
Texting and driving now illegal, lol. $175.00 fine if you get caught - Louisiana anyways, not sure about other states.

Persons under age 18 caught talking on cell while driving will get fined as well, not sure how much.

Man, oh man... with the economy the way it is, how do they expect people to pay these fines in addition to everything else?? I guess a text will cost sometime their monthly insurance rate

How many of you text while you drive?

What you do think they should outlaw next??
Iceman's Avatar
I don't think anyone should text while driving. You're taking your eyes and/or hands away from where they should be.
Very true iceman
DallasRain's Avatar
I cant text while driving...hell I do good to even text!!! lol
Lol, I am a pro textin and drivin... where I screw up is driving and talkin...
I think the data shows that any distraction is as dangerous as any other distraction, whether it is:
  • eating
  • texting
  • talking on the phone
  • fiddling with the radio
  • kids in the back seat
And any distraction...can be deadly.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I typically eschew creating text messages while driving....however I have an application on my phone that allows me to speak into the phone and it will create a text message. I haven't done anything with it while driving but it does a very good job of interpreting my spoken words while not in motion. In fact, it even switched to numbers when I began a countdown during a test message.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Rarely text at all. Never when driving. Foolish in the extreme.
breastfan's Avatar
I can count on one hand the number of times I've texted in the last six months.
Anything can distract someone, my thing is having both hands free in order to react to a situation. 95% of the time when talking on the cell phone it's through blue tooth so my hands are free. Yes, I drive by myself alot.