If America is so Racist, Why Are Nigerians the Most Successful Immigrant Group? (Video)

I know many African immigrants. Easy to identify them because they have the weird accent. All the African immigrants I've met have nice homes, nice cars, fat wallets, high net worth, healthy relationships, great families. Isn't this proof that the American Dream exists for all races, even black people? Why do Nigerians and other African immigrants thrive in a country that American blacks constantly complain about as racist and unfair? How is this possible? Am I missing something? The left hates it when we point this out. I wonder why? Victimhood mentality is real.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
How exactly does a guy like you know many African well-off immigrants? I'm just asking for a friend of a friend.

I can easily answer your question if it's not just another one of your race baiting and/or insulting black Americans troll threads. If your usual intent is what I believe it to be, no need to waste my time explaining labor economics to you and how it relates to socioeconomic variables.

And by the way, my guess is many countries in Asia more than immigrants from Nigeria are thriving more financially here in the states. Nice racist troll attempt though.
matchingmole's Avatar
I know many African immigrants. Easy to identify them because they have the weird accent. All the African immigrants I've met have nice homes, nice cars, fat wallets, high net worth, healthy relationships, great families. Isn't this proof that the American Dream exists for all races, even black people? Why do Nigerians and other African immigrants thrive in a country that American blacks constantly complain about as racist and unfair? How is this possible? Am I missing something? The left hates it when we point this out. I wonder why? Victimhood mentality is real.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXefYT5o1uo Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie

You are missing something.
texassapper's Avatar
They're successful because they haven't gone to university yet to major in victims studies yet. Once they earn their BA in victim studies they'll be no different than any other minority who teh white man must support.
one thing he said that stuck out

"you create your own reality"
winn dixie's Avatar
  • Tiny
  • 03-04-2023, 08:54 AM
This might be of interest,


Blacks who've immigrated to the USA in recent times are more likely to be married, have a college degree, make more money, and are less likely to live in poverty compared to blacks born in America. In fact, by those criteria, they match up closer to the population as a whole than blacks born in America.

Also take a look at this, and sort countries by homicide rate in reverse order,


What you'll see is that countries that suffer from histories of subjugation, outright slavery in the case of Caribbean countries, and slavery except in name for the native populations of Latin America, have higher homicide rates. With a few exceptions, African countries have much lower homicide rates. Similarly, the percentage of black Americans, whose ancestors suffered from subjugation, who die from homicide is much higher than the general population.

How to make sense of all this? Well, in my eternal quest to blame everything on Democrats, I'll say that American blacks, in the south at least, have suffered from over 100 years of misrule by the Democratic Party prior to 1965. The tragedy of slavery, and the aftermath, like segregation and racism, have profoundly affected the well being of American Blacks -- their economic opportunities, safety and health.
Precious_b's Avatar
Well Lucas, guess Pinche Charly ain't gonna clarify.

He's in good company.
Alot of his buds get butthurt when asked to do such.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
once the british left their african colonies, the newly independent countries didn't have a whipping white ass to voice grievances. they have ethnic baiters, but its more over tribal conflicts that was more or less unresolved since independence and the fact the brits were responsible for that divsion when they redrew the borders of those countries.

no whipping white ass to play with. thats the big difference with Nigerians and other africans and carribeans.

american race baiters in conjuction with the communist party and democratic party were responsible for pushing black greivance against whites. blacks have a whipping white ass to play with and they are the toxic 47% according to the rassmussen poll which they say its not ok to be white.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The responses by many in this thread are funny. Some of you clowns actually took the bait.

Tiny, I expected better from you but definitely not from the other predictable old timers who can't jump on the OP's racist troll threads fast enough.

Bottom line is Nigerians are hardly thriving in this country as the OP states. Yeah, I tipped my cab driver well in NYC last week, but I'm pretty sure he didn't buy a beach house in the Hamptons with it.

Do many of you clowns even know how to stay on topic? Read the damn subject title for fucks sake... I've worked with a lot of client executives and C-Suites because of my job the last 10 years. I have never once worked with a Nigerian or anyone else who immigrated from Africa. I see Asians in the room. But I sure the fuck don't see any Africans in the room.

What the fuck do any of these foolish history and sociology posts have to do with the troll subject title/topic? LOL
adav8s28's Avatar
The responses by many in this thread are funny. Some of you clowns actually took the bait.

Tiny, I expected better from you but definitely not from the other predictable old timers who can't jump on the OP's racist troll threads fast enough.

Bottom line is Nigerians are hardly thriving in this country as the OP states. Yeah, I tipped my cab driver well in NYC last week, but I'm pretty sure he didn't buy a beach house in the Hamptons with it.

Do many of you clowns even know how to stay on topic? Read the damn subject title for fucks sake... I've worked with a lot of client executives and C-Suites because of my job the last 10 years. I have never once worked with a Nigerian or anyone else who immigrated from Africa. I see Asians in the room. But I sure the fuck don't see any Africans in the room.

What the fuck do any of these foolish history and sociology posts have to do with the troll subject title/topic? LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
The Nigerians that Cheap_Charlie is talking about are the one that like Eddie Murphy played in the movie Trading Places where he pretended to be an exchange student from Cameroon. The Nigerians that C_C is talking about got college scholarships to go to school here. A perfect example of that is former President Obama's father. He got a scholarship to go to the University of Hawaii and then got his masters in Economics at Harvard.

The Nigerians that C_Charlie is talking about did not pick cotton, of have to deal with 40 acres and a mule or overt Jim Crow Segregation. The Nigerians that C_Charlie is talking about bypassed all of that.

Two things on the op's video. The guy argues that blacks don't know how to deal with the police or start a small business in the hood. Even if blacks did not argue with police that would not prevent a situation like with Rodney King or Brianna Taylor. The reason that blacks could not start their own business in the 50's and 60's the bank was not going to give them a loan.

Of course things have gotten a little better. Obama beat the republicans twice by 15 million votes and was president for eight years. Despite his success the city of Chicago still has issues.
speaking of nigerians succeeding in america

did jussie ever pay the osundario brothers or did he stiff them?
They haven’t grown up in the culture of whiny, bitchy do nothings that the democrats have taught to be whiny, bitchy do nothings that get free money to just get by and blame systemic racism.
The systemic racism is being given money to just get by for absolutely nothing. It’s a culture that democrats own. New Africans haven’t been taught to do nothing for money.
  • Tiny
  • 03-06-2023, 11:46 AM
They haven’t grown up in the culture of whiny, bitchy do nothings that the democrats have taught to be whiny, bitchy do nothings that get free money to just get by and blame systemic racism.
The systemic racism is being given money to just get by for absolutely nothing. It’s a culture that democrats own. New Africans haven’t been taught to do nothing for money. Originally Posted by Charley3
I would have phrased that differently. But agree that Democratic politicians are motivated to keep low income people poor and dependent on government. The Democratic Party favors a larger federal government, more so than the Republican Party. And so people who are more dependent on the federal government are more likely to vote for Democrats.

Part of the long term solution though has to be helping poor children so that they ultimately end up with the skills needed to participate in the American Dream. And that's going to involve helping poor families. The enhanced child tax credit that's paid regardless of how much taxes a family pays is a good example. The problem is that the Democratic Party wants to make that a middle class entitlement. Benefits are received by couples and singles making up to $150,000 and $112,500 respectively.
  • Tiny
  • 03-06-2023, 12:04 PM
The responses by many in this thread are funny. Some of you clowns actually took the bait.

Tiny, I expected better from you but definitely not from the other predictable old timers who can't jump on the OP's racist troll threads fast enough.

Bottom line is Nigerians are hardly thriving in this country as the OP states. Yeah, I tipped my cab driver well in NYC last week, but I'm pretty sure he didn't buy a beach house in the Hamptons with it.

Do many of you clowns even know how to stay on topic? Read the damn subject title for fucks sake... I've worked with a lot of client executives and C-Suites because of my job the last 10 years. I have never once worked with a Nigerian or anyone else who immigrated from Africa. I see Asians in the room. But I sure the fuck don't see any Africans in the room.

What the fuck do any of these foolish history and sociology posts have to do with the troll subject title/topic? LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Hey McCain, First, my criticisms of the Democratic Party were somewhat tongue in cheek. I realize the Party of 2023 has progressed a long way from the time of Lincoln.

There may be a disproportionate number of immigrant cab drivers from African countries. Try talking to them. Some are highly educated.

A graduate school professor of mine is from Nigeria. And one of my doctors, who's a professor at a medical school, hails from a country close to Nigeria. They're both brilliant people. And we all know American blacks who are brilliant as well. Two of our most eloquent posters fit in that category.

The point here is that some people believe blacks are genetically inclined to be less intelligent. And that's complete bull shit. The fallacy is used by white supremacists, and probably believed by some Democrats who are strong proponents of the welfare state.

We've got a huge problem in the U.S. Just look at the statistics for income, health care outcomes, and number of people incarcerated. It shouldn't be this way. Yeah, the politically correct thing may be to ignore the problem and say it doesn't exist. But that just doesn't make sense to me.