Dual session sex, couples!

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Couples sex.

So a long time ago I had sex with a friend and another couple was having sex in the same room, two beds. It was hot making love to my fiend and hearing and seeing the other couple fuck too.

If one where to do a MF MF in the hobby it is customary for each guy to donate each lady, so she gets double her rate, and it is a free for all. Been there done that.

Now if two guys and two providers go at it in the same room but each guy keeps to his lady this would be single donation to the lady right? Being the guy is just with his provider and the other with his. The ladies can do what ever they want as they always do.

Has anyone done this? Dual sessions in the same room, I bet it is hot and plus you get a prevue of the other lady.

I've done it. I honestly found it slightly distracting. In the session I'm speaking of, the gentleman I was with very much needed kindness, affection and me to be genuinely present. One bed over a lovely lady was going full PSE (which is what her partner wanted). I had to tune out the other occupants in the room to give him want he really needed.

It's not like going to a swingers club where no matter where you look all the couplings seem to have a similar energy. Part of the fun is unexpectedly catching the eye of someone while you both get busy and share a smile.

With the right mix of people being each other voyeurs could be extremely intense. You really just have to make you and other male are both looking for a raunchy experience vesus an intimate one.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Thank you Sa Angle for sharing. Yes I agree it has to have the right mix. I think the more PSE and ronchy the better this would be, kind of like two buddy's gettin there brains fucked out by two hotties, side by side BBBJ and Daty, side by side doggy and so on, but no mixed interaction, hot!

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I like a little live porn, but not necessarily orgys or while I'm trying to focus on my partner, and I could go the rest of my life and not watch fake sex in porn with the cheesy acting......LOL It doesn't bother me if a guy wants to have it going during sex, but I, like SA did, just find some things distracting. I'm a passionate woman who loves sex and I don't need bells and whistles, but rather just a willing MAN to get me going and keep me going. I'm great at multi tasking, but prefer to focus on ONE sense at a time when sharing time with a man.

Men are often like kids in a candy store. It's so hard to make the decision on which piece they want for themselves. They walk up and down the aisles, picking one up to give it a once over and then putting it back, and continuing this practice until they walk back and forth between their final favorite picks, still continuing to doing this. Finally they pick one out, having made the tough decision and in hopes of it actually being a tasty morsel, but I'll be darned if some men don't always have it in the back of their mind, maybe they should fill their pockets with several kinds. Some even wanna dicker with counter clerk about 2 for one etc. And then there are those who just wanna gaze at another fella gobbling his precious candy up, and not only that, but wants to do so as eats his own candy.

There are very few men who know exactly what they want, go straight to the shelf that contains similar candies, picks his out, pays the clerk, and then actually sits down, slowly unwraps his tasty treat and truly enjoys every delicious yummy thing he can about that one piece of candy, savoring it and making it last for as long as it takes for him to become satisfied. For days to come, maybe weeks or months, he will delight in the memory of the time he had from the moment he chose the treat, until the moment it was over.

If I were a piece of candy, I'd be delighted when gentleman #2 chose me. I'd be thrilled to be the whole center of his world for the time he wishes me to. As that special piece of candy he made me feel I was, I'd have no desire to ever have the first kinda gent give me a second glance. I'm not really sure if many women truly would. But hey, I may be in the minority.

However ya go candy shopping, whether you are decisive, greedy, or even envious cause ya make bad candy choices, get yourself to the candy store boys.....it's always open for business.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
MaxiM, thank you. For me this would be about experience's. The hobby allows one to try things that they fantasize about. I have done just about everything I can think of, sleep overs, slumber parties with 4 ladies, three ladies, doubles and many multi hour GFE, and PSE, MFMF and a lot more other fun things. So just was asking if anyone has done the dual session thing, yes I do like candy and all flavors as my pallet is very diverse.


MaxiMilyen's Avatar
MaxiM, thank you. For me this would be about experience's. The hobby allows one to try things that they fantasize about. I have done just about everything I can think of, sleep overs, slumber parties with 4 ladies, three ladies, doubles and many multi hour GFE, and PSE, MFMF and a lot more other fun things. So just was asking if anyone has done the dual session thing, yes I do like candy and all flavors as my pallet is very diverse.


IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
Hey babe.....I totally understand "experiences" and desiring to have them. I've had my share and still have certain experiences I wish to partake of. I certainly wouldn't begrudge anyone experiencing what their desired experience is!!! I didn't mean to sound "snarky" or be offensive, so much as make a silly analogy concerning my overall observations about men's desires and being a RW woman, or even a painted lady, on the side of men's desires.

It's kinda cute to watch men fumble around in a candy store at times. And, it can also be exasperating. Again, and seriously...... no offense meant.