More crazy libtards - Assination attempt on Justice Kavanaugh

berryberry's Avatar
Can't wait to hear the excuses for this one from the usual lib suspects here. Senile Biden and his leftist allies encourage illegal intimidation of Supreme Court justices and now THIS happens!

Armed man arrested near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home

An armed California man incensed about the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion expected to overturn Roe v. Wade was arrested near Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Maryland home Wednesday, a report said.

The man, who was not identified, allegedly told police officers he wanted to kill Kavanaugh, the Washington Post reported.

He was carrying an unspecified weapon and burglary tools, according to the report.
berryberry's Avatar
So after the White House and the media openly encouraged the physical intimidation of Supreme Court justices one of their supporters took them seriously. Flashback to Chuck Schumer encouraging these lunatics and threatening these Justices

Following this CLEAR incitement of violence by Schumer, he should be charged as well.

This not acceptable in any civil society.
berryberry's Avatar
For weeks, DOJ has allowed—and the White House has encouraged—crazed protesters to unlawfully harass Justices at their own homes.

This is a direct and foreseeable consequence.

And even though a bill passed the senate unanimously, Witch Pelosi and House Democrats refuse to pass the bill to expand SCOTUS protection
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden’s White House refused to condemn — and in fact encouraged — protesters to target the private homes of Supreme Court justices

berryberry's Avatar
Look at how the liberal aka mainstream media buried the Kavanaugh Assassination attempt.

Just one example:

Look at how far down the page The New York Times buried the story:

berryberry's Avatar
Corporate media propagandists are covering up or downplaying failed assassination attempt of Kavanaugh by one of their fellow partisans both because they’ve helped contribute to the climate where such violence is said to be justified and because it DESTROYS their J6 show.

No mention of the assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh on the front pages of USA Today or the Chicago Tribune. The New York Times and The Los Angeles Times hid the news on the bottom of the page in small font.


berryberry's Avatar
Bill Maher - “The New York Times buried this. If this had been a liberal Supreme Court justice that someone came to kill, it would’ve been on the front page...They wear their bias on their sleeves and if it’s not part of something that feeds our narrative, fuck it” – Watch:
... Crikey! ... No football scores on the front page, either!

What the hell kind o' paper is this?!

Look at page 3... NOTHING! ... A bleedin' disgrace. ... ...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
... Crikey! ... No football scores on the front page, either!

What the hell kind o' paper is this?!

Look at page 3... NOTHING! ... A bleedin' disgrace. ... ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
It's a shit paper for libtards Salty. Only fools who like being lied to by the DNC subscribe to it
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The Times isn’t news.
berryberry's Avatar
How the Sunday shows covered the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh:

# of mentions of "Kavanaugh":
ABC's This Week: 0 mentions
NBC's Meet The Press: 0 mentions
CBS's Face The Nation: 0 mentions
CNN SOTU: 0 mentions

Fox News Sunday they only station that covered this news

Now tell me who this fake and biased news media are
berryberry's Avatar
The mainstream media is the enemy of the people

... They have to ignore it... They're too busy to comment.

Twisting and contorting themselves to whatever George Soros
and the DNC tell them to cover.

Don't the American people surely deserve BETTER?

### Salty