I ask all of my suitors to please Quit Feeding the Troll

TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
definition of troll, copied from urban dictionary.

"1c. Noun
A member of an internet forum who continually harangues and harasses others. Someone with nothing worthwhile to add to a certain conversation, but rather continually threadjacks or changes the subject, as well as thinks every member of the forum is talking about them and only them. Trolls often go by multiple names to circumvent getting banned.

I would like to add to that definition: "is not known to participate in the actual topic of said forum in real life, as reported (or non reported) by at least twenty percent of the members of the forum (in this case, all of the female members)"

Now that you all can properly identify the troll, I mean, A troll, please stop quoting him/them and please stop answering the threads he/they post/s. Perhaps a non-defense will be more effective than the current tactics.
missi hart's Avatar
amen to that
Whispers's Avatar
Gosh..... I open the Austin COeD Forum and here is this thread titled "Whispers Please Respond Here!" ....

Kinda like being Batman but instead of a Bat Signal we have a Big 'W' beamed off the clouds in the sky! I like getting called out!

I would like to add to that definition: "is not known to participate in the actual topic of said forum in real life, as reported (or non reported) by at least twenty percent of the members of the forum (in this case, all of the female members)" Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29

Well in all honesty, to a few of us, 80% of the opinionated man bashing, agree with me or else ladies that participate here in the Austin Forums are simply NOT worth seeing. NOT worth the investment of our time or our money.

Not when our money goes much further with a stripper or some UTR that is not set on telling us what we can and cannot do or talk about.

Not when our money and time is more appreciated by a traveling provider from San Antonio, Houston or Dallas.

Not when we can pick up the phone and call one of the Agencies in Town and see a no hassles, no issues, appreciative young ladies that are not putting us through the ringer regarding screening....

Not when some go so far as to be criticizing guys that pick up SWs or Strippers and share them with the guys when they themselves do the same thing and then hold those strippers or SWs out to the community as some special UTR Lady friend of theirs. Some of us can see those ladies already at a fraction of the rate they get presented to the community at.

No Mamm..... By your definition I certainly am not known to participate in the actual topic of said forum in real life

And I have a lot of buddies that don't fall outside your guidelines as well.

Good to know that we are not participating in any of the activities portrayed here.

Sheesh.... As evidenced by the response your post has received and views vs the views and responses in threads that actually discuss something of substance ..... Like this really matters.....

Do you really think the few of you ladies that actually post here make up more than 20% of the ladies seen by guys here in the community?

Just as most of a ladies business is made up of guys that seldom to never post many of us spend time with ladies that never post or even advertise here.
AustinBusinessTraveler's Avatar
Ahhh... nothing like trying to avoid feeding a troll by making a trolling post, Taylor.
ferdburf's Avatar
What's the ole saying? Throw a rock into a pack of howling wolves . . .
Some guys are so sensitive. Crivens, a simple post asking not to feed trolls who don't hobby anyways, and it's Melodrama Time.

The answer is always more nookie. Hobby more and you'd be less tense.
bigmarv's Avatar
My other two favorite hobbies are Golf and Fishing. I have been known to troll a lure behind my boat, so I guess that makes me a troller also.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Some guys are so sensitive. Crivens, a simple post asking not to feed trolls who don't hobby anyways, and it's Melodrama Time.

The answer is always more nookie. Hobby more and you'd be less tense. Originally Posted by EmilyHemingway
Thanks for reminding us of the object of the race, Emily.

But, please enough with the mocking insults already!
rocker's Avatar
As always, Whispers is right on. I could'nt have said it any better.
It's always nice to have someone feed us Troll's.

tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 02-20-2010, 08:16 PM
Now that you all can properly identify the troll, I mean, A troll, please stop quoting him/them and please stop answering the threads he/they post/s. Perhaps a non-defense will be more effective than the current tactics. Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
Why not just add whoever you consider to be a troll to your ignore list?
So...I'll play devils advocate here:

I've noticed a drastic drop off of the ladies posting in the coed section, could it have something to do with the tone of the recent posts? Is is because of the recent "outing"? Is it just my imagination?

Just chew on this for a few minutes...what's the purpose of the coed section if only dudes post, don't we already have that forum?

Oh and sword fights are gay...LOL

Whispers's Avatar
a simple post asking not to feed trolls who don't hobby anyways, and it's Melodrama Time.

The answer is always more nookie. Hobby more and you'd be less tense. Originally Posted by EmilyHemingway
Another assumption that if we are not seeing Board Participating Ladies that we are not hobbying....

I've spent time with 7 ladies so far this month darlin... Ya really think I need more?

Ta know something.... I kinda agree with ya on that!
ManUp's Avatar
  • ManUp
  • 02-20-2010, 09:14 PM
Thank you Whispers for speaking on behalf of most of us, lurkers, here.
Getting tired of constant bitching and negativity by the same limited participants.
Business must be slow ... I wonder whether it is because of bad economy or something else.
Whispers's Avatar
So...I'll play devils advocate here:

I've noticed a drastic drop off of the ladies posting in the coed section, could it have something to do with the tone of the recent posts? Is is because of the recent "outing"? Just chew on this for a few minutes...what's the purpose of the coed section if only dudes post, don't we already have that forum?

Oh and sword fights are gay...LOL

LAP Originally Posted by lickalotapus
Well LAP... From conversations I have, the occaisional PM or email, I believe it there are a few ladies that might participate a little more if not for a few other ladies here that tell them what to do and how to run their business the same way they tell us guys how we are supposed to act.....

scroll through some of the "mush" threads and you'll see participation without bashing on far more threads than the handful that really light up it seems.... heck.... even I can stay light and on topic in a variety of threads

But the ones that really light up tend to be ones with a woman telling a guy how he is supposed act online, how he can't get seen if he doesn't screen or where they pile onto some guy for some lame or unfounded reason.....

personally.... there appears to be a correlation between just how much crap a woman spews and just how much some of the guys are willing to take.....

34 Threads / 6 Days / 28,982 Views

6 Threads with a lot of highly opinionated responses, emotional lash outs and a good bit of bashing generating 12,403 of the views....

1) I ask all of my suitors to please Quit Feeding the Troll
2) Decision Crisis: Hobby and Marriage
3) DANGER!!!
4) Being Outed or Outing Yourself?
5) Help Us Help YOU!! SCREENING 101
6) A Question for the Ladies - Just how is it that YOU look out for a guys safety?


28 "other" threads with male and female participation.....

1) is ferdburf and geniusman the same person????
2) NEW CL Ad--new Job
3) Deep throat: What is your definition?
4) Taylor Summer update
5) "Want to Play a Game"
6) Why do those with wives/S.O.'s hobby?
7) In the "walk in" cooler while "on the clock"
8) Jerkin' Your Merkin
9) What would you say???
10) Admit it!.....
11) So many boards so little time
12) No Dramatics, Just FootWear!!
13) What Kind of Woman Do You Prefer?
14) Considering Austin Area ~ Where to stay?
15) Just a fantasy ISO....
16) 90 Minute Sessions
17) Do guys want early bird session?
18) Tattoos and Orgasims?
19) making contact
20) ASPD Review Links in Provider Ads ?
21) To All The Men On Valentines Day!
22) incall
23) To my porn lovers
24) bbbj redux
25) NC/NS What's the best response
26) pumping
27) Happy Valentine's Day Ladies!
28) How come some guys have HUGE LOADS!!!

It APPEARS there is plenty of COeD chatter going on.....

What I believe is different lately is that guys are coming to realize that on Eccie, in the Austin Forum, They are allowed to not only HAVE an opinion but they are allowed to VOICE that opinion and discuss it unlike the last few years on Austin ASPD Forums where threads were rapidly locked or made to disappear should one of the "Austin Adorable's" get her knickers in a knot.
You bring up some valid points, but riddle me this...is it possible make a point without being a jerk about it (I don't mean you specifically)? I mean sure, some of the guys are starting to speak up but many of them were perfectly content getting pussy and having fun the old way. So, if the only difference is the driving force behind the conversation...then what's really the point? What I mean by that is...everyone seems to still be getting laid so why so much angst and bold letters?

Has anyone actually gotten more pussy or better quality pussy since "the shifting of the power"?

I'm all for this witty conversation and I'm not saying anything should change, I'm just wondering why and who cares where the "power" is? My power has always been in my wallet, I use it when I want to and pass when I don't. I don't need a strong opinion from anyone else to help me...but that's me.