No Dramatics, Just FootWear!!

Okay! Tonight, for the 3rd date IN A ROW(!!) My lover hasn't taken off his socks!
Whats with the socks?
There are few other ways to make me giggle at you than to be buckwild naked save for black dress socks.

Why leave on the socks? It's not sexy!! It makes you look like a potted plant!

So, EVERYONE--Do you take your socks off?

**I would like to apologize in advance for the derailing that a particular board member will inflict upon my thread.
For some reason my socks stays on. I never really thought about it but I generally leave my socks on...Perhaps it gives me some security like your favorite blanket or perhaps I like the added traction...Who knows...
Boy feet are gross. GROSS. Gnarly nails, rough skin, toe hair, bunions, stink. I realize that this isn't always the case, but it often is. The sock-wearing lovers probably think that they are doing us a favor by keeping those parts covered up with soft cotton. I don't really mind boy feet so long as there isn't a stink or sharp nails that will cut me, but I understand people being shy.

Egos are frail.

To the boys, if you're worried about your feet, get a professional pedicure. You'll usually end up with a cute, young Asian spinner rubbing and massaging and soaping and scraping and it's not so bad at all. $15 or so for 20 minutes of great cleavage views.
Maggie, I will make an exception with you and take my socks off....after I get a pedicure of course.
Sorry Jenns, but now all I can picture is the pedicure scene from "Dumb & Dumber", lolzz
sixxbach's Avatar
i love my BBBJCIM's with my socks ON!!!
rCoder's Avatar
Boy feet are gross. GROSS. Gnarly nails, rough skin, toe hair, bunions, stink.

To the boys, if you're worried about your feet, get a professional pedicure. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
Shop Pedicure

Smooth gnarly nails with a disc sander. A few seconds should be enough. For video, watch "The World's Fastest Indian".

An orbital sander starting with 100, then 180, 220 and finish with 320 grit will take care of any rough skin. Just keep the sander moving to avoid friction burns.

For toe hair, a quick pass with the blow torch.

Don't know best way to treat bunions as I haven't had to yet. Probably a small hand plane (extra sharp) would be easiest.

A little denatured alcohol with a light scrubbing using 00000 steel wool over the whole foot should remove the top layer of skin and any stink attached to it.

Hmmm, maybe $20 to stare at cleavage for 20 minutes ain't so bad...
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-17-2010, 10:45 PM
It is Winter now. Perhaps his feet are just cold.

The only time my feet are ever barefoot are when they are wet from the shower, bath, pool, etc. Otherwise they are always within a comfy pair of cotton or special diabetic socks. The socks are for warmth, aesthetics, and protection since my feet are very susceptible to complications from my diabetes.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Maybe they don't even think about sox. They are looking at a beautiful naked woman, they have gotten all of their clothes off, and then sox.... fuck sox....

And they have forgotten and are focused on the kitty and the titties....
I highly recommend that guys never leave their dentures on top of the donation. I hear it can be a mood killer for the gals.
The socks always come off!!!
deedeedoe62's Avatar
Socks alwasys comes off....and I get pedi's....
LadiesFan's Avatar
Socks stay on unless I am getting a massage or showering.

hmmmm, that pedi idea sounds kinda cool. may have to try that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I take my socks off ALWAYS. But sometimes I leave my shoes on...
I always take my socks off. I want the lady naked and why shouln't I be the same.

I have been with a couple of very young ladies who kept their white cotton socks on. I found it rather a turn off. I remove fish nets if the lady is wearing them most of the time.