Pounding Rain, Lightning...Sex

Am I the only one that finds sex during a storm erotic? I'm not necessarily referring to getting the job done inside the house either. Rather, outside, nude, rain pounding your skin while lightning illuminates the shadows as you enjoy the touch, taste of textures of your lover.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Never done it, myself. Truth be told, it's kinda hard to visualize getting caught in the rain and it being passionate as long as these spring mornings still have a chill on them. Once summer hits full stride and it's about 90 before 10am, maybe. Working in a chilly office makes me not want to be wet at all right now.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Through the mud,
Through the blood,
To the orgasim beyond!

Sounds more romantic than practical.

I'm with Gene Simmons on this one, humans developed shelter and central air so we could stop fucking around in the rain.
Saturn's Avatar
Rainstorms can be very erotic. Providers should start emailing when storm clouds gather
Redsan's Avatar
My first wife and I went outside in the back yard one night
during a warm summer rain and had sex on the grass.
This was a real turn-on and ended up in the shower for
round number two.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Through the mud,
Through the blood,
To the orgasim beyond!

Sounds more romantic than practical.

I'm with Gene Simmons on this one, humans developed shelter and central air so we could stop fucking around in the rain. Originally Posted by DFK Hunter

I concur! While I enjoy getting wet during intimate activities, it has nothing to do with rain! Sounds exciting, but you are correct DFK, not very practical.
I guess it depends on whether (or not) the surroundings are conducive to doing it during a storm, say an isolated lakehouse...with a picnic table...and a nice hammock...where the woman can sit or bend over...where prying eyes are few and far between.
I find sex during a storm very erotic! Love lighting, nothing like glimpses of rain dripping from my nipples as my lover is going down on me! If the rain gets hard, take it inside with the shades open for the light show!
tsrv4me's Avatar
And then The lighting STRUCK ....never thought that little piercing would attract such an electrical charge ..and send a charge thru you both while you are connected ..I wouldnt mind being outside on the covered deck with 3 sides open ...during the storm ...Yes the lighting and thunder can be very erotic ...T
Candie Hilton's Avatar
I've always been turned on by rainstorms. The change in the air density just before the first drops... the tink, patter, and splash sounds, the low rumbles and sharp cracks of thunder. Inside the house with the drumm of a rainstorm on the window, or outside in a private area of nature, the heat that buildings in me during the storm makes for a very wet finish of my own.
I've had sex out in the rain, and I loved it. You'd think that it would be a distraction, but the soft drip drop, the slippery, and the sound of the water hitting every surface added to the experience. It wasn't uncomfortable at all.
"Practicality" does indeed have a place in our lives. Women going braless is hardly "practical" but that's not why it's sometimes done. Going down on a man while he's driving is hardly "practical" either but that doesn't keep it from happening. Slowly fingering your wife or girlfriend to orgasm in the booth of a high-end restaturant isn't practical either but I suspect it was exciting for both participants. Bungee jimping is in no manner or fashion "practical" but the rush of adrenaline and the sensation of falling isn't something to be missed.

It's certainly practical to never grope your lover while you drive, don't run with scissors, always wear sunscreen when you're in the sun and be certain you're always in clean underwear just in case you're in an accident.

Rainstorms are such a turn on.

pyramider's Avatar
I could make a comment about lightening rods.

I could make a comment about lightening rods. Originally Posted by pyramider