Shower sex, hot tub sex...

This is a first, I'm not drunk ...and still on here. Ouch, what does that say ...I must be bored and restless.

Wellll, there is something to be said for a soapy cock. And all the curly hairs above it, lathered in soap...

There is something to be said about being stroked in the shower. Being taken in someone's mouth

Sliding ...feel of fullness while water melts around you

Goes down your face

Maybe the steam will be on

And you can barely breathe

And see

But you can feel

There's something about floating in a hot tub and all the different positions you can swim into while gazing up at the night sky count the stars

Something about water that makes you get carried away

Makes anything possible

Melts your resistance

And you can scream the loudest you can here

No one can hear you

It's almost like a cage

And we can be inside
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I love pool sex, hot tub sex, and yes shower sex. But I don't get to do that often here. Back in my playing in the civil world times I was an add on to a couple I became friends with. They would teas me by going into the shower and thy would fuck. It was loud and very sexy to hear, then they would come out and it was my turn to go and enjoy the lady. Those where fun times, to be young again.

I don't do shower or hot tub sex for safety reasons