“Cutie With A Booty” - liar, not cute

joyote's Avatar
I posted this to the the Men’s Lounge
then decided to give it more visibility

I am pretty sure this recent post…


is the same poster as this, from 2 yrs ago…


and this scamming, lying sack of vitriol, also from 2 yrs ago…

Radwaste's Avatar
First two links not working for me
First two links not working for me Originally Posted by Radwaste
joyote's Avatar
first 2 links are not working for me either, now, but
they were working when I posted them
even though the 2nd one was about 2 yrs old

that leads me to believe that
CwB herself, or CwB team
has seen this thread and taken those posts down

she may drop the CwB tagline, now
If so, it will be harder to recognize her
The 1 photo that I posted in the thread linked above
has not been used recently, that I have seen
her other photos have been more non-distinct
Also, not as appealing

If anyone can identify her in any subsequent ads,
good idea to post an update to this thread
joyote's Avatar
joyote's Avatar
and a recent ad photo…
joyote's Avatar
ok, the top 2 links in the op do not work because
they were copied & pasted from the Men’s Lounge post
and that copied abbreviated, shortened url’s for the 1st 2

here is the 2 yr old ad…

I almost contacted this woman. Glad I read up first. Pics look good but certainly doesn't match weight listed. I was actively texting her then looked her up. Told her I'm passing on a meet due to SEVERAL bad reviews. Tried to give me some excuse story then asked for a link to see the reviews. I stopped responding. No thanks lady!
joyote's Avatar
I am glad you dodged that bullet, marathonman

I still can’t believe I came that close
after 2 negative reviews

and I am glad you did not link her
The less team CwB knows about her reviews, the better
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
If reviews here, PM me a list.
joyote's Avatar
UC - these are the only reviews of her that I know of…

I met her in the past and she wasn't all that. She's very rude, rushes and upsells ALOT.