Don't Feed The Trollettes (and calling all lurking guys and gals)

rekcaSxT's Avatar
I posted this as a reply in another thread.

Guys who are lurking PLEASE come out and contribute. Let's show that there are GOOD hobbyists out there who are sick of bullshit, and being bullied by providers. If you are into being dominated, well that is your fetish, but you still have the MONEY, and by that you have the POWER.

I have never moderated a board. But it seems to me that instead of this becoming an "us or them" kind of board. What it seems like to me is that this is a period of correction or recovery. In the past our "home" was a place that was more friendly to providers, and they set the tone and focus for the board. Now the hobbyists want some input and a share of control. You are seeing guys now posting who never posted on ASPD. Maybe right now there are more men than women, but after some of the trollettes shut up or go away, there will be more of a balance.

I hope it is that way, because I value providers input. I really do. As long as it is well worded and rationally thought out. The same goes for hobbyists. If a guy gets on and just posts crap I don't value his posts either.

I am sure the "woman hater" comments are right around the corner. And I don't hate women. (reference Angelina Adams posts) And I know Whispers doesn't hate women. I just don't value the contributions of providers who come on here and just post verbal diarrhea.

I believe there are many providers who are afraid to post because they dissagree with WH and TM. They are afraid to be flamed. I don't like that either. Ladies please don't lurk. Post your opinons even if they are contrary to ours. Just don't make personal attacks and you will be fine. WE want to know who the level headed non psycho providers are!

I was set off when my buddy was attacked in a VERY personal way. Sixxbach could be one of the greatest advocates of providers here. He is a VERY nice guy. He is just sick of being chastised for speaking his mind, so he says what he believes, the world be damned.

Anyway, I am hoping that an equilibrium will be reached soon. And when the dust settles there will be good contributing providers, and good contributing hobbyists, and all of the trolls will be gone.



You ARE a true gentleman and I have seen you at least six times in addition to several e-mails and pms that solidify our communication. You always bring me a bottle of the finest liquor, a card, flowers, generous donation and well, you are a gentleman all around....a true class act! I adore you, rekcaSxT. I used to let a few women get to me, but now I focus 100% on me, have improved everything about me and am in a much better position today than I was in previous months.

I agree, please don't feed the trollettes!!! They are insensitive to successful providers who they see as a threat and equally to those rational men who debate them on legitimate issues. I am not saying that all men and all women are perfect, but I am trying to use my past in dealing with trollettes as the example. I am finally strong and able to speak my mind about how I've been treated in the past and gossiped about by other providers. Thank you rekcaSxT for inspiring me to speak my mind. Some of these trollettes can speak negatively about a provider they have never met for a pretty obvious reason, however, they can't take it when you attack them for a legitimate reason. Interesting. It's about time. Thank you.


atxbrad's Avatar
I am really glad that rekcaSxT posted this becasue I have been meaning to say something for a long time.

Some of you ladies need to shut the hell up about "not feeding the trolls"! I am just plain fed up with all the bullshit. The more you go marching around here with the dont feed the trolls campaign, the more you add fuel to the fire. It may, or may not, be you intent to start debate but that is exactly what it is doing. You girls say something about trolls and then we have a 4 page thread where providers and hobbyist are bitching back and forth.

Here is an elightened note: Most of us guys dont give 2 fucks about the male trolls, but when you ladies choose to play the same games and go down to their level it hurts your business because we dont want to drama. Most of us get too much drama at home to have to put up with it here.

I know that I am going to have a few ladies jump my ass about this.........and yes I could already tell you who a few of them will be,, but those of you ladies that know me know that Im not a troll, I speak what I feel to be truth and when I have had enough bullshit Im gonna come out and say it

The ones of you saying dont feed the trolls are the very ones that are fueling the fire...........or should I say giving the trolls a buffett. This whole womens movement against trolls is just got to be too much. We all see it in your signature lines. Just kill it, puit it to bed, let it die.

I applaud the ladies that have taken the high road and truly not feed the trolls by turning themselves into TROLLETTES

Sorry rekcaSxT, my post wasnt exactly on the same lines as your original intent but hopefully still on topic.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
No Brad post away.

I think it really puts things in perspective when well established hobbyists like you post things like that.

There are MANY MANY MANY men who agree with you.

You and I both treat ladies right, I know because I have met some of the ladies you have met. But keep in mind we are talking about LADIES here. NOT Trollettes.
I posted this as a reply in another thread.

Guys who are lurking PLEASE come out and contribute. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
I was a lurker on that old site. I found it useful and entertaining. When it went away and many moved to this one I decided to step up, join, and contribute. My thanks to those who do their part and make this place work.
Yes, Brad, please continue your posts. You are well-respected and established. I guess as far as the trollettes go, now they know/understand what if feels like to hurt/get their feelings hurt. There is this saying that I embrace, "what comes around, goes around". When some providers choose to gossip about other providers and undermine well-regarded male posters, well, I guess it is their time to have their true colors exposed to the masses.

I applaud the both of you for your strength in the matter. It took guts for me to come out of my shell and post how I was mistreated by other women in PIE, so now, I feel I have gotten something off of my chest. Sources have also revealed to me that I am a major target of gossip, but I sort of laugh at it all like it is a circus joke, or something. I must be doing something right if some of these women place me as the major focus of discussion. "Like, OMG."


No Brad post away.

I think it really puts things in perspective when well established hobbyists like you post things like that.

There are MANY MANY MANY men who agree with you.

You and I both treat ladies right, I know because I have met some of the ladies you have met. But keep in mind we are talking about LADIES here. NOT Trollettes. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
Mojojo's Avatar
Yes, Brad, please continue your posts. You are well-respected and established. I guess as far as the trollettes go, now they know/understand what if feels like to hurt/get their feelings hurt. There is this saying that I embrace, "what comes around, goes around". When some providers choose to gossip about other providers and undermine well-regarded male posters, well, I guess it is their time to have their true colors exposed to the masses.

I applaud the both of you for your strength in the matter. It took guts for me to come out of my shell and post how I was mistreated by other women in PIE, so now, I feel I have gotten something off of my chest. Sources have also revealed to me that I am a major target of gossip, but I sort of laugh at it all like it is a circus joke, or something. I must be doing something right if some of these women place me as the major focus of discussion. "Like, OMG."


Angelina Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
Angelina if you have a good rep which in your case you do I would never worry about getting lashed at cause you'll always have people who know you, they got your back like chiropract lol!

Houston has the same problem from time to time. Trolls who dont contribute anything coming out to criticize those who do. I call them out on it though, unless they are from the old site and had a rep there. Right is right wrong is wrong regardless if its a provider or hobbiest. The only draw back is when you side with a provider idiots tend to call you a wk however in my case i could care less usually the idiots who call you wk are the ones who NEVER review or see ladies on here, they're usually the cheap bastards who stick to bp or cl.
I am really glad that rekcaSxT posted this becasue I have been meaning to say something for a long time.

Some of you ladies need to shut the hell up about "not feeding the trolls"! I am just plain fed up with all the bullshit. The more you go marching around here with the dont feed the trolls campaign, the more you add fuel to the fire. It may, or may not, be you intent to start debate but that is exactly what it is doing. You girls say something about trolls and then we have a 4 page thread where providers and hobbyist are bitching back and forth.

Here is an elightened note: Most of us guys dont give 2 fucks about the male trolls, but when you ladies choose to play the same games and go down to their level it hurts your business because we dont want to drama. Most of us get too much drama at home to have to put up with it here.

I know that I am going to have a few ladies jump my ass about this.........and yes I could already tell you who a few of them will be,, but those of you ladies that know me know that Im not a troll, I speak what I feel to be truth and when I have had enough bullshit Im gonna come out and say it

The ones of you saying dont feed the trolls are the very ones that are fueling the fire...........or should I say giving the trolls a buffett. This whole womens movement against trolls is just got to be too much. We all see it in your signature lines. Just kill it, puit it to bed, let it die.

I applaud the ladies that have taken the high road and truly not feed the trolls by turning themselves into TROLLETTES
Sorry rekcaSxT, my post wasnt exactly on the same lines as your original intent but hopefully still on topic. Originally Posted by atxbrad
Brad, I completely understand and agree with your comments. I couldn't had said it better myself!! I applaud you for sharing!

Angelina, baby keep doing what your doing! Your quite an impressive lady! Please keep sharing.

The Drama with some of the gals around here remind me why I joined the hobby to begin with.... I thought I was getting away from it!!!

Vote with your wallets!
Guys who are lurking PLEASE come out and contribute. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
Okay, I’ll come out and say a few things. Are you all fucking crazy? I think the current situation here is a lot like the situation in our dysfunctional Congress.

Both “sides” seem to have adopted this scorch and burn philosophy that sweeps people up and makes them think they have to pick a side. Preaching bi-partisanship really means “I want you to do what I want”. And this troll and troll-ette thing seems to be fueled by a couple of people that have had their buttons pushed.

Taylor Maiden - “I ask my suitors not to feed the trolls”. Really? You want all “your guys” to shun Whispers? And he’s a menace? Holy fuck. For the sake of argument I’ll just use the down41 dictionary to define “troll” as shit-stirrer. You’re one of the biggest shit-stirrers on this board.

Same with Karma. Good Lord, do you only post when you run out of meds? And a lot of your posts come off like somebody who thinks she’s the queen of the board dispensing the game-ending decision and definitive wisdom that mere dolts can’t even begin to comprehend.

MaggieSinead gets the award for female shit-stirrer rookie of the year. And Wicked Heather when the hell did you turn into Wicked Milf? Jesus Christ…

Now for the guys. TxSacker. Holy holy hell dude… I like you and we’ve PMd but dude… Dude! Calm down. Are these girls invading your village and burning the huts?

Whispers is a guy I want to hate so bad. But I really can’t. He has views that make people mad but he presents them in an intelligent way and never really calls anybody names unless he’s been called out. Seems like kind of a sleazy guy that I really wouldn’t want to hang out with but so what?

Sixbach – well I guess you’re scum because you fuck streetwalkers. Since I won’t be putting my dick in you, I don’t care. But you sure seem to love having that albatross around your neck so you can bitch about it and snark at providers.

All this shit has been boiling for a while and then the TGFBI/Trisha thread blew up. I can’t believe the stoning TGFBI got. It’s his fault that Trisha is screwed. She should blame him and be upset and he’s a fucking idiot for getting caught. But I saw girls call him low life scum. I saw guys tossing out words like valor and honor. Most of the guys on here are cheating on their wives! Valor?! Honor?! And they called him a coward and a rat. Someone even likened it to compromising military intelligence for fuck’s sake! I seriously doubt his wife asked him, “Hey hon, what’s this phone number on your cell?” and then he just vomited an encyclopedia of information on Trisha. I have no idea what actually happened and I’m not married but I’ll tell you this: If I thought my only choice was losing everything in the world I cared about or shitting on someone that I had a secret, anonymous, no-strings, part-time, ships-in-the-night relationship with, there’s not enough toilet paper in the world. What’s he supposed to do? Take a bullet for a provider? Bend over and tell his wife to go ahead and just jam that divorce lawyer straight up his ass because he has “honor” and won’t divulge information on his lady-love-provider? Sucks that it happened but this whole honor among thieves thing sounds like a bunch of drunks with car keys in their hands berating a guy for getting a DUI.

Now all you people I “crapped” on – Taylor, Karma, Maggie, Wicked, Wicked, TxSacker, Whispers, Six… I could go on and on about just about everybody on this damn board. There are girls on here that drive my crazy with their “Teehee, look at me” posts. There are guys who post the same shit all the time like a damn broken record. Mokoa whips out that hammer and nail picture like he gets a nickel every time he does it. The whiny guys who always want to post a “devil’s advocate” post defending the provider’s point of view, the way-too-butch guys who want to sound like they’ve got a Glock in each hand and will meet you anytime anywhere…

You all make me fucking crazy and the only person on here who makes any goddamn sense at all is me. Does that sound familiar? Do you say that to yourself every now and then? Who the fuck cares what I think of somebody?

Taylor Maiden – bitchy shit-stirring provider. Sometimes. Other times she’s the coolest chick in the world. Glory holes? A dominatrix? Strip club crawls? You know how many people like you I’ve ever met? Zero. You rock.

Karma – you fucking loon. I love when you post something because shit is about to heat up. You post what you want and don’t seem to give a damn what anybody thinks. You make this site worth logging into.

Maggie – who the fuck are you? You look like you could maybe be kinda hot. You’re like having a wild card in a poker game.

Wicked Heather – you are a pretty sexy older woman from what I can tell and most of the time you seem like a really good flirt. I like you.

TxSacker – you don’t have to be William Wallace but if you want to that’s cool with me. I think you’re a cool dude with honest information that thinks a lot like I do and if you weren’t posting this place would be a dust bowl.

Sixbach – you are the kind of person I’d never meet in real life. I love hearing about the streets and the seedy side. You seem like a guy who has to deal with real shit and live in different worlds. I value your POV.

Whispers is a sleazy strip club corrupter of young women who takes advantage of girls and their unfortunate financial situations to treat them like objects that he discards at his whim. Well the last time I was in a strip club it was a place where young women tried to treat me like a wallet and once I was used up they got pretty mean. I think you are probably the most honest person on the board. In a way.

To me this place is like a bigass pot of stew for 10,000 people. Takes a lot of ingredients. I may not like some of the ingredients but it’s a damn fine stew. And I know that every ingredient is what makes it. If I have a NASCAR question I can ask that guy with the hammer and nail picture. If I have a mortgage question I can ask that guy with the huge schlong. If I want to know what it’s like to have a whip shoved up my ass I can call that dominatrix chick.

Does everybody here have to like everybody else or agree for this place to exist? Fuck no. If they did this place would be boring. How many polls do we really need about “What’s your favorite kind of pubic hair on a rainy day?” When I see a shit-stirrer get started I look forward to it. Then again, there are some pretty entertaining posts in those “pubic hair” threads.

If some of the providers want to split off that’s fine with me. I’ve never seen Taylor, Wicked, Karma or any of the other usual suspects and maybe I never will but you’d be missed. At least by me.

Remember that Wicked Whispers Show thread on ASPD? I won’t go into details but Wicked Milf and I exchanged PMs. What a cool woman. Funniest thing I ever read on that site was when she told Whispers she would “fuck him up the ass!!!”

Congress can fight all they want and hate each other while the cameras are rolling but they’ve got to come together every now and then and have a drink in a bar and make deals and pass some legislation. We can fight like cats and dogs (women and men) but every now and then we’ve got to come together and have a drink and fuck each other.

I’m not calling for a “kumbaya” (God I hate it when people throw out that phrase on here – you know who you are). Far from it. I love the drama. I’m just saying we all know that this shit is silly, right? Trolls? Troll-ettes? It’s fun to stir shit up but we aren’t taking this serious, right? Right?

All I’m really trying to do is paraphrase what Rodney King said after the riots.

“Can’t we all just NOT get along?”

And, Angelina, you are hotter than hell.
dookiexp's Avatar

Two Words:

Thank You!

And, Angelina, you are hotter than hell. Originally Posted by down41
Thank you, Down. I received your e-mail this morning...let's make it happen this time!! Love a persistant man!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-21-2010, 12:32 PM
down41 wrote:
If I have a NASCAR question I can ask that guy with the hammer and nail picture.
Yes, that would be me.

And as for the rest of your post...

I mean this from the bottom of my heart...

I really do...

Nailed It!!

Although my sides will hurt for a month...

Thank you for that post!

Guest062010's Avatar
Karma – you fucking loon. I love when you post something because shit is about to heat up. You post what you want and don’t seem to give a damn what anybody thinks. You make this site worth logging into.

I u! ~K

And YES.. I do only post when I run out of meds.... now puff puff give! ~K:laugh ing1:
Whispers's Avatar
Taylor Maiden - “I ask my suitors not to feed the trolls”. Really? You want all “your guys” to shun Whispers? And he’s a menace? Holy fuck. For the sake of argument I’ll just use the down41 dictionary to define “troll” as shit-stirrer. You’re one of the biggest shit-stirrers on this board. Originally Posted by down41
+1 She does that on as well as off of it!

Same with Karma. Good Lord, do you only post when you run out of meds? And a lot of your posts come off like somebody who thinks she’s the queen of the board dispensing the game-ending decision and definitive wisdom that mere dolts can’t even begin to comprehend.
uh huh!

MaggieSinead gets the award for female shit-stirrer rookie of the year.
Ain't that the truth!

And Wicked Heather when the hell did you turn into Wicked Milf? Jesus Christ…
Is that why that WM handle was retired? Did one become the other? I miss Wicked Milf. She was a blast.

Now for the guys. TxSacker. Holy holy hell dude… I like you and we’ve PMd but dude… Dude! Calm down. Are these girls invading your village and burning the huts?
I kind of like the guy too!.

Whispers is a guy I want to hate so bad. But I really can’t. He has views that make people mad but he presents them in an intelligent way and never really calls anybody names unless he’s been called out. Seems like kind of a sleazy guy that I really wouldn’t want to hang out with but so what?
hmmm... I really do not think I EVER stoop to calling any individual "names" even when called out.... I prefer a higher road.... It infuriates some when i stay cal and collected as well as on topic vs the name calling.... I will claim to us the term "Pussy Whipped Lap Dawgs" but seldom targeted at an individual although an individual often sits up and takes notice as well as offense thinking it was meant for him....

The "sleazy" is a bit much.... But some people don't like Car Salesmen and I got used to being disliked and thought of as "sleazy" several years ago when I played in that business for a while.

Sixbach – well I guess you’re scum because you fuck streetwalkers. Since I won’t be putting my dick in you, I don’t care. But you sure seem to love having that albatross around your neck so you can bitch about it and snark at providers.
Gotta appreciate a man that states his mind, walks his walk, and doesn't give a shit what people think. I enjoy his input and applaud his ability to remain a man through all this crap.

All this shit has been boiling for a while and then the TGFBI/Trisha thread blew up. I can’t believe the stoning TGFBI got. It’s his fault that Trisha is screwed. She should blame him and be upset and he’s a fucking idiot for getting caught. But I saw girls call him low life scum. I saw guys tossing out words like valor and honor. Most of the guys on here are cheating on their wives! Valor?! Honor?! And they called him a coward and a rat. Someone even likened it to compromising military intelligence for fuck’s sake! I seriously doubt his wife asked him, “Hey hon, what’s this phone number on your cell?” and then he just vomited an encyclopedia of information on Trisha. I have no idea what actually happened and I’m not married but I’ll tell you this: If I thought my only choice was losing everything in the world I cared about or shitting on someone that I had a secret, anonymous, no-strings, part-time, ships-in-the-night relationship with, there’s not enough toilet paper in the world. What’s he supposed to do? Take a bullet for a provider? Bend over and tell his wife to go ahead and just jam that divorce lawyer straight up his ass because he has “honor” and won’t divulge information on his lady-love-provider? Sucks that it happened but this whole honor among thieves thing sounds like a bunch of drunks with car keys in their hands berating a guy for getting a DUI.
I see it as the same kind of delusion the same guys experience as they believe the lady that just took his $300 actually cares about him!

Whispers is a sleazy strip club corrupter of young women who takes advantage of girls and their unfortunate financial situations to treat them like objects that he discards at his whim. Well the last time I was in a strip club it was a place where young women tried to treat me like a wallet and once I was used up they got pretty mean. I think you are probably the most honest person on the board. In a way.
Again with the "sleazy"?

Well... I certainly strive for that..... Most of the women I "corrupt" also appreciate that I am honest and straight forward in my approaches to them. And I seldom really "discard them"... I introduce them to other guys or in prior years to the boards and they find better ways to ply their wares....

On that note, to answer/address another issues I began a new thread for any interested.
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rekcaSxT's Avatar
Down41. You sir just rocked my world (Not in a gay way)

I don't agree 100% with what you said, but let's say 99%.

Thank you.