Can I be your husband for a night?

gitrdone's Avatar
any takers out there ? looking for more than GFE..
You want to sleep on the couch?
You want to sleep on the couch? Originally Posted by cpi3000
I also have a list of "Honey-do's" that need to be done as well!
All jokes aside, I'm really curious as to what you consider "more than GFE?" I have a feeling...and shame on you if I'm right...
i think its perfectly viable that he want to pay to not play.... so many husbands get roped into it anyway... why not just do it to see what it feels like 8-)
mmcqtx's Avatar
I think you need to be more specific. Do you want to be a:
- '50's husband - she has dinner ready as you walk in the door, brings you a beer after dinner, irons your clothes and then you go to bed in separate twin beds?
- '60's husband - you share tofu and bean sprouts for dinner, meditate together with some herbs and make love while tripping on acid?
- '70's husband - you have a TV dinner while she reads a Gloria Steinum book and stares at you like you are just another male chauvinist pig, and uh no, you are not getting any?
- '80's husband - she brings home take out, you share a bottle of wine, you try to have sex, but the waves of the waterbed throw your back out before you can get there?
- '90's husband - she warms up a Marie Callendar lasagne, you share a bottle of wine, but since neither of you has been tested for AIDS you forgo sex in fear of you life?
- a modern husband - she puts an odd conglomeration that might be food on the table that comes from a recipe her friend sent her on FB, she then goes to her home office to catch up on work and you go to your laptop to find some new porn?
FishGuy13's Avatar
LOL mmcqtx
OH! He wants to chase me around the mall carrying all the bags of purchases I have made on his charge cards, and sit in the "man chair" at every store while I painstakingly try everything on? I am SO GAME for that!

I think you need to be more specific. Do you want to be a:
- '50's husband - she has dinner ready as you walk in the door, brings you a beer after dinner, irons your clothes and then you go to bed in separate twin beds?
- '60's husband - you share tofu and bean sprouts for dinner, meditate together with some herbs and make love while tripping on acid?
- '70's husband - you have a TV dinner while she reads a Gloria Steinum book and stares at you like you are just another male chauvinist pig, and uh no, you are not getting any?
- '80's husband - she brings home take out, you share a bottle of wine, you try to have sex, but the waves of the waterbed throw your back out before you can get there?
- '90's husband - she warms up a Marie Callendar lasagne, you share a bottle of wine, but since neither of you has been tested for AIDS you forgo sex in fear of you life?
- a modern husband - she puts an odd conglomeration that might be food on the table that comes from a recipe her friend sent her on FB, she then goes to her home office to catch up on work and you go to your laptop to find some new porn? Originally Posted by mmcqtx

Wow mmc! That took some serious thought and effort. I now know you are more than just another pretty face! LOVE IT!!! Did you compose that yourself or is some of it borrowed? I couldn't find it intact as a google search so I am assuming the former. If not, point me in the direction to where you found that I LOVE that sort of wit (even with the *wink*).

Hotlips-that is what I was wondering too. I once had a man offer me 2k for that...needless to say I am NOT 2k richer. Some things money can buy, for everything else there's Trojan!

I am interested to see what the OP really meant...we kind of took the ball and ran with it. A lot of us ladies are good at role play or scripted sessions...maybe that is what he is wanting.

Muah! Marla
Guest091314's Avatar
I would gladly fill the "wifey" slippers for a night...
  • KRH
  • 02-04-2011, 09:24 AM
Gitrdone, to help you out here, I think what you're actually after is a dominatrix. Transformed from the metaphorical to the existential.

So instead of your wife, slapping you across the face, yelling at you, calling you pathetic and metaphorically using you as a toilet, you could experience these things in full technicolor.

I hope this helps.
I love the hell out of this thread. Y'all are hilarious!
mmcqtx's Avatar
Wow mmc! That took some serious thought and effort. I now know you are more than just another pretty face! LOVE IT!!! Did you compose that yourself or is some of it borrowed? I couldn't find it intact as a google search so I am assuming the former. If not, point me in the direction to where you found that I LOVE that sort of wit (even with the *wink*).

Just little old me and my natural ability....wait, what typos?
lmao mmc-that's great!
gitrdone - How do you feel about holding my purse in public??

And just curious...Can it be Tuesday or Friday nights? (Those are the nights before trash pickup.)

Iaintliein's Avatar
So. . . does that mean that tomorrow you want her to be your ex-wife?

I suppose this would be cheaper than actually doing it. But it takes more than one night to get the full effect. Try not having any form of sex for a couple of weeks and then hire one of the ladies here to go to bed with you and say "No".

That should work.