromise and meeting in the middle.

So here I am, with the half hour question and it does make sense, unlike Twiggy's examples, if I schedule with a provider for certain amount of time, I'm gonna know the rates, if I don't use my cellphone as much, I already signed a contract(however sprint offers to cut your cellphone in half because it makes sense), if I book a hotel, I know the rates.
Twiggy with the insults again, I'm not broke twiggy, just trying to help.
Just to rebuttle florida sharks input, yes it may take 40 min for a lady to get rid of a stubborn john, but that is not only his fault, so guys don't like to feel rushed, oh well, you only paid for 30 min. I don't get mad when a lady tells me, hey your time is almost up, I'm like hey, your right.. I've got fifteen minutes though, can you sit on my face for five?
I'm headed to SA for the night, for a little vacation, because it's so good to have money!!

please don't let too many insults go flying around, it's just rude.
Damn DP. You handle those comment very well.
Britttany_love's Avatar
I'm headed to SA for the night, for a little vacation, because it's so good to have money!!

please don't let too many insults go flying around, it's just rude. Originally Posted by D1G1T4L_PHUCK3R
I have met DP and hes a really nice guy and wouldn't call him cheap. Have a safe trip to SA!
I have met DP and hes a really nice guy and wouldn't call him cheap. Have a safe trip to SA! Originally Posted by Britttany_love
I don't doubt you Britttany_love but, what a shame he chooses to bat for the Brokes.